"The Last Five Years" & "Hedwig" Jitters

I've seen a lot of theater since moving to NYC in January 1999 (wow. so long ago!) and four have stuck with me and become my informal holy trinity quadrilogy of modern showtunery: The Light in the Piazza (Adam Guettel), The Wild Party (John LaChiusa), Hedwig and the Angry Inch (John Cameron Mitchell & Stephen Trask) and the one I've listened to the most and feel the most proprietary about: The Last Five Years (Jason Robert Brown).
For reasons which mostly have to do with equal parts scheduling problems, lethargy, and a case of "what if the lightning is no longer in the bottle?" worry, I did not see the recent revival of the latter. But my trip to The Last Five Years's original run with Norbert Leo Butz (brilliant) and Sherie René Scott (always a treat) is one of the definining theatergoing moments of my life. I loved everything about the musical in which you watch a 20something couple's troubled relationship told backwards (Hers) and forwards (His) in time as they both monologue/sing to the audience. They only ever sing together once when the stories meet in the middle.
When news broke that it was going to become a movie I wondered how they'd possibly get around the two character theatrical conceit but they've announced that for the film version they'll be singing to each other and the songs will be adjusted to accomodate this major change. My greatest worry is the casting since total two-handers require both hands to work.
Two time Tony winner Norbert Leo Butz originated the role. Tony nominee Jeremy Jordan (pictured in Bonnie & Clyde on stage) will reinterpret it for the screen
Though noone is likely to replace Sherie René Scott in my heart Anna Kendrick is very talented, has good comic timing, and sings well, so I'm not worried about "Cathy". What worries me is "Jamie". Jeremy Jordan (from the late Smash) gets the tricky husband part. Jamie is super cocky, super talented, super charming, and secretive. All four of those traits ostensibly defined Jeremy's role on Smash but he was terrible at playing the "charming" part and just came across as a complete asshole whose career was handed to him on a silver platter but he just had to be all bratty about it anyway. In order for this musical dramedy to succeed he'll have to give the performance of his life and remember not to push the cocky assholism (it apparently comes naturally!) and work very hard on the charming part, the part that might draw a woman to him in an initially loving and supportive relationship.
I did not see Jeremy Jordan onstage in Newsies (did you?) so perhaps he was charming in that but when I saw him in Bonnie & Clyde The Musical he had the same problem... the "run away with me" charm necessary for any successful take on Clyde Barrow was mostly absent and he just seemed angry. Maybe it's an age problem (Jordan is 28) but he's so bratty for lack of a better word. I hope to be converted since I love this musical so much it's like a part of me, but I am, as of yet, not a fan. If you are please talk me into reconsidering in the comments!
While I wait I will just stare at this NSFW photo (after the jump) to try to generate warm feelings for Mr Jordan...
i dont normally drink wine coolers but...
Back on topic now for a stubby appendage addendum.
Hedwig and the Angry Inch, which I saw twice on stage RIGHT when I moved to New York, did already become a movie -- and a brilliant one. An essential part of its success was that its leading man and creative force John Cameron Mitchell came with it, headlining and helming. It's role in showbiz culture feels complete to me but I guess it's not for Mitchell. I'd prefer he dive wholeheartedly into constant moviemaking (all three of his films are keepers and beautifully diverse experiences, too) instead of return to well deserved past triumphs but I am not the boss of him.
Earlier this week they announced that Hedwig would be returning to the stage with everyone's favorite awards show host Neil Patrick Harris in the role. Hedwig starts life as Hansel, a slip of a girly boy who has a botched sex-change operation to please an American soldier who desserts him once they're in the States. Hedwig pursues rock n roll. Hedwig is an utterly sublime role and a gift to any actor (or actress -- Ally Sheedy has also played him!) and Harris is a natural entertainer so I'm sure the property will gain a whole new legion of fans (but why wait? RENT THAT MOVIE). But there's a tiny part of me that wonders if Harris can manage the messy electricity that Mitchell had. See, Harris is an A+ consummate entertainer but he's such a Professional and Hedwig is closer to DIY garage band than state of the art studio session in its temperament, if you know what I mean. I'm glad to see NPH push himself though. I've only seen him once on stage in Stephen Sondheim's Assassins and he was fan-tas-tic.
We shall see how he fares as Hedwig but I imagine tickets will dissappear faster than a bag of Gummi Baerchen near Hansel.
Are you excited for these two returning musicals for the big screen and stage?
Reader Comments (15)
I saw Jeremy Jordan in Newsies and he was charming enough. Maybe not as charming as Jamie should be (John Gallagher Jr. still is my number 1 choice), but he didn't come across as bratty to me. I have high hopes for this movie and can't wait to see Anna Kendrick as Cathy.
Sweet. Merciful. Zeus. That picture.
I saw Newsies with Jeremy Jordan, and he just seemed so... hard. He was all force, all muscle - no grace or lightness at all. I agree with Jim - John Gallagher, Jr. would have been a far better choice for Jamie. Even his Spring Awakening co-star, Jonathan Groff (who I am not as crazy about as seemingly everyone else on the planet) would have been better than Jordan.
I am only slightly concerned about Alpha Gay #1 as Hedwig, for the exact same reason you mention. That part is SO tied to John Cameron Mitchell that it would be a huge challenge for any actor, but NPH's charm is mostly driven by showbiz polish, which is pretty much the antithesis of Hedwig (both the character and the show). However, for some reason I have very little doubt in my mind that he's gonna give a completely balls-to-the-wall, go-for-broke performance for this. Something about it just feels right.
I'll have to wait for critical and/or audience response before I get excited about "The Last Five Years" because neither actor tied to the film does anything for me -- although I have nothing against Kendrick, whereas Jordan's work in "Smash" left a bad taste in my mouth. This adaptation is going to be a tricky endeavor, especially considering that most of the impact of the stage show is derived from the characters' solo journeys, making their meet in the middle even that much more significant. I'm interested to see how, if at all, sharing the screen will change the dynamics.
Sidebar: I still wish that "Up in the Air" would have been produced a decade earlier so that Reese Witherspoon could have knocked Kendrick's role out of the park.
I feel the EXACT same way. I feel that Jordan is too pretty. I find what he does at the end of the show inevitable with him in the role.
I still think Joseph Gordon Levitt should have been Jamie. Adorable, but I can guarantee that his Jamie's betrayal would be a LOT more complex and heartbreaking.
Well I saw Jeremy Jordan in that woebegone Dolly Parton/Queen Latifah movie and he was...forgettable. I think he was playing a nice-ish guy, not really charming, and if he can't be an asshole maybe he doesn't have any personality at all? His work on Smash was pretty bad though. You can take a harshly written character like Megan Hilty's and overcome it with sheer charisma. JJ doesn't really have a lot of charisma to my eyes. He's wicked handsome and what a jawline but really is that enough?
And Anna may be a good actress but very few people can sing with the beautiful clarity of Sherie Rene Scott. She completely saved Dirty Rotten Scoundrels while on the road in San Diego. It was going nowhere without her.
I'm in for both. Seeing Kendrick and NPH sing/perform will go a long way for any (tiny) apprehensions I may have about either project. I can't wait!
That photo might have made up for Jeremy Jordan's godawful run on "Smash." #OMG! Might need to um, revisit that one later.
Something tells me NPH is going to be an incredible Hedwig. Totally different energy than JCM, but worth seeing all the same. Not that I'll ever see it, but there's always YouTube and the Tonys.
I've only seen Jeremy Jordan on Smash. At the first episode, I thought he was a nice looking guy with a good voice. After a few episodes, I was convinced he was physically repulsive and I no longer wanted to listen to him sing. Kind of unfair, but yes, he should have added some charm, intelligence, and empathy to keep the viewer from writing him off.
It's like this movie duet is what the second Smash show runner had planned for Season 3. A musical movie with the romantic duo of Jordan and Katherine McPhee. I bet McPhee would have turned this role down, though, as she knows there is no way that Jordan can carry off being a viable romantic partner. I'm starting to reconsider McPhee as a dogged workhorse who keeps working and gets better, until one day, to our surprise, she's actually really good.
As for Hedwig, I think maybe it's good for a really interesting show to have different versions. Even if the first one is the classic, it can get lost if it isn't revived, and that would be a pity.
Joey--YES, JGL would have been awesome. He is awesome in everything. Watched Brick again the other night. What a cool movie.
I hated his role in Smash, but hoping that Jordan will show us a new side. Huge fan of Kendrick and Harris, so excited for them. Another trip south is definitely in the cards in 2014 for "Hedwig" if I'm lucky enough to get tickets.
Hedwig is probably my favorite movie and I have never seen the show onstage, so you know I'll be there for this new production. I do wonder if NPH is the right choice, but the guy does seem to be able to do whatever he sets his mind to, so I'll be optimistic.
I'll stand up for Jeremy Jordan. I found him immensely charismatic in Newsies.
Also, the revival of TLFY was quite good-- Adam Kantor was quite charming/sleezy and Betsy Wolfe was adorable and hilarious (I've watched some of Sherie's version on YouTube and actually think Wolfe's translated better on stage).
And Nathaniel- you must see NPH's turn in "Company." I had seen the Raul Esparza version and didn't get what the big deal was until I saw NPH in it.
adri -- agreed. they say great stage works are able to withstand multiple interpretations and still be great so let's hope that's true of Hedwig!
Why does everyone have to be so negative? I loved Jeremy Jordan on SMASH! His character was supposed to be an asshole and I think that the show needed that darkness in it & it actually made me like it more than the first season. I think he has an amazing voice and will do great! If you watch some of the YouTube videos of him singing, songs that are not from his shows, he has charm. I just don't think he's been given a real chance to show it off yet. Anyways, I'll crawl down off my soap box now.