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A Link Odyssey

The Flick Filosopher "my back let me show you it" on the faceless objectification of women in movie posters
Pacific Standard investigates what's going on with all those shlocky monster movies on Netflix Instant Watch. One studio is just churning them out by the dozen!
Splash Page Andrew Garfield wonders why we can't have a gay Spider-Man 

Vulture does some mathematical analysis from 1989-to-Now and, nope, Hollywood just doesn't make movies about women anymore
Deep Dish (site is NSFW) picks the best (& worst) of the season. A lot of Nashville, American Horror Story, and Downton Abbey but Don & Betty win "best sex" for Mad Men. I concur.
Hollywood in this week's Truly Tasteless News, they are already planning a movie about the Boston Marathon Bombing. It might be well-written -- the guys from The Fighter are onboard -- but still... a little time to heal people. 

Finally, Jose from Movies Kick Ass never cared much for Stanley Kubrick while still respecting him (he and I are similar that way) but Jose was finally converted to 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) by way of this week's big screen viewing at BAM in Brooklyn as part of their Big Screen Epics series. And how!

Coincidentally I was also there and the size of the screen, the beauty of the theater (thanks BAM) and the immersion of the sound also made me a new and real convert. It was as if I'd never seen the film before. Suddenly so many movies... so many movies seem like they owe their best moments and even their existence to it. (Hi, Tree of Life!) I suddenly need to reevaluate every Kubrick on the big screen. In fact, the only film of his I've seen in the size it deserves is Eyes Wide Shut (1999)... though in that case, size didn't matter. I was unmoved. 

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Reader Comments (6)

Yes, Vulture article is depressing when it comes to actresses and the summer season. But not one mention of Streep!!???? The Devil Wears Prada? ( which opened against Superman Returns) Mamma Mia ( worldwide hit that opened against The Dark Knight) Julie and Julia? Come on.... No mention of a woman in her sixties pulling off these feats in the summer season??!! I don't know about that...

Oh well, I think after Hope Springs she has moved on to the December slots...

July 12, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJamie

If Eyes Wide Shut is the only Kubrick you'd seen on a big screen, Nathaniel. no wonder you were merely respectful. I actually hate that movie. Next time there's a retrospective with any of the other nine (even Barry Lyndon, which is not my favorite, but even that could change with a re-watch), run don't walk!

July 12, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterPaul Outlaw

Uhh, you guys do notice that the graphs in that Vulture article show increases pretty much across the board except for this year right? I do agree that major Hollywood films don't have enough leading roles for women (or for that matter minorities, but that's an argument for another day) but the data seems to be showing an increasing trend.

July 12, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMDA

If any move was made for the BIG SCREEN it's " 2001 " - Kubrick knew how to use space. The films hypnotic beauty does not work on video- no matter how large the home screen.

July 12, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJaragon

Right! Now I wanna see every classic movie on the big screen. This was actually my first Kubricj on the big screen ever, I remember trying to sneak into "Eyes Wide Shut" when I was 13 and being sent away. I asked my older cousin to go see it and tell me everything about it, when I finally saw it on DVD the following year I was in love. Nic sure is underrated in that one. Also stoked about Lawrence which I couldn't go to tonight - another one I don't love as much as I feel I should.

Thanks for sharing my post :-)

July 13, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJose

MDA -- when i say "anymore" i mean it in the larger sense. cuz obviously old movies had a much more reasonable balance.

July 13, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterNathaniel R
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