The Best Tweets About Ben Affleck As Superman

Last night on Twitter when the news broke that Ben Affleck was cast as Batman for the inevitable Batman vs. Superman movie, Ben Affleck and the internet reenacted that scene from The Dark Knight Rises where Batman "dies" in a nuclear explosion over Gotham. Here were my favorite tweets from that "event"...
Have we learned nothing from 'Daredevil?'
— Ashley Reynolds (@Ashley_Reynolds) August 23, 2013
You guys, I'm really worried Affleck isn't up to acting challenge of the 2 or 3 scene where Batman isn't entirely CGI.
— Michael Cusumano (@SeriousFilm) August 23, 2013
I swear I can hear Matt Damon giggling wherever he is.
— Josh Horowitz (@joshuahorowitz) August 23, 2013
The person most disappointed by the Ben Affleck news is Matt Damon, as he is now legally required to play Robin.
— James Martin (@Pundamentalism) August 23, 2013
Lee Daniels' Batman vs. Superman (a.k.a. Mo'Nique vs. Oprah with Lenny Kravitz as Alfred the Butler)
— itsonlyzach (@itsonlyzach) August 23, 2013
Hey, remember when Affleck was Superman?
— Mike Ryan (@mikeryan) August 23, 2013
Batman fuck yourself?!?
— Andreas (@astoehr) August 23, 2013
In the Ben Affleck version, Batman's parents kill themselves.
— Chase Mitchell (@ChaseMit) August 23, 2013
On a more serious note, I don't get why they need a Star when Batman is the draw. Superman movies understand this and this is a Superman movie (sort of... being the Man of Steel sequel that's become a Batman vs. Superman thing in the latest example of Hollywood's fandering.) It's just setting fire to your production budget is all. It buys you one day of notoriety on the internet for heaps of millions but ticket sales will be there regardless.
And, finally, the perfect rude 'hair of the dog' cure this morning to get this out of your system once and for all...
Not even Jennifer Garner sucks Ben Affleck's dick as much as the internet did just 6 months ago.
— Maxwell H. (@cinemaxwell) August 23, 2013
Not even Jennifer Garner fucks Ben Affleck as hard as the internet has over the last 10 hours.
— Maxwell H. (@cinemaxwell) August 23, 2013
p.s. why aren't you following me on twitter? do it!
p.p.s. and while we're social media'ing - like us on facebook
Reader Comments (16)
This reeks of somebody who desperately still wants to be a leading man. One problem: The only prestige projects where Ben Affleck is cast as lead is when Ben Affleck is in the Director's chair. A lot of people let that slide in The Town because, whatever, it is a Boston-based movie and for all its faults as a script it was skillfully directed. Then he played a Latino with a ridiculous haircut and a bizarre 'serious man' affectation but whatever criticisms he got in acting (apparently not enough, he somehow got a BAFTA nod for that role) were backlogged when he got overpraised for his direction and then of course, 'the snub' that dominated the awards season. I only wished this happened during the thick of awards season so people would not be falling all over themselves giving him awards like he is the second-coming of Alan J. Pakula. Would've saved people from so much embarrassment.
All that said, I wish he was coming on as a director. Wasn't he rumored to be on the short-list for Star Wars Episode VII and Justice League?
I cannot wait for Christian Bale going down the press junket line for American Hustle being asked what he thinks about this or why he supposedly walked away from $60 million.
Oh my, when did people forget Affleck's acting career previous to Argo? So, with Cavill as Superman it's going to be the battle of the jaws, the one with the most squared jaw is the winner? I wouldn't be surprised if that was the reason to cast Affleck, his jaw, which is the most prominent part of Batman's face anyway. can we have at least James Wolk as Robin? ;)
iggy -- only if James Wolk places both hands on Batman's knees suggestively or sets up his Latin friend to assist Alfred in his dotage.
"Wasn't he rumored to be on the short-list for Star Wars Episode VII and Justice League?"
I do wonder whether or not he's still in play to direct Justice League and perhaps giving him a starring role was one of the conditions or something and this is just testing the waters or whatever.
In any case, I don't think ANY actor would've met the Internet's approval so seeing all the reactions from last night was just amusing to me.
ticket sales will be "their"?
Ryan - it's true no actor cast as superheroes meets unanymous approval and frankly this is nothing compared to when Michael Keaton got the part. haha. That was seriously insane... but before the internet so i can't imagine how crazy it would have been WITH the internet.
I keep thinking someone will scream "August Fool!"
NATHANIEL - Ha, Manolo!! I'd really pay to see that superhero movie. They did it with James Bond and Bardem, so why not?
But seriously, wouldn't Matt Bomer have been a much better choice? He was considered for Superman, right? And Cavill and him not only have simlar jawlines, they even look alike. And if Magic Mike taught us something is that he can fill any type of costume.
I think they were aiming for an older Batman. I believe the Josh Brolin rumors were somewhat true. Guys like Wolk and Bomer are very boyish in their good looks. With all that said, Ryan Gosling was also supposedly on the short-list and frankly his tough guy acts bring out the worst in him and he still reads young-ish. At least Affleck has the height, built, and square-jaw.
I frankly wanted Jon Hamm as older Batman.
I had *the weirdest* dream about Ben Affleck as Batman last night. Joseph Gordon Levitt was in it as a very colorful Robin in bright yellow chaps, and Ben Affleck ran around in a leather jacket and a rubber mask.
That's what I get for reading entertainment news before bed, I suppose.
Nathaniel -- I actually like Michael Keaton as Batman. It was different, sure, but I got where Tim Burton and Michael Keaton were going with the character.
CMG- Jon Hamm would have been perfect as the older Batman! Well, I'm sure there's a reboot six years from now.
I would see the SHIT out of that Lee Daniels movie. But what would Mariah Carey and John Cusack play?
Look: Warner Bros is clearly TRYING to keep the momentum going, getting the small (and untalented and, sadly, shrinking) pool of creative talent they have making films. But, seriously: I almost want them to suddenly announce they're pulling the plug when they realize it's only Greg Berlanti's crew who wants to make The Flash.
eurocheese -- Comissioner Gordon and Catwoman respectively
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