10 Years Ago Right Now. Remember This Kiss?

10th Anniversary Special! Ten years ago on this very night the VMAs were happening and Madonna was doing her thing (her thing being Performing / Button-Pushing) and this happened...
Britney Spears in a Like a Virgin gown and Madonna laying one on her. Christina Aguilera was also lip-smacked but no one ever talked about that... like Christina was the spin the bottle participant nobody in the room wanted the bottle to point to or something, poor thing.
In Britney & Madonna's honor I thought about doing a top ten of girl-on-girl kisses from the movies but instead, pressed for time, I polled readers on facebook (like us!) and on twitter and in the wave of responses three things became clear. I'll share them after the jump along with my three favorite kisses.
- People ♥ girl-on-girl kisses
- A lot of the greatest girl-on-girl movie kisses are from the 90s. The 90s were so gay.
- TFE readers especially love these three: Sarah Michelle Gellar & Selma Blair's liplock in Cruel Intentions (I've actually never seen that movie! gulp), Mila & Natalie in Black Swan, and virtually any kiss from The Hours be it Julianne on Toni, Nicole on Miranda, Meryl & Allison. Who cares which? Any tortured sapphic snogging will do!
03. Henry and June (1990)
I've done the vilest things - the foulest things. But I've done them superbly."
02. Mulholland Drive (2001)
-Have you ever done this before?"
-I don't know."
01. Bound (1996)
The Wachowski Siblings first film, a drama about a mafia moll and the girl mechanic she takes up with is a total wet panties triumph. Gina Gershon makes good great on her Showgirls ascension as the Queen of Shameless Sapphic Silver Screen Seduction. Jennifer Tilly is even better in the movie, sensational really. It's the only thing she ever did that rivalled her genius comic star turn in Bullets Over Broadway (1994). The world can have The Matrix, because to me Bound still stands as the best movie the Wachowski Siblings ever made. And the first kiss / sex scene is the hottest thing filmed in the 90s without stuntmen in asbestos suits.
You planned this whole thing, didn't you?
People don't talk about Bound enough! So I'm just doing my small part.
Other movies that were name-checked on facebook and twitter were Morocco, The Incredibly True Adventures of Two Girls in Love, Showgirls, Vicky Cristina Barcelona (the dark room scene. YUM), Girl Interrupted, But I'm a Cheerleader, The Color Purple, Wild Things, Thelma & Louise (god, I love that finale!) and The Hunger.
Would you care to add to the list or make your case for the best of the best? Pucker up in the comments.
Reader Comments (17)
I wouldn't feel too bad for Christina, I mean she IS the one with the Grammies.
Spears has one for some made up category.
You have never seen Cruel Intentions?! I may need to re-evaluate everything. Just everything.
Well, they cut to Justin's face after Madonna kissed Britney so no one really saw her kissing Xtina.
So glad to see your followers mentioned The Hunger (1983), Tony Scott's take on the vampire genre. C'mom, you can't get any hotter than Catherine Deneuve and Susan Sarandon at the peak of their beauty sharing a bed together. That alone is worth the price of admission.
You have no excuse judging anyone for their lack of willfully taking chances on art you deem significant when you can't even make the effort to watch CRUEL INTENTIONS at least once. Shame on you, shame.
of course there's going to be a boy on boy version, isn't there...?
Cruel Intentions is a MUST. It's so 90s! I mean, it's not a patch on Bound, but then, what is?
Love the ones you mentioned, but whenever I think of girl-on-girl action, my mind always goes straight to Wild Things. One of my guiltiest pleasures.
You *must* see Cruel Intentions, Nat, if only for the spectacle of Sarah Michelle, Ryan and Reese playing dress-up, and trying (and failing) to fill the very big shoes that Glenn, John and Michelle fashioned in Dangerous Liaisons. Poor things, indeed.
And reading, "like Christina was the spin the bottle participant nobody in the room wanted the bottle to point to or something, poor thing," I just couldn't help but think of Nicole Kidman at this year's Oscars mouthing the words to that poor chap who got cued off the stage to theme of Jaws. How funny would *that* have been as a Nic-Xtina mash-up? OK, maybe it's just me.
But anyway...no Nomi-Crystal (Showgirls) votes at all? Crystal even got a cowboy hat for that wet one.
Speaking of Showgirls, Elizabeth Berkley is going on Dancing With the Stars. The possibilities in dance themes....
Mareko -- i forgot it for reasons that are unfahtomable. but yes it did get votes.
For a mini second, Winona Ryder gives a peck to Angelina Jolie in Girl, Interrupted. One of my most paused movie moments if you ask me.
Bound! Criminally underseen, and for all the bullet time and all the weird face jewelry of the Wachowkis' later movies, I don't think anything they've done since that has made me gasp quite the way that the sight of all that money on clotheswires did. Such an imaginative movie. Plus, hello hot!
And you know it's funny, outside of the movies name-checked on this list, I have a really hard time thinking of great lesbian scenes. For all the times sapphism get tossed in as a "hot" subplot or aside, filmmakers don't actually seem to do gay ladies all that well. Gay men? Totally different story. Count me in for @par3182's suggestion of a boy-on-boy version of this list.
OMG, you NEED to see Cruel Intentions and write about it. It is delicious! And really beautiful too for what I assume was a tight budget.
My favorite moment in Bound.
GG--"I drive a truck."
JT--"Of course."
imma stop reading this blog if u don't watch cruel intentions
For a mini second, Winona Ryder gives a peck to Angelina Jolie in Girl, Interrupted. One of my most paused movie moments if you ask me.