What's the Most Embarrassing Thing You've Watched Recently?

You're only as sick as your secrets! I'll start...
I confess: I don't quite know how it happened -- maybe someone linked up purchasable mermaid tails on their facebook and one thing led to another? if so I blame them -- but somehow I watched 7 episodes of the Australian kids show Mako Mermaids this week. The acting is terrible (except for an baby Emma Stone type who is pretty good at physical comedy) and one thing happens every episode. ONE THING. Is that how kids shows are, plotwise?
YOUR TURN. What have you been watching that filled you with guilt? I mean you could've caught up on a classic or three you missed with those hours!
Reader Comments (42)
I confessed to a co-worker the other day that I used to watch Hannah Montana and Zack and Cody when they aired on Saturday mornings on ABC in the NY market...you know what, those shows had such a goofy simple charm that you just couldn't pull yourself away..and the actors seemed to be having such a great time that it was infectious.
Not feeling guilty about anything right now, but you better believe I will be watching "Girl Meets World" when it airs. I don't care if it's a kiddy Disney Channel show. Cory and Topanga forever!
The Vow. There are many scenes in which you can tell that Rachel McAdams is blushing of pure embarrassment before saying one of her lines. Plus Channing wears this stupid little hat for a while and Jessica Lange passes by.
I recently watched on DVD the 80s BBC Narnia series. I saw them in a local DVD store and the price was reasonable so I bought it. The series consist of The Lion The Witch & The Wardrobe, Price Caspian + Voyage of Dawn Treader, and The Silver Chair. Gotta say, it's awful when you watch it today. The acting is bad, the set is terrible, the special effects are laughable (ok, so that might sound cruel since it was the 80s and it was a tv production, we can't measure it using today's big budget movie standard, but still... it was really bad. Aslan looks fake owl and beaver are played by human...) and the music is non-magical. Let's just say that it makes me appreciate the Disney movie version even more. But the series have the kind of nostalgic feeling that keep me hooked on it, so I've finished watching all of them.
"Who's That Girl". Terrible movie but god does Madonna play goofball well.
Marathons of America's Next Top Model on Style Network.
God love Tyra Banks for taking that job way too seriously.
Sharkboy and Lavagirl. The things I do to avoid studying for exams.
I only watch the most essential cinema, the masters, the classics, the celluloid dreams where the light sparkles and truth - essential truth, deep as marrow - is whispered and screamed and wept by angels. That, and Yu-Gi-Oh.
The Awakening from 1980 with Susannah York in Bob Down wig.
TV must be the mother of all guiltiness. I'm addicted to Storage Wars, a stupid show where a group of people bid for storage units without knowing (mostly) what''s inside. They manage to always find something worth the price, they're so clever ;)
I also watch, from time to time I don't follow every episode, Scandal. It's so bad, it makes you wonder why it exists, but Kerry Washington is just magnetic. You just can't take your eyes off her.
Sometimes I get in a mood that only 90210 can satisfy. And not even the original. The awful reboot on CW. I really need to reexamine the priorities in my life.
My Own Love Song a.k.a. the final nail in the coffin of Renée Zellweger's career. I wanted to know if it could possibly be as terrible as the trailer suggested... and it was. It needs to be said, though, that as bad as Renée is in this movie, Forest Whitaker is WAY worse, as is Olivier Dahan's direction. I'm curious as to whether Nicole Kidman knew about the existence of this thing before she agreed to work with Dahan on Grace of Monaco.
I try really hard to read reviews and avoid crap, just because my time is valuable and I've only got so much of it to devote to reading, magazines, the Internet, writing, TV, movies, etc. (Thank heavens I don't play video games.) So the worst thing we've probably seen in our house recently--aside from our weekly date with "The Soup" which serves up the worst TV has to offer in 20-minute bites--was probably that "Beach Party Movie" on Disney. It was insipid and the "plot" was ridiculous (and the two villains' subplot was even more painful), but the music was bouncy and enjoyable, and there were certainly some attractive actors in the cast. So I'd classify it as a guilty pleasure.
It was "Sharknado". I am sorry.
Days of our Lives. I dvr it so I can skip through the story lines I don't care for.
Really thought a lot of people would be saying last week's VMAs. I only checked out the pre-show (why????) and Justin Timberlake's performance but I still felt guility (and not even in a guilty pleasure kind of way).
My real answer is probably all of the reality shows I watch over the summer namely American Ninja Warrior, Project Runway, and Master Chef. But I don't really feel guilty. They're fun.
"Shark Night 3D"
LOL at JA!
Peggy Sue, the most egregious and unforgivable of all the myriad sins perpetrated by that celluloid abortion known as The Vow is that it wastes the peerless talent of our Jessica. Any movie that gives Rachel McAdams 80 times more screen time than Ms. Lange is seriously in need of a head check.
Nathan, who is that yummylicious merman! If this is what guilty television looks like, bring on the popcorn...and drool bucket.
I recently watched The Devil Within Her, because sometimes you just need a cheesy 70s Exorcist ripoff. Starring a just-happy-to-be-working Joan Collins, the movie has its moments, despite itself. That's the best you can hope for, when you're watching something directed by Peter Sasdy, who went on to seal his cinematic legacy with The Lonely Lady.
America's Next Top Model Cycle 20. Team Phil.
Last night, that beautiful example of early social criticism in cinema, "I Was A Fugitive From A Chain Gang," was on TCM. I watched My Little Pony.
I watched Inside Deep Throat the other day. I felt dirty.
Stitch - right? That Phil. Yum.
Stitch and DJDeeJay, I am also Team Phil! And Nate, my answer is also ANTM Cycle 20. Guys vs. Girls. I'm unashamedly actively looking forward to tonight's episode.
I'll watch "Melissa & Joey" episodes on ABC Family, just to watch Joey Lawrence walk across my screen. (He's still hot in my book.)
I watched Rapture Palooza. Not the greatest. Anna Kendrick has such a great sarcastic humor and comedic timing, she just needs some better material.
The Wedding, great stars in a boring movie, shame on me and shame on them!!
Similarly to you Nathaniel, I watched an Australian movie from the '80s called The Pirate Movie. It was so bad it was nominated for Razzie's and I didn't even make it all the way through. :/
catherine -- if you're unashamedly looking forward to it than it doesn't qualify for this shame-based question ;)
hahaha, I just saw a few episodes of mako mermaids as well, what can I say - a really bad cold, hours in bed alone and netflix on my ipad :)
It happened this morning. I was doing some random search on IMDB; one thing lead to another, and I stumbled upon web soap series called DeVanity. I watched the first three seasons of this dreck. It covers all the timeless soap cliches despite the brevity of episodes.
ABC Family's Lovestruck: The Musical, which opens with Jane Seymour singing Gaga and ends with the entire ensemble doing Everlasting Love, which is my favorite song of all time and I didn't know if I felt betrayed or bowled over by its earnest lameness. I don't know. I just don't know. My co-worker's husband is in it, though, so that's cool.
Ryan T.: You watched the pre-show because you still care about rock?
The Purge
Morgan, this godawful gay indie on Netflix. Make sure you have your gay romance checklist at hand--you'll need it!
**gay romance cliche checklist!
The Apple. Terrible movie and I enjoy terrible, brainless, drug-influenced 70s/80s musicals.
catherine, stitch and djday... i had forgotten that show existed but now i wanna what you guys are talking about. grrr. dont suck me back in to bad reality tv!
Ghost. It's so-o-o bad but my dad *loves* it (his favorite movie!) so I prefer to consider that lapse in good taste a loving homage.
ANTM 20! Team Phil, of course!
"Under The Dome," a stupid weekly miniseries on CBS. It has just enough plot to keep me going.
Team Phil? Oh come on. He's a hot guy, nothing more. Team Marvin all the way. That face is freaky compelling.
And yes, I watched Teen Beach Movie too! My man is Vietnamese and can struggle with dialogue sometimes. There was no problem with this thing as the dialogue only made it worse. Wait, let's see, you watched a bad beach movie once and then got sucked into a giant wave and somehow ended up in the bad old beach movie but you knew you were in it and could change events in the bad movie you were living through and had to somehow get back on to a surfboard to catch a killer wave to get back to 2013? Ouch. Let's just dance instead! Shoutouts to Marko and Kent from SYTYCD.
Bear City.
Gay cinema can be pretty bad. I thought this had its moments. Also, bears! RAWR! Love 'em.