Panel Culture: The Winter Soldier

I had the pleasure of returning as guest on the Panel Culture podcast. It's a weekly comics podcast but they do movie episodes every once in a while and this one is on Captain America: The Winter Soldier. If you've read my review you might feel I'm repeating myself but it bears repeating. It's a fine movie and we discuss why.
Towards the end of the podcast, Charles mentions that he thinks the blockbuster is helping Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. finally find its voice on TV. I've been hearing that a lot. It's true that the last two episodes have been newly energized, but two episodes is not much to go on. If the corporate mandated Marvel Universe show can sustain this new tension through the end of the season maybe Season 2 will actually be worth watching and not something you tune in to out of habit and because you're tired after a long day at work?
I also ask the guys which female superheroes they'd like to see get a solo picture. Because I am me, these guys know comics, and I couldn't help myself.
In case you missed the announcement, The Film Experience's own podcast returns this Sunday. That's my little Easter gift to you. It is risen
Reader Comments (4)
Hmm. I'm starting to feel like you're getting a payout for this movie. There have been so. many. posts. Even the Beauty vs. Beast edition that you did seemed like a sly plug. That and yet a consistent condemnation of superhero culture saturation. I appreciate that you celebrate one that you like, but I also feel that this should be your #1 movie of the year based on how often you talk about it. I have no interest in seeing it, so on the slower weeks I'm thinking: I've waited for "another Winter Soldier post?!" NOOOOOOOOOO.
LOL. payola? I wish. I could use some rent money. There have been about 4 posts about this movie since it came out. In that same time multiple posts on Bette Davis and Katharine Hepburn and more so I don't really understand the complaint.
also. it's april so the movie season is slow.
Or let's be more productive: What would you like to read about?
Yeah, as far as "female DC superheroes who didn't start out as kid sidekicks (I get it, we're never going to get Barbara Gordon or Dick Grayson on-screen starting out at their appropriate ages) or legacy characters of male heroes" (discounting Renee Montoya as The Question and Kate Spencer as Manhunter) there's ONE game in town left to try that's not Wonder Woman: Black Canary. (They've done Supergirl, which didn't work (and possibly caused her Crisis on Infinite Earths death), and they did what amounted to a Batman Returns remake in the Halle Berry Catwoman, which ALSO didn't work.) Why they haven't tried (and why fans keep begging for something so much more delicate and near impossible) considering the demand is baffling.
Or let's be more productive: What would you like to read about?
Let me write one guest column. You can edit and publish it without giving me the keys to the kingdom if that's what your reluctance is worried about.