'six links forward and five links back, I got -- I got an angry link'

Vulture Jeff Tetreault, the screenwriter of Bad Johnson, is a go-go boy by night. This is an amusing article
Defamer Lupita Nyong'o chosen to headline this year's People "50 Most Beautiful" issue. Yeah yeah. But can we hear about some new roles? Seriously? What is this insane wait. Why isn't she buried in offers?
Vanity Fair's Hollywood turns out that Naomi Watts Marily movie Blonde is back on... only now it will star Jessica Chastain. Basically every actress is rumored to or will play Marilyn Monroe at some point in her life
USA Today congratulations to Jodie Foster. The actress just married her girlfriend after a year of dating
Variety Cannes by the numbers with directors from 25 (Xavier Dolan) to 83 (Jean Luc-Godard) in two women in competition this year
THR oh jesus Christ. Hollywood can't leave any franchise alone. They're talking about reviving Flash Gordon now.
Playbill Opening night of the Hedwig revival on Broadway with Neil Patrick Harris
Towleroad Andy Towle was also there in the first row
Variety it's really happening. They're remaking Ben-Hur (1959) which won 11 Oscars. No film is safe! (That said, Ben-Hur was also a remake of a silent epic so...)
Mark Ruffalo is tweeting photos from the set of Avengers: The Age of Ultron
Coming Soon weird news: Meg Ryan will be the voice of future Greta Gerwig on How I Met Your Dad
Tonight's Watch
Screen Junkies gets really cheeky supercutting all the F words in The Wolf of Wall Street. But not those F words
Reader Comments (10)
Also Melanie Griffith will be the voice of future Brie Larson.
Apparently Lupita is in talks for Disney's live action The Jungle Book. Her first legit casting rumor (besides Star Wars) since winning the Oscar and it's for a cgi voice only performance?! What is wrong with hollywood??
Remaking Ben-Hur is evil. No other way to say it.
Lupita Nyong'o chosen to headline this year's People "50 Most Beautiful" issue. Yeah yeah. But can we hear about some new roles? Seriously? What is this insane wait. Why isn't she buried in offers?
Because institutionalized racism is not of the imagination of black intellectuals. I'm grateful the fashion industry has embraced Lu. That they are elevating her visibility on a global scale. No foreign financier can deny casting Lu when she is an international cover girl. Though foreigners can be just as bigoted as their American counterparts.
I think Lupita is being clever and taking her time instead of rushing to a project. She is building her brand and visibility as she just signed a major contract with Lancome etc. If the perception is that she is 'marketable', then she will be more valuable in the industry. The sad reality is , she is likely not getting the kind of offers a white actress in her position would be getting, and it will be better for her to take her time and land on a worthy project.
I'm so many people
I'm so many people
I'm so many people
haaaaay Jeff Tetreaul
/3rtful -- it was a rhetorical question but, yes. all of the above
Nathaniel -- Can we have conversation in this place? Blanchett says the world is round but if Hollywood actresses gathered for a private meeting to discuss sexism in the business--they would have to address the elephant in the room of a lack of willful opportunities for non-white female talent. Will Smith was the first choice for Neo, Denzel Washington was offered Michael Clayton before George Clooney--there is no reversal of this for black actresses. Matron Mama Morton was initially offered to Kathy Bates who chose About Schmidt instead, Fatal Beauty was written for Cher who turned it down to make Moonstruck, and Sharon Stone from The Flintstones movie was intended for Sharon Stone.
Channing Tatum must star in the remake of "Ben Hur" with special guest star Jared Leto as Jesus. I would love to see re-make of "Flash Gordon" with Channing Tatum of course!