Brad Pitt in "Fury"

A behind the scenes look at David Ayer's Fury, which takes place late in World War II and collects a bunch of strong actors (Michael Pena, Logan Lerman, Jon Bernthal, etcetera with Brad Pitt to lead them) for tank duty. Did I underestimate it on my Oscar charts? They're shooting on real film. Good on them.

Reader Comments (7)
You conveniently ignore Shia!
Um...the main character is called Wardaddy, so the aesthetic choices here, frankly, look BAD. It should be brighter, poppier and more cartoony than even Inglourious, building it's aesthetic style around the out there name of it's central character. Based on that NAME, it was never really going to be an Oscar prospect, but these aesthetic choices indicate, to my eyes, flat-out bad filmmaking.
I don't get why Brad Pitt would do *another* WWII-set ensemble film at this point in his career. Surely there are more interesting scripts and challenging projects he could tackle (unless, of course, this is all a Kate Winslet/The Reader-style maneuver to slam-dunk score that elusive Oscar). Hmm...
Michael Pena is SO underrated.
I think it is a spoiler for supporting actor, maybe screenplay, if anything.
Also, why would it need to be brighter and poppier? It's going for realism, not a cartoon. Weird criticisms. Brad already has his Oscar, unless he is going for an acting one this time around.
Ryan: WARDADDY. If they're going for grim and gritty realism, CHANGE THAT NAME.
It's honestly not a big deal haha. If you are going to let that dictate how you feel about an entire film, you might want to take a step back and think about that.