Linkenstein Monster

The Wire has a funny report on new Chris Martin / Gwyneth Paltrow rumors
i09 the greatest Bride of Frankenstein poster ever
/Film Andrew Stanton on the John Carter sequels that will never be
My New Plaid Pants suggests that we all rewatch Alexander because Oliver Stone's new cut vastly improves it
Guardian Sigourney Weaver will appear in all three Avatar sequels continuing her fruitful collaboration with James Cameron
CHUD on the Dumb and Dumber To poster
Guardian the trailer to the beautifully shot Lilting starring Ben Whishaw and one of the most handsome actors you've never heard of (I reviewed it at Sundance)
Antagony & Ecstasy one of our most loyal Best Shot supporters finally got around to Pocahontas!
The Dissolve sees a statue of Napoleon Dynamite
Vice's summer fiction issue features a short story about Lindsay Lohan by James Franco
Empire Josh Brolin will co-star with George Clooney in Hail Caesar! a new comedy for the Coen brothers about 1950s Hollywood about scandal coverups of the stars
/Film David Fincher and Rooney Mara may reunite for Red Sparrow, a spy thriller
Today's Watch
Though perhaps you saw it late last week (what? I can't be everywhere at once). Matt McGorry, the adorable confused soon-to-be father from Orange is the New Black "auditions" for Magic Mike 2
Reader Comments (4)
I live for the days when Tim Brayton talks animation.
Sad about the Fincher news though. I thought that was going to be an Aronofsky project? I just can't get on board with the Mara sisters. Don't understand the appeal AT ALL.
Um, a new cut of Alexander? FUCK OFF!!! I ain't seeing that crap. In fact, Oliver Stone sucks ass. He hasn't made a watchable film since Natural Born Killers.
The fourth edit of Alexander is the final cut version minus six minutes for pacing.
Love to see more of the amusing Mr McGorry...