A Great Big Weekend in Movie Theaters

What a delicious crop of movies to take us through the weekend! I'm tempted to just sit in the theater and play hooky from the blog till Monday. Two highly anticipated sequels in 22 Jump Street and How To Train Your Dragon 2 (the latter of which I've seen and loved) will surely crush the box office but there's a whole mess of movies worth seeing in arthouses right now, many of which we've already written up from festivals. If you're in the big cities here are just a handful of many choices.
I like this poster• Hellion (Sundance review) starring Aaron Paul as a grieving widower who's losing control of his sons. Juliette Lewis plays his sister-in-law
• Borgman The Netherland's Oscar submission last year
• Obvious Child (Sundance review) a romantic comedy that's getting a lot of attention due to its filthy mouth and abortion plotline
• The Rover (Cannes review) David Michôd's follow up to his outstanding debut Animal Kingdom is another crime drama. This one stars Guy Pearce again and Robert Pattinson.
• A Coffee in Berlin - this comedy was a huge hit in Germany. It used to be called Oh Boy!
• We Are the Best - a girl band 80s-set movie from the great Swedish director Lukas Moodyson (Together, Lilja 4ever). I've only heard wonderful things and I have to stop putting it off.
Are you going to the movies this weekend? I'm off to see Edge of Tomorrow right at this moment (I'm late I know) due solely to the surprise of those extremely positive reviews. The premise, at least as delivered in the trailer, held zero interest so if I hate it I'll have to seek vengeance on the nation's film critics somehow.

Reader Comments (10)
The X-Men flick tonight (finally) and the dragon flick tomorrow. And working on an experimental film shoot in the time before, between and after. Schizo weekend.
I can vouch for We Are the Best. I loved it!
@Mike in Canada
Has your screening of Brazil happened?
Just saw Malificent, plan on getting around to Edge of Tomorrow and The Fault in Our Stars, already saw How To Train Your Dragon 2 (really good!) and can't wait to see 22 Jump Street. I can also promise that Boyhood, coming later this summer, was fantastic. Incredibly strong movie summer so far (especially if Captain America counts - plus Neighbors was a great sit, and I may get around to Godzilla too). Plus, To Be Takei should be coming out soon - highly recommend that as well.
3rtful: yeah! I saw it on Sunday. So freaking good!
Cont'd- it reminded me a lot of Barton Fink/Raising Arizona era Coens, but with that British fussy bureaucracy going on.
I didn't care for Edge of Tomorrow's trailer. It was boring as hell. My friend dragged me to see the movie even though I was not interested at all. I have to say I was surprised how much I loved the movie. One of the best movies of the year! Tom and Emily were amazing in the movie. I also loved that they let Emily be the mentor. She kicked some serious butt!!
It's sad to see the movie is bombing at the box office in the US. It does not deserve this!
I am going to see Alone Yet Not Alone tonight, and cannot wait to see what the opening night audience is going to be for Alone Yet Not Alone.
I saw Dragon 2 last night with my BF as part of a How to Train Your Dragon double feature thing at the local Loews theater. We had a blast. I'd say part 2 is every bit as good as part 1, maybe a bit better because of its maturity and depth of feeling. Plus, the animation is flat out GORGEOUS.
It is a great time to be a moviegoer, as long as you have access to art house theaters and a solid on demand service. I haven't yet found time to see The Immigrants, Ida or Edge of Tomorrow, but will try to do so in the next week. And then there's everything coming out this weekend. Yay movies!
Going to see obvious child this weekend, saw the fault in our stars last weekend