Pitch Perfect 2 is Almost Done Shooting!

Anna Kendrick posted this last night, with this note:
All these bitches wrap tomorrow and leave me behind...... I totally H💖TE them.
Pitch Perfect wasn't a perfect movie but it turns out to be highly HIGHLY rewatchable. A cable perfect pleasure. I could watch it back-to-back and nearly have. I love "Fat Amy" and every single whispered line delivery from Hana Mae Lee as Lilly. Plus every moment when Anna Kendrick sings.
So pleased that Anna is doing three musicals in one year (see earlier post). That's some commitment to the genre that we haven't seen from literally any other contemporary star.

Reader Comments (8)
The Bring it On for the '10s. I hope Bumper's back for part 2 as well.
Not to be a downer and a nitpicker, but isn't it looking unlikely that we're going to see "The Last Five Years" this year? Still no distributor, no festivals, etc. I hope I'm wrong, though!
Acca-scuse me? Perfect Pitch is the film I rewatch whenever I want to brighten my mood. I'm very pleased to see that so many others took this little film to their hearts. I really hope that Elizabeth Banks (who was so good in the first film) can direct this sequel. The casting was fabulous, I hope most of the same faces are back, can't wait for another round.
I had a friend staying over last weekend who's not "big on that movie stuff" (her words). We put on Pitch Perfect and sang along until 2AM on Saturday night. That's reason enough for me to love it. Looking forward to Pitch Perfect 2.
@Dave: Let's wait for the TIFF announcement before we start giving up on seeing L5Y this year...
I'm totally with you on the 'rewatchbleness' of Pitch Perfect. It came out in the UK months after the US and it was so hyped I was a little disappointed with it, but after rewatching it I love it. Sometimes I just leave it on the background, it's one of those movies where you can catch any scene and enjoy it.
Lily is my favorite character.
Hey this is so cool!! I have watched pitch perfect like
1,0000 times. Will it have the same cast????
Email me with your response plz Anna.