
'They had faces then,' yes. The famous Sunset Blvd appropriation is still accurate. But it doesn't tell the full story. They have faces now, too. (Hollywood just isn't as sure-handed about to frame them.)
Evidence: Look at this one. Were happy to keep looking at Chiwetel Ejiofor as long as Hollywood keeps casting him.
Photography by Greg Williams
Reader Comments (8)
I never noticed that forehead scar -- it's sexy as hell
Matthew McConaughey has his Oscar.
I certainly liked The Martian overall, but watching Chiwetel's lovely bearded face was one of the high points.
He is one of my favorite actors. Its such a joy to get to watch him. Very envious of anyone that has seen him do theatre.
The Martian would have been much more interesting with him in the lead.
Hah. I walked past him just yesterday. I normally struggle to recognise celebrities when I see them in real life (eg. I walked past Kristin Scott Thomas twice yesterday, and only realised the second time that it isn't 'someone who looks a bit like Kristin Scott Thomas', it's Kristin Scott Thomas!!)
Didn't have that problem with Ejiofor. So evidently he's just as 'visually arresting' in real life
Good for Matthew .. Chiwetel will eventually have two to Matthew's one...
You sound confident rick. But Hollywood is so slow to adapting to new nonwhite talent.