Viola & Edie

Viola Davis and Edie Falco, who are both in their early 50s and SAG Award nominated again for their show carrying work on How to Get Away with Murder (S2) and Nurse Jackie (S7, the final season) were interviewed together for the New York Times on their early days as actors and success coming when you're older.
Here's one interesting tidbit on embracing acting in their youth.
You both had rough childhoods. Viola lived in extreme poverty, and Edie’s parents kept marrying and divorcing, lots of family instability. Why choose careers that put you right back in that place?
EF: It seems cuckoo, doesn’t it? I haven’t seen Robert [Iler], who played my son on “The Sopranos” since the show wrapped. We come together so intimately as actors, then break apart, which was the exact narrative I grew up in.
VD: I stumbled onto the best profession to heal my childhood. The only one that lets you release and express whatever is ugly and messy and beautiful about your life. We’re in the business of creating human beings. The more we spew, and the more honestly we do it, the better. Try that on Wall Street. It’s why they throw all the kids with bad behavior into drama. We don’t care how screwed up you are. We actors love it. You can use it.
You felt that release as kids?
VD: No, I just wanted out. As much as I loved my parents, I wanted an escape.
EF: Same here. My parents did the best they could. But I grew up with so much craziness and turmoil at home, and I was in charge of fixing all of it. Being at school, or in plays, was a relief to me. I had such responsibility beyond my years at home.
You can read the whole interview here.
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