The Links: Buffy, Disney, Hanks, Viggo, Toxic Sets and Tight Pants

Variety several distributors want the Sally Field vehicle Hello My Name is Doris, an indie hit at SXSW. But neither of the big Oscar dogs want it (no interest from Weinsteins or Fox Searchlight. Hmmm)
Teenage Bedrooms on Screen a tumblr celebrating movie sets from teen films. I thought this was appropriate to share after...
TFE a discussion of interesting / fun film sets
Variety our favorite Israeli actress Ronit Elkabetz will serve as president of Cannes' "Critics Week" the festival's sidebar focused on newer filmmakers (That's often where the best movies are anyway!)
My New Plaid Pants on a current rumor about the "toxic" set of Alejandro González Iñárritu's The Revenant
Vanity Fair looks back at Pretty Woman for its 25th, specifically it's originally much darker screenplay
TFE in case you missed it Manuel also looked back on the nation's (and his) 25 year old Julia Roberts obsession
Daily Mail Lauren Bacall's estate auctioning off collections. Her Manhattan partment is also for sale for (gulp) $26 million
The Guardian match the evil quote to the Disney villain - I got a few of these wrong. The Shame!
CHUD Marvel has reportedly cast Carol Danvers (aka Captain Marvel) already and she might even be added to The Avengers: Age of Ultron. WTH... how many actors can be in that one movie and shouldn't they have finished it already given that it opens in a month?
Film School Rejects Anthony Russo & Joe Russo, who did such a great job on Captain America: Winter Soldier have been adopted by Marvel and will now direct all of their movies (not really but they're locked up for awhile)
The Film Stage a one hour conversation with Jessica Chastain
The Playlist Viggo Mortensen turned down Hateful Eight? Sad. He'd be great in a Tarantino and could use a hit
In Contention Sandy Powell talks Cinderella costumes
ET Online and speaking of costumes, Billy Magnussen talks about his unmissably tight leather pants in Into the Woods
Today's Watch
Tom Hanks reenacts his filmography's greatest hits in seven minutes with James Corden. Hanks seems to be having a lot of fun with himself lately, right?
Small Screen
Coming Soon The X-Files stars David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson are returning to their iconic roles for a miniseries. The original series lasted 9 years and was revived in two feature films so it's had quite a shelf-life.
Variety I find BAFTA so confusing. They have so many different awards branches and different announcement times. But the TV craft nominations are out with Penny Dreadful doing well
Ryan Murphy Chloe Sevigny returning to American Horror Story next season. She was a pleasant surprise for me on Netflix's Bloodline. I forget sometimes how totally watchable she is
Towleroad rumors circulating that HBO is cancelling Looking albeit with a wrap up film *sniffle*
Salon Jon Hamm just out of rehab for alcohol addiction. With Mad Men wrapped hopefully he won't be reminded of the glass in hand for a while. Best wishes!
Three Must Reads To Go
1. If you're a fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (and who isn't) you'll LOL all through The Toast's "Every Argument about Buffy on the Internet, From 1998 Until Now." It's blissfully true to its title.
2. This doesn't have a movie connection apart from a well earned dig at that awful Flawless movie starring Philip Seymour Hoffman but The New York Times has an essay on the feminist evolution of the word "flawless" that is really something. A great read.
3. David Poland has said these things before and will say them again. And we've also harped on his underlying theme / advice to the Academy - 'Embrace the fact that you're THE movie institution. be proud, not worried.' But it's always worth repeating and he does a great job in "48 Weeks to Oscar: Academy in Crisis (?)" at highlighting all the problems... which don't have to be problems! Read it (if you've ever bitched about or defended the Oscars). Live it (if you're AMPAS). Love it (if you love the Oscars).
That's a lot to read and discuss, so have at it!
Reader Comments (15)
Billy Mag! I love how The Good Wife pulls its guest stars from the NYC-based and/or Broadway talent pool, as he was on a recent episode.
Ditto N re Chloe Sevigny. She's like a breath of fresh air.
I think Buffy link is wrong. and FYI--SMG is also pretty good in the Cinderella vs Belle rap battle that's floating around.
On the Carol Danvers casting: Stinger only character.
I hope so much that Inarritu story is true.
Nathaniel, I would love to hear a short review from you about Bloodline. For me, it's a big ugly albeit watchable mess. I wonder how it got so many talented interested. Was it just the opportunity to work with Netflix?
Oh my god I would have LOVED to see Viggo in a Tarantino movie. I'm really dying for another juicy Eastern Promises-y role for him. Ugh ugh ugh.
Lauren Bacall bought her apartment at the famed Dakota back in 1961 and lived there til her death last year--I bet Betty haunts the next owner, criticizing with her haughty cigarette voice!
Thank God, Viggo.
I'm a little peeved with Looking fans' indignant reaction to the cancelation. No show, whatever the subject matter, is entitled to run a certain length of time. That's television. If gay media is going to play in the big leagues, that's the cost of entry.
And moreover, HBO is giving it a more thoughtful send-off than Enlightened got.
But Hayden, all fans react indignantly to a beloved show's "premature" cancellation: think about Terriers and Rubicon, two names most people have forgotten if they in fact ever know them. Mention them in certain circles and tears and vitriol will flow. I'm a fan of Looking, but even if I weren't, I would have any number of theories (based more on its content than its ratings) as to why it couldn't get a third season.
JS -- i reviewed the pilot of Bloodline here. I haven't finished the season yet so I have no additional comments though I'm happy that at least one female character has been given something to do in episode 3.
Caroline -- right? He really needs a good director with commercial instincts to harness his gift.
Pam -- oops sorry about that. I fixed it. ugh. now i'm sad that people might not read it because that article is awesome.
rick gould, if Lauren Bacall's ghost comes with the apartment I think we should start a fund here at TFE to buy it and turn it into an Actressexual Museum & Theme Park. Nat's already coined the name Actressland after all. It'd be like the Haunted Mansion but with way more wigs.
a) Rubicon was AMC's best show and they shouldn't have cancelled it.
b) Looking is awesome and one of the best shows of the year. HBO has promised me a movie for Deadwood too and that didn't happen. I'll wait and hope.
c) I only saw Enlightened after it was cancelled, so that sucks, because I really fell for it.
d) I don't always agree with Poland, but his overarching point - ABC re Oscars - is definitely on point.
e) I want Viggo to reteam with Cronenberg now. Or yesterday.
I read the Poland article and liked it because it agrees with my opinions, and a lot of the opinions expressed by TFE readers.
Essentially he thinks the expanded field of 10 should stay, the date of the show should be earlier, and the Academy should stick with cinema traditions and stop trying to cater to people who don't go to movies or watch the show anyway. Check it out for some well reasoned common sense.
Btw, he doesn't have much good to say about the producer they hired who used to be in charge of the Independant Spirit Awards.
Viggo is such a good actor but he likes making little artsy weird movies. Not one of his upcoming movies look interesting to me. It's okay to be anti-establishment but come on you still have to make a good movie every now and then if you want to maintain any sort of career momentum. I really need another Eastern Promises, History of Violence, Lord of the Rings or even a GI Jane or Crimson tide sometime soon.
Bloodline - I agree it was overall a mess. A well acted mess, yes but still a mess. Mendelsohn is clearly the MVP (bringing a much needed weird energy to the show) - and I agree, Sevigny was very watchable and I wish her part was larger.
lol at your Hamm Alcoholic Mad Men ding
Tom Hanks may be the movie star with the biggest difference between my interest in his movies (very litltle) and how much I like him as a celebrity (a lot). It seems like it would be a blast to hang out with him.