The Forever Link

Before We Get Started...
Here's the only sane reaction to the news that The Lovely Laura Linney (who has barely been on movie screens these past five years) has joined the cast of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2. This comes from Aaron Fullerton on Twitter:
Laura Linney was cast in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 and, for her sake, I hope she simply introduces it like an episode of Downton Abbey.
The Links
NY Times profiles Tom Hardy on the cusp of even wider stardom with Mad Max: Fury Road
The Guardian looks at five great moments from Shirley Maclaine's career
CHUD Director Josh Trank (Chronicle) has left the as yet untitled Star Wars spinoff film
EW interviews Matthias Schoenaerts about Far From the Madding Crowd, being called "the Belgian Brando" and his favorite movies (he loves David Lynch!)
Coming Soon from Shakespeare to a video game adaptation? The MacBeth team (Fassy, Cotillard, and director Justin Kurzel) are doing Assassin's Creed together.
The Dissolve Helen Hunt reuniting with the director of The Sessions for a road trip movie. Dakota Fanning co-stars
The Dissolve Because A24 is the best one of their next projects will have Cary Fukunaga telling the true story of a father who went on a cross-country walk to work through his grief about his gay son's suicide
Deadline Channing Tatum to star in an adaptation of the old sci-fi novel "The Forever War" from the 70s which is about soldiers fighting an endless war with no clear concept of why they're fighting. Apparently the novel has ideas about the future including the eliminating of heterosexuality (?) and the melting pot creating one homogenous race that are hard to imagine in movie form, given Hollywood's timidity about race and alternative sexuality
MNPP a fun new poster for the horror comedy Cooties
Superhero Mania
Time Out the first ten Marvel films in 40 gifs -- this would have been so much faster than that Marvel Marathon I attended!
Comics Alliance shares 11 in universe or comics references within the movie
Bryan Singer keeps releasing photos of his new X-Men team from the set including Jean Grey () in acid washed jeans and Jubilee in that familiar yellow jacket
Mark Ruffalo is calling Marvel out on their lack of female action figures
Pajiba collates a list of actors and directors considered for all the Marvel movies - what a difference many of them would have made
Dark Horizons they've narrowed down the new Peter Parker to Asa Butterfield and Tom Holland. Holland is the better actor but immensely less famous so let's hope they realize they don't need pre-movie fame for one of the most globally famous heroes ever created
Showtune to Go!
Remember Robin De Jesús, that awkward drag-loving teenager from Camp (2003)? He recently turned 30 and here he is from his new cabaret show #TheStruggleisReal (May 4th at 54 Below) doing Miley Cyrus ("Wrecking Ball" is totally a standard already) and reminding us that there was more to that movie than Anna Kendrick's breakout.
Reader Comments (15)
I've always said that Wrecking Ball was a great song.
The idea of Laura Linney in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is too much for me. I need a shot of vodka.
Why Laura? Why? You don't need that piece of shit franchise!
Why Hollywood cannot find a quality movie project for brilliant Laura
Linney is ridiculous ,,,
I. Saw Maclaine live on stage once in London. Woman was amazing. I consider Being There one of her best.
And leave Laura Linney alone. She has a kid now and college costs to consider. Olivier took everything he was offered in his last years to make sure he left Joan and their brood provided for.
Henry -- please. actors could pay for college for all of their children with basically a few movie paychecks .These are not normal people's salaries. When actors this far into their career start taking shit movies it's like "why?"
I get Linney's decision.
I don't get it either, but I love her so she can do what she wants! I'm sure she's in on the joke.
1. H. Jon Benjamin as Rocket Raccoon would have been just too great
2. Linney is doing it for the money (so is everyone else involved in a Ninja Turtles sequel) and she might it to funnel into interesting projects for an actress over fifty, since Hollywood has probably pointed her towards a picnic with Julia, Tina and Patricia to celebrate her last fuckable day.
Dianne Wiest, I did my part buying a ticket to your last play.! no guilt tripping me
Maybe. Linney is a fan.
Oh come on guys. Sometimes A grade actors choose to slum it for the megabucks.
We've even seen Academy award winners like Meryl Streep, Jeff Bridges and Julianne Moore appear in sci fi/action franchise movies.
And before anyone says TMNT movies are crap - haven't the Transformers movies gained Oscar noms?
i can only think good thoughts when it comes to the lovely laura linney. therefore, going by the saying "a rising tide lifts all boats", i'm predicting a best actor nomination for donatello
How is Terms of Endearment not on that list? FAIL Guardian!
It seems to me that Tom Hardy has been on the cusp of moviestardom for the last few years. Hollywood should just stop making him happen.