73 Questions w/ Nicole Kidman

Nicole Kidman does Vogue's "73 Questions" as she gives us very brief peeks at her farm. I didn't know that Vivien Leigh was her favorite actress! Or that she'd just throw out the title "Bewitched" without worrying about bringing up painful memories.
Also she is terrible at doing impressions.

Reader Comments (34)
I totally squealed when I saw this. Not only do I love this series but NICOLE.
Her answers to "what's the hardest part about being a mother?" and the one about why she feels raw were actually incredibly sad/honest when you remember that she lost her dad a couple of months ago.
Totally smiled with her answer to "diamonds or pearls?" and I'm totally bringing up Birth if I ever get to meet her.
Love. Her!
Aww, am I the only one who wishes Bewitched had turned out better or was more well regarded than it is today? I find myself (re)watching The Stepford Wives more often than Bewitched, but totally understand why she was drawn to each project and to the prospect of working with Frank Oz and Nora Ephron, respectively. A swing and a miss, as they say, but I respect her for taking the gamble on a little fun each time at bat.
What trend do you hope doesn't exist in 100 years?
and again we must marvel that people think of her as "cold". such a disconnect, really.
I live that she said Birth was her most underrated film. Yes!
I loved this! It's kind of clear that they prepare their answers/rehearse the camerawork ahead of time.
Somehow SJP managed to seem 100% spontaneous and goofy with her responses. But spontaneous and goofy are pretty heavily entrenched in the SJP brand.
I know she is one of the more normal high profile actresses in the world, but I could be fascinated by a reality TV show about her.
Love every second of this interview.
The "raw" moment is so great. Love how she gave such an all encompassing look at herself.
One of the things I was most excited to hear is that she wants to do comedy. I think she is such an underrated comedic actress as it's a side that hasn't been explored too much since "To Die For." Let's hope she gets a great script!
I will never understand the ice princess label she gets. She always reads as being incredibly unrehearsed and unguarded to me. And funny! I would love to see Kidman in another comedic role soon.
Is this whole series filmed like Christopher Walken's "The Continental"?
I don't want her to do comedies, she is a way better actress when she is suffering in Bergman-like close-ups? Bring more Birth, Dogville and Rabbit Hole and less Bewitched!
Since she said her favorite actress is Vivien Leigh, I wish that instead of looking for comedies, she tried a big fat Tennessee Williams leading role, like Alexandra del Lago. What happened to that project?
With Nicole, I can 100% guarantee you that nothing about this was spontaneous. Robot.
I love that she's kind of a giant geek in some ways, but also that she isn't afraid to be incredibly vulnerable as well. An ice princess she is not and the fact that people continue to believe that only proves how great of an actress she really is. I'd love to see her do more (good) comedies!
A few thoughts I had whilst watching!
Love that she would like to be able to sing opera, and exquisitely too. Maybe she could sing an aria from La Traviata. Would also be fun to watch her sing I Will Survive at Karaoke.
It's interesting, as Nathaniel said, to hear that Vivien Leigh is her favourite actress. They have similar face shapes. She's obviously channelling Vivien in Australia.
Also love, along with Bia, that she chose Birth as her most underrated film. I love it.
My mum also had a cat called Gregory when she was growing up.
Like that the interviewer chose swimming with sharks as the most dangerous thing she's done, as they're one of my greatest fears.
I think she would look stunning painted by John Singer Sargent.
Finally, one thing I do know is that she used to love ABBA as a child, but went off them when they didn't give her an autograph!
LOVE her, LOVE this series and LOVE her answers, which prove beyond a reasonable doubt that she and I should be best friends. :)
I'm very on and off with her. This clip goes in the Off column. So so strained.
I couldn't even get through it. It's fake and rings false from the second it starts.
I literally do now understand how anyone feels that this is "strained" or "false."
Of course it's probably rehearsed (it feels like a long tracking shot in a film, which I love), but it doesn't make her answers any less truthful. God, these handful of haters are there at every turn. Be gone!
This was so delightful and I could've watched 10 more minutes of it, easily.
And she even gave a shout out to Birth! Hell yes.
Jason -- that's the problem with the series. it's too short! it's also why it's fun of course but when you love the person you're like MORE MORE MORE.
everyone -- i do agree that this feels more rehearsed than the other one i saw (SJP) but i have only seen those two and it's not like a non rehearsed version would be that fun. Can you imagine being asked this many questions in a row without any prep -- you'd probably have lots of UMMMMMMSSSS.... and UHHHHHHHHHs and second guessing and "i don't know" and it would be really long and boring :)
nicole is amazing.
Nicole is so wealthy that she probably paid Vogue to come do this. All of her answers were memorized lines, and acted. And where was Keith? At his house since they don't even live together? You are watching the modern Joan Crawford play in her mind the role of relevant (read faded) movie star and are so gullible.
If you want rehearsed, go watch the Daniel Radcliff one! Zoe Kazan shows up because, ya know, their movie was coming out. It's not hard to realize they knew all the questions ahead of time and had been to her house to know the layout. She seems bright and bubbly (not smoldering temptress) and like she's just having fun.
I can understand her wanting laugh what with her dad's passing. I love that she said BIRTH was the film more people knew about (so true). I don't really care for all the "family is love and happiness" ladida nonsense, but she seems into it so good for her. Love that she can be so awfully embarrassing on camera and not seem to care. "Jimmy Fallon."
Reese WItherspoon's also came off as VERY rehearsed. Like, they even bring her Oscar into it lmao. It's all a bit "don't forget I have THIS."
Nicole's was much better and, along with SJP's, is probably among the most relaxed of this series. And I wish I were BFFs with Nicole so I could go hang out on that farm. GORGE.
Can the haters just fuck off? Seriously.
Why watch the video if you know you've got nothing but nasty shit to say? If that was a video of Cate Blanchett, I would not have watched, nor come into the comments section.
The woman is gorgeous and warm. The place is stunning.
Thanks to this post I've just seen the 73 questions video with Olivia Munn, an actress I've never cared about, and I've just learnt the her favorite movie of all time is A Woman Under the Influence. I'm in love.
My goodness, we couldn't have asked for a more classic, classy movie star. She's a peach.
I don't care if this was rehearsed, I felt there was some old Nicole coming through, and I loved it. And at the end, I totally could see her in John Singer Sargent painting, especially in that dress, along the fence, with her farm in the background.
the only thing that mystified me about this is when he asked her dream guest for the side cottage and she said "Keith Urban"... um, wouldn't he stay in the main house?
<sarcasm>I can't wait to see the comments section when that film starring Nicole Kidman as Meryl Streep's younger half-sister is announced.</sarcasm>
Obviously it was rehearsed. It's even a little odd to point that out because why wouldn't it be rehearsed? I mean I don't get the criticism here. I know we're supposed to not say stupid about any opinion but if there ever was an opportunity...
Anyways, Nicole looked gorgeous, her farm is gorgeous, she is fun and playful and we got all the Nicole trademarks, the goofiness, the elegance, the intelligence and a shoutout to Birth as a cherry on top. I don't get the Keith Urban love but I don't have to get it given that he's her husband not mine. I want to put into perspective that she's in the second half of her 40s and looks the way she does. I have a lot of respect for someone who can keep looking like this. Plus her persona is not a popular one, she is by no mean a throwable sweetheart, she makes the audience work and she tests her fans loyalty but she is amazing and we love her.
"99% hardwork and 1% grammar"
Same, Nicole, same.
"Jimmy Fallon" just kills me. Lol
Those parts when she said that she's been through a lot and that she said she won't be there forever for her kids are just really endearing and sincere imo.
I also have a lot of respect, for her plastic surgeon. As if Nicole would ever leave a toy on the floor. You noted right that the toy area for two children (for when they are allowed to visit) was the size of a clothes hamper? Sunday Rose, bring me the axe. In psychology, I believe they call this kind of mom the empty refrigerator. I am only expressing the opinions of someone who just worked with her, and you know me: big mouth.
Nevermind the career resurgence... Julia Roberts just won me over with this comment ^^^^^LOL