Little Link on the Bloggie

Today's Must Reads
Cleo Journal has an excellent piece by Sara Black McCulloch on audience complicity, cat-fights, and star persona in What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?
Grantland Mark Harris, typically brilliant, looks at this weird dispirited holding place (2015) before the next wave of superheroes are due to hit the movies for five plus years
Variety Melissa Gilbert, that little girl from that Little House on the Prairie must have liked her role as SAG President some years ago -- now she's running for Congress in Michigan where she moved in 2013! Michigan politics are SO messy. Perhaps Laura Ingalls can help clean things up!
Gabby Sidibe loves Jussie Smollet cleaning her floors. LOL. Get all of that dirt, papi!
Criterion Meryl Streep and Jeremy Irons look back on The French Lieutenant's Woman
LA Times talks to the men behind Shaun the Sheep's dialogue free wonders
Rope of Silicon Angelina Jolie's By the Sea gets a hard "R" from the MPAA
Empire Reese Witherspoon to produce and star in a supernatural thriller called Cold. She stays busy, that one
Defamer talks about the twist in Joel Edgerton's The Gift. I can't read this yet because I haven't seen the film but I love Rich Juzwiak's articles
The Hairpin "32 Things That Are All In Your Head"
MNPP Gratuitous Miguel Angel Silvestre
The Film Stage PT Anderson made a music video again. This time for his Inherent Vice supporting actress Joanna Newsom
Uproxx a sequel to the one-off wonder Edge of Tomorrow is a possibility. Christopher McQuarrie (Mission: Impossble - Rogue Nation) and Tom Cruise maybe thinking about it
Slate argues that the problems with the Fantastic Four might just be in the source material
AV Club on the proliferation and pros and cons of the anthology format, post American Horror Story. Interesting but I dearly wish people would stop crediting Ryan Murphy with inventing a genre. Anthologies have existed since the beginning of television. He just popularized them again after a few decades when they went mostly extinct. It's like crediting Baz Luhrmann for inventing musicals or something.
Here at TFE we recently discussed that recent damning Miles Tellers profile in Esquire and The New York Times has now published "a brief history of the tough celebrity profile" featuring Mira Sorvino, Cara Delevingne, Ernest Hemingway, and more. I thought I'd share it since we were just talking about Mira Sorvino at length in Mighty Aphrodite.
Stage Door
Playbill awww. Cyndi Lauper visited the stars of Fun Home backstage. Incidentally the show has been selling out houses for months now. That Tony win did good for a great musical. I keep wondering if anyone will dare make it into a movie?
CNN Benedict Cumberbatch is on stage in London as Hamlet but having trouble with fans who are filming him do it. Jesus, what is wrong with people? Just watch the thing you've paid to see.
Reader Comments (13)
Also, very sad to learn Uggie from The Artist was euthanized (was suffering from a prostate tumor). :(
RIP Uggie
Love Gabourey!
Angelina Jolie Pitt? WTF? I hate that!
I wonder if part of the reason people are keen to credit Ryan Murphy with anthology television is because American Horror Story so successfully gamed the system at the Emmys by categorising itself as a miniseries when a lot of people don’t see it as such. It certainly seems to be a loophole that nobody had exploited in that way before? Or perhaps it’s just that the Emmys are lazier every year, so we have a scenario whereby Jessica Lange wins the same category several years in a row and what Murphy is doing *seems* like a loophole? I don’t know, but you’re right that point of view of Murphy creating anthology TV is strangely pervasive.
As a Michigan resident, I'd rather vote for Nellie Oleson than Republican Melissa "Half-Pint" Gilbert!
Have you read Rich Juzwiak's review of Tangerine? he calls it the most overrated comedy of the year and I couldn't disagree more with him.
Rick-Melissa Gilbert is running as a Democrat.
I wish I could find more info about the Sorvino profile, but all the links I've found online are dead.
Yikes. Mira Sorvino's imdb page is one of the saddest places on the internet. Not helped by the fact that in 2013 she played a character called 'Sally Hawkins'.
Peggy Sue -- You wouldn't believe what people said to me when I DIDN'T change my name when I got married. So if Angelina Jolie wants to add "Pitt" to her name, why should any of us mind?
cash -- Right but I doesn't even sound right! For instance, Susan Sarandon sounds great or Tina Turner, but Jolie Pitt?.
tina turnt her
I remember that Mira profile. It appears that Gwyneth Paltrow swooped in in the 90s and stole her career.
Thanks to MNPP I now have a sudden interest in Sense8, though I'm sure for all the wrong reasons.