Thoughts I Had... Amber Heard from Aquaman

You know the drill. Thoughts uncensored in no particular order as they came whilst gazing at the first picture of Amber Heard as Mera in Aquaman (2018) or is this from Justice League (2017). Don't know. Doesn't matter...
• What if they remade The Shallows only with Mera terrorizing Blake Lively instead of the shark?
• That crown doesn't look aerodynamic. Could cost her the gold medal in a photo finish.
• Johnny Depp
• Has she just washed up on the Icelandic set of Darren Aronofsky's Noah?
• DC is always draining the joy out of superheroes over at DC so The Film Experience has exclusively found a non-color corrected version before Zach Snyder and his cinematography could get their hands on it.
What was the first thought that came to your mind?

Reader Comments (16)
That color corrections is FANTASTIC.
They dusted off one of Uma's Poison Ivy costumes.
My thoughts? Can these die already?
MARKGORDON: No, Uma Thurman's Poison Ivy was actually wearing impractical looking CLOTHING. This is impractical looking ARMOR. And like all the worst "armor" costumes in superhero movies (like almost every Batman movie), I'd bet both Aquaman and Mera wind up barely able to move in their action scenes.
No it's Uma - lite.
Cher's stand-in for her next farewell tour?
markgordon: I bring up an issue noted as plaguing even otherwise very good superhero movies (like the 2nd, 5th and 6th Batman movies), and you're harping on "this reminds me of Uma in Batman and Robin". Which, okay, maybe it does, but it doesn't get into the nitty-gritty of why this costume seems like it's going to actively hamper the movie.
rick gould: Does Cher walk out wearing riffs on knight battle gear on stage? I could buy, say, Lorde walking out in something like this for a really theatrical moment, but the music joke I'd toss out first is "Y'know, GWAR was looking for their version of a Mermaid."
Would love to see her go against Elizabeth Bank's Rita Repulsa!
I want a movie with the color corrected version. Especially the dolphin.
My first thought... oh look, it's Emily Blunt in superhero costume...
... until I read the title.
Not sure why I thought it was her on first look, maybe it's because I just watched The Girl on the Train.
Cate Blanchett arrives with Hela: Ragnarok next year
that's the only thing that matters
So last week we learned Captain Jack Sparrow was missing, and now Mera pops up along the shore. Not hard to crack this code.
She looks like an extra in "Fire Maidens from Venus"
One sentence Volgavia is not harping on,can't people have their own mind,I don't care what it's use is in the film are as I won't see it anyways,the first impression from the pic is Uma and that's never a bad thing.
Who's Lorde anyway and why is she messing up a sentence with Cher in.
Volgavia, Cher once described one of her Bob Mackie battle gear get-ups as Braveheart meets Bozo the Clown ; )
Like an aquatic She-Ra, Princess of Power.