Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 2

Everyone's favorite TV musical comedy is back! Our new team member Jorge Molina recently surveyed 10 key musical numbers from the first season and since several members of The Film Experience are BIG fans, we'll be writing about it each week, sharing the duty pleasure.
Since we're one week behind, I'll use Nathaniel's patented "Ranking The Crazy" system for the first two episodes. Let's dive right in, shall we?
S2.E1: "Where is Josh's Friend?"
After the events of last season's finale, Josh and Rebecca shack up, but the more Rebecca gets into it, the more wary Josh becomes. Meanwhile, no one has seen Greg in a month, and Paula makes a big decision.
Not Crazy, Totally Sane
Darryl and White Josh are still together and officially the cutest couple of all time as Darryl gives Josh the key to his "ap-heart-ment".
Adorably Awkward
Hector, who still lives with his parents, offers to double date with Josh and his mom, which is all Josh needs to hear to definitely NOT move back home.
Relatably Out of Their Heads
Rebecca and Josh, unable to keep their hands off each other (except when using the handcuffs Rebecca ordered for Josh from Amazon Prime), even when they know it's not good for them.
And even more so Rebecca, who hears only what she wants in every little thing Josh says to her, instead of listening to the subtext. Oh, and she also just happens to have kept one of Greg's sweatshirts, and can't bring herself to get rid of it.
Bonker Balls
It's sweet of Rebecca to give Josh a drawer for his stuff since he's basically living with her, but making it a pre-organized musical drawer that plays Scott Joplin's "The Entertainer" is a few bridges too far.
Also, the music video for "Love Kernels", which is so insane that, according to the lyrics, it ate up their entire production budget, so now this is Darryl:
...But Self-Aware
Greg has been hiding from everyone while going to AA meetings after getting a DUI after Jayma's wedding, and the program has been good for him. He not only fully recognizes this addiction, but takes responsibility for his actions and not making the best decisions for himself.
All of which leads Paula to realize that she has an addiction that she needs to cut out of her life, as well: helping Rebecca with her love life. But since she doesn't trust herself, Paula drafts a contract between herself and Rebecca that says she will only offer a shoulder to cry on and an ear to listen to, but no tracking cell phones or hacking into emails. After Rebecca is duly impressed by the contract, Paula decides to apply to law school.
Episode Grade: B+ It's great to have everybody back, and this ties up everything from last season while setting up the new one really well, but the songs are definitely sub-par. This is the show getting back into the groove.
MVP: Episode writers Aline Brosh McKenna, Rachel Bloom, and Marc Webb. The way they meld the main themes from last season with those for this season is really great.
Songs: "Love Kernels" (Rebecca), "We Should Definitely Not Have Sex Right Now" (Rebecca & Josh), and the new opening credits song, "I'm Just a Girl In Love"
S2. E2: "When Will Josh See How Cool I Am?"
Anxious because Josh seems to be avoiding spending time with her, Rebecca invites herself along to West Covina's newest hot spot, a bar with ping pong tables, claiming to have been a champion in her youth. Greg admits that he's an alcoholic to his friends, which makes Josh even more nervous about telling him that he and Rebecca are now an item.
Not Crazy, Totally Sane
Paula asks Rebecca for a recommendation letter for law school. Darryl overhears and writes Paula a recommendation letter of his own.
Greg announces to his friends and co-workers that he's an alcoholic but doesn't want to be treated any differently (of course, they can't actually do that).
Certifiably Cute
When Paula worries that Rebecca won't get her the recommendation on time, and begins to doubt herself, her husband Scott is right there to remind her that this wasn't a big ask, especially after all that Paula has done for Rebecca.
Adorably Obsessed
Rebecca hires young ping pong prodigy Xiao (the hilarious Albert Tsai, of the late, lamented Trophy Wife) to teach her how to play ping pong, and brings him with her to the bar, where he takes over in their doubles game, leading Hector to memorably lament:
"Why are all my friends in love with this girl?"
Bonker Balls
Everything about Paula's big Disney princess-style number:
"Maybe this dream won't poop on my face, like a seagull at the beach!"
Josh, completely unable to keep a secret, says hello to Greg at the boba place, and can't go two sentences before blurting out that he and Rebecca have slept together multiple times since the wedding. Greg says he's fine, but then goes back to Home Base and punches a wall, breaking his hand.
...But Self-Aware
Greg admits to Rebecca that he completely fucked up their night at the wedding, and that he got pulled over for a DUI while coming to tell her he loved her.
Rebecca eventually admits to Josh that she doesn't like guy things like video games and ping pong, and was only saying so because she wanted to spend time with him. AND that she deserves to be with somebody who treats her with respect, not someone who constantly tries to avoid her even thouh they're living together, and won't sleep with her even though they're having sex.
Episode Grade: A. Now THAT'S more like it! Great songs, terrific underscoring, funny one-liners, smart plotting and character work, and lots of heart. This is why we love Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.
MVP: The production design and costume teams, for turning Whitefeather & Associates into an enchanted forest and Home Base into an old-school Irish pub, and for making a "Ping-Pong-Cockail-eria" seem like a thing that totally exists in the world.
Songs: "Maybe This Dream" (Paula), "Greg's Drinking Song" (Greg), "Ping Pong Girl" (Josh), "I Could If I Wanted To (Reprise)" (Greg)

Reader Comments (5)
Hector is <3
I kind of miss the first season theme song.
ACK. I am already two episodes behind. Love htis show sooo much. but my cable is being so weird this week
I also kind of miss season one's theme song. The new one is cute and short and I loooove how they hold the last image way too long, but still.
And yeah, that second episode was just great. Three really great songs in one ep? More of that, please.
I'm so glad this is back and i'm also glad the sophomore slump has not made its dreaded appearance here (so far). Being said that i gotta say i love how they're tackling the supporting characters' storylines, especially Greg and Paula's, a little bit like Mom, they're addressing such a heavy issue like alcoholism with tremendous wit and sensibility and i appreciate that (but i feel like they need to return to deal with Rebecca's emotional issues soon)
The songs have been stellar this season: Love kernels, Maybe this dream and Greg's drinking song are fantastic ♥