Beauty & The Beast's First Full Length Trailer is Zzzz

Why are they pretending its not a musical but simultaneous reminding you that it is EXACTLY like the animated film it's based on? Cognitive dissonance! We'll save a Yes No Maybe So until the second trailer since we already YNMS'ed the teaser.
Beauty and the Beast on Broadway is one of the only stage shows I ever walked out of at intermission. It was painfully faithful to the movie to the point where it felt like the actors were robots dutifully mimicking the exact same line readings as the movie so as not to disturb the audience who had seen the movie a bajillion times. But if you don't bring anything new, why do you exist? Hopefully a second trailer will reveal that they didn't just make a new movie as carbon copy in which the only difference is actors where drawings used to be.
Reader Comments (11)
I'm *so* looking forward to this movie, but seeing this trailer (and the poster), I thought the exact same thing. I'm hoping they're just saving all the NEW stuff as surprises and just showing all the FAMILIAR stuff to get the audience in seats.
maybe it's just that i'm still upset from the election, but i kinda cried... a lot...? don't come at me.
THANK YOU! I do not understand how so many are fawning over this. I know I've bitched about this movie enough, but this looks truly dreadful. The animation on the Beast and Mrs. Potts is utterly ghastly
God, the trailer was so cheap. I was literally just watching it deadpan and wished I could get those precious minutes of wasted time back.
People around me are going gaga over this. They're excited for how much the movie looks *exactly* like the animation. I think why bother then? Just see the toon version (which is perfect) and be done with it.
This movie seems to be lacking a certain Cate Blanchett and Idris Elba factor...
Tony T -- exactly. where's the live action actor oomph to justify its existence?
I'm still not convinced that this won't be utter garbage. In fact, the more I see of it, the more convinced I become that the waste basket is where it eventually will belong. And for the love of God, can we get people who are not named Condon, Shankman, and Marshall to direct movie musicals? Are they, like, contractually obligated by every single studio?
My, aren't we all jaded?
Actually, the are a number of things that are different from the animated version, including not a few references to Cocteau. Let's wait and see before we consign it all to the "garbage bin".
I had the same reaction to the Cinderella trailer - what is the point of this? - then ultimately enjoyed the movie. If you consider Blanchett and Elba as the villain forerunners in the new Disney liveactionassaince, then Luke Evans has some huge shoes to fill.
This trailer did absolutely nothing for me. Surprisingly dull colors, that sort of heavy CGI that has its magic drained the instant it is seen on a smaller screen, no personality, and just... so little magic, overall.
This live-action remake track that Disney is taking is really not one that appeals to me. There's something about them that doesn't seem enduring in the way the animated films are.