Judy by the Numbers: "I Like Men Medley"

Anne Marie has been chronicling Judy Garland's career chronologically through musical numbers...
So it may not look like it offhand, but today's episode marked another big shift in the rocky history of The Judy Garland Show. After producing seven episodes, firing most of the staff, kicking Jerry Van Dyke to the curb and reformatting the show, Norman Jewison exited as planned after the 13th taped episode. He would be replaced by Bill Colleran, a producer from Your Hit Parade.
The Show: The Judy Garland Show Episode 13
The Songwriters: Various, arrangement by Mel Torme
The Cast: Judy Garland, Peggy Lee, produced by Norman Jewison
The Story: (My favorite part is the surprise boas at 3:00.) Though Jewison wasn't able to improve the unsteady ratings of The Judy Garland Show, the episodes he produced would set the established characteristics of the show at its peak. More cinematic production, the movement away from sketch comedy, and an emphasis on music and a variety of guest stars all defined Jewison's tenure on the show. The Peggy Lee medley exemplifies all of these qualities, but also points towards the show under Colleran's stewardship: two cabaret singers belting standards. Colleran would transition the show towards a concert format. But before he could complete that transition, it was time for Christmas.

Reader Comments (2)
Just wonderful!
While I wish these were in color it's interesting how they full the space with a minimalist design. The static almost cardboard cut out men add a bit of a surreal touch and the brilliants on the ladies dresses add a visual flash. They almost don't need the boas although they have fun with them. Their interaction adds the most of course, they obviously are having a good time singing together.
Worth it for the last 30 seconds of singing.