Posterized: Duncan Jones

Duncan Jones has had a tumultuous few years so we wanted to honor him with a quick Posterized today. In January the 45 year old filmmaker lost his father David Bowie (he's the superstar's only son). His first child is due this month. His other new baby, the long-gestating video game big screen adaptation Warcraft is getting savaged by the critics.
And yet...
It wasn't so long ago that he was getting 'Hot New Director' drooling from the media, starting off strong with the sci-fi drama Moon. His second film Source Code wasn't as ecstatically received but performed decently. Three films isn't much to go on so we shall maintain high hopes. Do you think he will rally with a fourth film and make good on that initial promise? His next sci-fi film -- he's not straying from his preferred genre -- is called Mute, and stars Alexander Skarsgård as a silent bartender and Paul Rudd as some kind of mysterious doctor. We don't generally think of Paul Rudd as mysterious but we're willing to give it a shot. (There's some internet speculation that Sam Rockwell will reprise his Moon character -- which would be very intriguing given the ending of Moon -- since Jones has indicated that Mute takes place in the same universe.)
How many of his films have you seen?
And if you've seen the first two, are you planning to hit Warcraft despite the reviews?

Reader Comments (10)
I loved the first two, but I wouldn't have gone to see the new one even if it had gotten rave reviews.
I thought the first two were great, but I've never had the slightest interest in seeing Warcraft.
The track record on video game movies is wretched, critically. 34 films in 23 years. None are critically successful. Not looking like that track record will break this year.
I just came home from seeing Warcraft, so I have officially seen all of these now. While it's probably one of the better written/made ones, Warcraft is indeed yet another failed video game adaptation. It isn't really bad so much as it is bland, unfocused and generic. As for the first two; I kind of liked Moon and I enjoyed Source Code up until the last few minutes. Overall, though, Jones certainly has talent/promise but hasn't hit it out the park just yet.
"Source Code" was a terrific sci-fi adventure.
Enjoyed Source Code, seeing Warcraft tomorrow. Haven't see Moon.
And I'm kinda side-eyeing the critical response to Warcraft mostly because video game adaptations are considered 'safe' to hate/rip on. So, it might be on the below side of average, but they'll rip it like it's the bastard child of Manos, Hands of Fate and The Room.
Which will make me really sad if it is terrible.
I've seen Moon & Source Code, I have less than 0 interest in seeing Warcraft.
But China really, really likes it.
Moon is still his best film as I also liked Source Code a lot as I don't think that film gets a lot of praise. I'm not interested in Warcraft as I'm more eager for Mute. I await the arrival of the Bowie grandbaby. I hope that grandbaby attains the awesomeness of Ziggy Stardust. Still not over Bowie. I cried my eyes out when I learned he was going to have a grandchild.
Moon was great! Source Code was also very good....I'll rent Warcraft when it its redbox.
After Moon and Source Code, I'd have imagined that I'd see any and everything Duncan Jones created. Warcraft, though? HELL NO.