The Linkening

But can she actually act? Golden Globe or not, American Horror Story: Hotel was not much to go on in that regard...The Ringer the No Strings Attached vs Friends With Benefits war of 2011 revisited
THR We'll believe any new version of A Star is Born when we see it because someone is always trying to remake it. The latest proposal is Bradley Cooper & Lady Gaga (with Cooper debuting as a director)
Deadline Captain America: Civil War is first title of the year to hit $400 million domestic. It just happened.
Playbill Phillipa Soo, currently starring in Hamilton, will play Amelie in the Broadway musical version of the Oscar nominated french film next year
The Guardian celebrates Patrick Wilson (The Conjuring 2) with five memorable moments
Tracking Board Vera Farmiga's next co-star gig is with Liam Neeson in The Commuter as a mysterious woman who propositions him.
/Film Hollywood is so desperate for franchises they're even going to try The Saint again. Remember that Val Kilmer movie from the 90s? No? Don't tell Hollywood
It's a Wrap
Coming Soon Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 has wrapped - expect it to thoroughly demolish the box office next May.
Viola Davis Fences is also a wrap. Looks like it'll be ready for Oscar after all. Viola tweeted a cute pic from the set
Oscar Hopeful?
/Film The Story of Your Life, the Amy Adams Denis Villenueve sci-fi drama on our Oscar charts has a new super generic title The Arrival. (sigh) It arrives on November 11th
Coming Soon welp, it looks like Judi Dench still wants that Best Leading Actress Oscar. She's playing Queen Victoria for a second time (after her nomination without a win for Her Majesty Mrs Brown) in a forthcoming Stephen Frears film called Victoria and Abdul. Abdul (a young clerk from India) has not yet been cast though if we know Hollywood they won't even bother looking beyond Dev Patel. But it'd be cool to see someone else get a shot at leading a film.
...and it turns out Hozier wrote an original song for The Legend of Tarzan. Here's the video which just came out
Reader Comments (20)
"The latest proposal is Bradley Cooper & Lady Gaga (with Cooper debuting as a director)"
I really wanted that Clint Eastwood version with Beyoncé inspied by the realtionship between Courtney Love and Kurt Cobain, just for the bizarreness of the whole thing.
Yay Viola!! I'm so excited for this movie. And for Phillipa. They're so great.
Why must we be denied cool movie titles. And best of luck to Dench. May her reprisal of queen she played to celebrated applause go better than the other time that that happened to some famous actress I think we've all heard mentioned here at least once or twice.
@cal roth - That fact better is than any clickbait and I truly wish it existed if only so something so unusual could exist. Show me that alternate reality.
Cooper and Gaga version of A Star is Born: Don't really buy it.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2: All right.
The Saint Remake: (Sigh). Nope.
Story of Your Life being Renamed The Arrival: And if this were actually something that's even close to an invasion story, that title might make some sense. So, bwahahahaha! You have no idea what your story is actually about.
Hozier doing a song for a Tarzan movie: Wow, this is going to be as bad as the trailer suggested it might be.
I saw The Saint in theatres due to my love and fidelity to Elisabeth Shue. God, she did a couple of stinkers after Leaving Las Vegas..
They went really quickly with Fences. I hope it doesn't reflect on the results.
Judi Dench doesn't one an Oscar. She doesn't even go to the ceremonies! She's the anti-Meryl.
WTF with Bradley Cooper directing Lady GaGa? That is a disaster in the making.
My love for Dame Judi knows no bounds. But why is she taking her cue from the lesser Dame - Helen - and playing the same British monarch again? And isn't the logline exactly the same as Mrs Brown?
Hollywood they won't even bother looking beyond Dev Patel. But it'd be cool to see someone else get a shot at leading a film.
Since they're not in the business of making nonwhite talent happen long term it makes sense to lean on the only east Indian actor with a name who so happens to be the right age for the role.
"The latest proposal is Bradley Cooper & Lady Gaga (with Cooper debuting as a director)" NO! NO! NO! A Thousand times NO!
It's not that I object to a remake, look how well the Judy one turned out but it requires the proper elements and performers, even Barbra stumbled with her wrongheaded reworking of the material, and these two ain't it.
"But can she actually act?"
Gaga proved with Hotel that if nothing else she certainly "strike a pose" (physical and emotional). Don't cry for her, Internet.
It's true. The Barbra version is unwatchable. Bradley has some big Judy Garland shoes to fill.
I had the huge pleasure of seeing Amelie the Musical in Berkley which starred Samantha Barks and it was amazing. It ranks as one of my favorite theatre going experiences ever. While I am sad to see that Samantha Barks won't be continuing with the show I am very excited to see that her replacement is Phillipa Soo. I couldn't ask for a more talented woman. I hope the show does amazing on Broadway as it is such a touching and gorgeous piece of art.
dench and patel are the new bogie and bacall
[say what you will about dev patel, at least we're past the point of some young rsc actor "browning up" for the role]
this is the post i am looking from long time u made my day thanks man
Tbh, I;m just sad we'll never see the Beyonce-Clint Eastwood version because I was intrigued to see if it could turn out good, and if he could pull a good performance from her. Gaga and Cooper just sounds like a messssss.
Lady Gaga might be a good choice for a "A Star is Born" but she needs an experience director to guide her. If Cooper wants to direct a movie he should start out with something a bit less ambitious
Yeah, I actually would like to see someone cast Lady Gaga in a musical because I thought she was fantastic hosting SNL, and even good actors stumble there (I don't watch AHS). As we all know, Streisand has wanted to cast her in Gypsy for years, and I think she's a good judge of talent. That said, I don't know that this is a great choice for her (or Cooper).
Dame Judi does go to the awards, it's Dame Maggie who tends to stay away.
Suzanne, thank you! Gaga would be killer in the appropriate project. She can do it. But Star is tricky for any huge star. Just ask Barbra. Gaga's gonna do a movie musical, and she will be Oscar nommed.
Lady Gaga should do a movie musical