Thoughts I had while looking at the first "20th Century Women" Image

Readers. I do not know where this image originated but I was so excited when I saw it I stopped breathing for a second. Thoughts that came to me while staring at it without editing them...
I already want to inject this movie directly into my veins.
The Bening is front and center as it should be. Movies that put her off to the side. They're doing it wrong.
Sometimes it disturbs me when Elle Fanning looks directly into the camera. Like, quite possibly, she's not real. Or maybe an alien (I think she is playing one in How To Talk to Girls At Parties but that's just a clever way to throw us off the scent and hide in plain sight)
Remember when Billy Crudup turned down playing the Hulk in the early Aughts? Remember when Billy Crudup left Mary Louise Parker for Claire Danes when MLP was pregnant and everyone hated him? Remember when Billy Crudup was so great in various things throughout his career?
He looks kind of McConaughey Dallas Buyer's ragged in this image and that worries me. Unless it's for the character.
I didn't even recognize Greta Gerwig. WHOA. That's what a change of hair color and cut will do to a person.
When will this movie be in my eyeballs? WHEN? WHEN?!? I have the impatience.
Confrontational hippie boss realness.
I think the boy on the far right is this dude but I'm not sure. (Sometimes I feel like I'm cheating when I click over to IMDb while writing posts. LOL) The movie has something to do with The Bening's relationship to mothering her boy via her other relationships?
Mike Mills last movie Beginners was so original and amazing and personal and resonant and all of the things movies should aspire to be and if this one is that good I will die of happiness while watching it only not all the way dead because it will also give me life and there will be more movies to see after it and I don't want to die.
Greta Gerwig looking like someone else is weird because even though she's Indie Queen, she's actually old fashioned movie star in that she always plays herself. Superbly.
Will it finally be Annette Bening's year at the Oscars? It wasn't in 1990. Or 1999. Or 2004. Or 2010. Who, me? Bitter? What's that woman got to do to win an Oscar?
Reader Comments (15)
I'm curious to see what distributor picks this up!
Also Megan Ellison produced this and she is literally the current patron saint of directors like Mike Mills.
"What's that woman got to do to win an Oscar?"
Tell me all about it!
I love you Annette Bening!
Will Annette become a double nominee this year? She has her husband's movie in a supporting role and this vehicle where she is the lead. The Academy has gotten better about awarding the overdue: 1st Winslet, 3rd Streep, 2nd Blanchett, 1st Moore. And because of Julianne her Kids Are All Right costar/spouse the possibility is real for her to win Best Actress in her fifties. But this year has Viola gunning with Fences and my God the Academy is monster to nonwhite actresses in the Best Actress category. It is much worse than their ageism. For some reason I see Annette reaching the 7 or more club nomination wise.
Billy Crudup is so handsome. The whole Claire Danes business is just a shame to his career, but declining Hulk is a good thing imo.
Start the campaign now people! Bening for Oscar..
I love Viola and Emily Blunt and excited for Ruth Negga's breakout but 100% all about The Bening this year in best actress. I feel she needs me more.
Of course provided all these movies deliver.. ....
Enough about Bening. She got her reward when she married Beatty. She's so overrated (à la Kidman). Look at Bening's last nominated performance (Kids)... Julianne outshone her by a mile. But, she was more of the name. Who's laughing now?
This photo is disturbing. Looks like a bunch of actors posing, not characters? Are they a crazy family down by the river?
I like Bening but I just can't see her a a winner,she seems less well liked than Moore was.
How exciting would it be if something insane happened like WB picking up distribution on this film?
One can dream ...
By the way, is there an ointment for RJL?
Hi Nat!
It's weird because I think Bening should be an Oscar winner, but I don't think she has ever been the best in her category when she's been nominated.
I love your unedited thoughts
Hope Bening gets her just due this year. It will be hard if the award comes down to Bening vs. Davis, both strong actors, and both many feel are overdue. Bening has been waiting for hers a lot longer than Davis, though, and ultimately, it will depend on the reviews for both films and both performances.
Speaking Gerwig, did anyone wear their hair that red color in the 70s? NO! That's a very 2000s style. It worries me that other anachronisms will pollute the movie. Otherwise the costumes are pretty accurate. Frumpy denim was all the rage.
Gerwig's character left California for NYC's punk scene for a spell before returning.