Beauty vs Beast: Bustin' Spies Makes Me Feel Good

Well here we are and it's Monday and I'm Jason from MNPP and this is your weekly "Beauty vs Beast" moment. Ya ready? This Friday (otherwise known as my birthday!) Paul Feig's loooooong awaited and ultra discussed reboot of Ghostbusters comes out. Maybe you've heard something? Something about ovaries or something? I don't know. All's I know is the reboot's got four of the funniest lady-people who make funny today in Melissa McCarthy & Kristen Wiig & Kate McKinnon & Leslie Jones, and I'm all in. Hell, I even liked the much-reviled trailer.
In fact the only thing that's given me a sad face in the lead up to Ghostbusters was when I scanned through the cast list and I realized that Rose Byne's not in the movie. How great would Byrne have been playing the dastardly William Atherton role from the original? But then I did just re-watch Feig's previous film, the gets-funnier-every-time-you-watch-it Spy, and speaking of...
PREVIOUSLY Two weeks ago (sorry for the July 4th lapse) we celebrated the 30th anniversary of Jim Henson's film Labyrinth by pitting a pretty girl against a Golbin King, and this time around David Bowie's bulge came out on top with almost 3/4s of your vote. Said Glenn:
"The tights are most definitely not a con."
Reader Comments (6)
Tough call, but when in doubt I go with dry bitchiness every time.
I'm a bit of a sad Bulgarian clown so Rayna gets my vote!
"I'm not texting. If you must know. I'm playing Candy Crush and I just made level 95." Priceless.
I love my unapologetic bitch, Rayna!
Technically I'm with Rayna but I can watch Susan throw every single expletive in her direction for hours.
The moment I saw Susan standing there in that abortion of a dress, Rayna became the clear winner.
Seriously though, Rose Byrne is the MVP of basically everything she's in (Even Black Annie) and she deserves better and bigger roles to showcase her talents...and her hair.
PLUS HER WALK (near the end of the movie, arm in arm with Statham and McCarthy) is one of the funniest things I have seen in my life. I need a gif.
What a stupid fucking retarded poll.