Lunchtime Poll: Viola & Meryl BFFs

Let's make the lunchtime poll a regular tradition! I'll ask you and sometimes Team Experience, too, a question that's currently hogging too much of my brain. You answer and we'll all feel less utterly alone in this vast cruel universe. Ready?
Today two questions about La Streep, just because. Here we go...
FIRST QUESTION - Viola started her memorable presentation of Meryl Streep's Cecil B DeMille last weekend by narrating a conversation they had about cooking. What other conversation between these two would you most like to be privvy to?
STEVEN: Any time they've ever discussed Amy Adams.
LYNN: Shallow me would be tickled if they played a game of "fuck marry, or kill" for their male co-stars.)
KIM: I want to hear Meryl breaking down every single episode of How to Get Away with Murder. "'Why is your penis on a dead girl's phone?' VIOLA, THAT TWIST!"
NICK: ...
-Oh my god, he's mounting the camera for another canted shot. We've already done 80 of those. Please go tell him to stop that."
-I'm not telling him!! You tell him! You're Meryl Streep! I'm only in this thing for eight minutes!"
-But every time you say anything, it sounds like the all-time most definitive statement of that thing. Please step up on this."
-I am NOT paid enough to take the lead here, Meryl. If not you, then Phil, THEN Amy. Or Jesus, get Scott to do it, he's the boss!"
MANUEL: I guess I would love to eavesdrop on any and all phone calls they had while Viola was shooting Suicide Squad, because you just know there was some grade-A shade thrown Leto's way.
SECOND QUESTION - Five adjectives to describe Meryl Streep?
JOSE: Kind. Smart. Important. Does "fucking fierce" count?
JORGE: Necessary. Poignant. Articulate. Iconic. Irreplaceable.
DANCIN' DAN: Magnificent. Eloquent. Regal. Young-at-heart. Legendary.
STEVEN: Lionhearted. Astute. Staunch. Unflinching. Captivating.
LYNN: Classy. Fierce. Inspiring. Magnificent. Sublime (since "goddess" is not technically an adjective)
ERIC: Ballsy. Fearless. Difficult. Passionate. Near-sighted.
KIM: Regal. Scathing. Bold. Impassioned. Greatest .
NICK: Presidential. Brokenhearted. Iron. Earnest (there's more to learn and say about disability, but she'll get there). Great (again, and again, and again...)
DAVID: Magnetic. Earnest. Thoughtful. Iconic. Presidential.
MANUEL: Graceful. Poised. Intelligent. Generous. Talented.
MATTHEW: "Five adjectives to (adequately) describe Meryl Streep?" Such words do not exist. And after last Sunday night they never will.
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Reader Comments (20)
Steve's response to question one tickled me the most. My answer would extend to all other actresses they like and some not so much.
there's more to learn and say about disability, but she'll get there
He's physically disabled. He's not climbing trees anytime soon.
For question two: Popular, Hammy, Vulnerable, Sisterly, Feminine.
Meryl's often referred to as the greatest living actress. I think she's the greatest actor, period, regardless of gender. I can't think of a male actor who even comes close.
I would love to hear them recite every instance they have ever heard of men taking advantage of or abusing women in the show business industry. And I want names.
Adjectives for Streep: Brave. Expressive. Funny. Tough. Evolving.
All of the answers above are great. For the life of me I can't come up with an answer to the first question. Perhaps if they ever talked about Hamilton/Lin-Manuel Miranda or something.
As for five words for Meryl: Outspoken, intelligent, talented, warm, and incisive.
I want to overheat them talking about their next project together.
5 words to describe Streep: icon, genius, inspirational, generous,and brave.
You can't beat that "Fuck/marry/kill" suggestion.
Five adjectives: Inspiring, unique, articulate, Francesca, precise. (Okay, "Francesca" is not an adjective.)
I don't think Meryl Streep is among even the 30 greatest actresses, living or dead.
But of course she's superior to any male actor. I mean, that's not even a fair comparison.
goran : crazy !!!!!!
Jose -- i see what you did there with your answers. THE HELP references for the win.
Goran -- really? not even top 30.though i enjoy your dig at male actors. they really need to try harder!
goran - go take a cold shower and reevaluate your life.
I want the two of them in a buddy comedy film. Meryl shines in comedy and we don't get to see that much of Viola in that type of role.
Five Adjectives: Strong, alluring, funny, smart, and bad-ass.
Courageous, commanding, intelligent, essential, dignified.
I wonder if MS will be considered this century's Susan B. Anthony? I love the suggestion that she play Kellyanne Conway in her biopic. Hysterical. This week will be seen as historic with her speech, all the press conference and Russia hoopla, and Congress finally waking up on Friday the 13th.
I would love to see Streep play Kellyanne Conway.
Best. Fierce. Iconic. Intelligent. Kind.
I need to see them throwing shades to Mel Gibson & Jared Leto bullshit NOW.
I would love to see them talking about amy too! I hope they do a movie together soon.
Having put a bit more thought into it, okay yes, leaving Streep off a Top 30 living actresses list would be a tad unconscionable. I think I was thrown by the 'living' tag because it made me focus on roughly the last 20 years of films rather than Streep's entire career.
I just completely do not respond to her post-2006 stuff. (Well, almost completely - I did like most of what she did in Osage, Iron Lady and FFJ.)
I still stand by the male actors comment. It was only 20% joke. 80% cold fact.
there's more to learn and say about disability, but she'll get there
Barf Nick...this is so patronizing and reeks of arrogance. "Great" way to make this about you and your expectations of Meryl Streep.
Five Adjectives:
Inspired. Graceful. Luminous. Exquisite. Divine.
... GET OUT.