Tweetsgiving Parade

Anjelica Huston and Liza Minnelli on a road trip in Mexico c.1975
— Wendy O. (@wendyOrourke) November 20, 2017
Did this really happen? If so how are we just seeing it/ hearing of it? An abbreviated tweet roundup today because everyone's been travelling and gorging and not tweeting. But tweets ahead on Aquaman, Thanksgiving, Lady Bird, and baby Bergman fans after the jump...
greta gerwig is gay culture because "wig" is literally in her name
— Aaron Michael (@subsahaaron) November 21, 2017
LADY BIRD sequel, but about Lucas Hedges as a nascent collegiate gay.
— John Oursler (@JMOursler) November 21, 2017
I'm really glad we're all appropriately thirsting over Henry Cavill and Armie Hammer, but I'd like to go back in time and have you all go watch The Man from U.N.C.L.E so I can get a sequel.
— Jordan (@JordanApps) November 20, 2017
Lall Le Ly Lour Lame.
— Josh Forward 🌈 (@JoshFo) November 25, 2017
Shoutout to all the gay people throughout history who have had to pretend that ‘The Big Lebowski’ is funny to placate your straight friends and family. You are the real heroes
— Sam Lansky (@samlansky) November 24, 2017
I haven’t worn a dress since 2013 but I would happily get corseted and coiffed to wear one of those Cecil Beaton numbers in the Ascot Gavotte. 😍 #MyFairLady @tcm
— Anne Marie (@WeRecycleMovies) November 24, 2017
So... Moana and @TheRock had a baby and made Aquaman for the new Justice League?
— Darienne Lake (@dariennelake) November 21, 2017
Overheard an obviously divorced couple divvy up which Ingmar Bergman blu-rays each was going to give their teenage son for Christmas & felt a deep kinship with a boy I've never met.
— Minovsky (@MinovskyArticle) November 21, 2017
Happy 25th anniversary to #Aladdin & #Disney! Time for some popcorn & a celebratory viewing of an all-time classic. Who's with me peeps!?
— Mena Massoud (@MenaMassoud) November 25, 2017
Patton Oswalt called to say that he was going to tweet that GET OUT was PROBABLY his favorite movie of the year, but I would have to agree to get lunch with him and do a major photo shoot. I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway!
— Jordan Peele (@JordanPeele) November 25, 2017
whenever i'm asked to cook anything for Thanksgiving, even salad.
— Nathaniel Rogers (@nathanielr) November 23, 2017
Worried that tension is going to boil over at Thanksgiving and I’ll scream at my grandma, “It’s not that hard to spell Saoirse, get over it.”
— Louis Virtel (@louisvirtel) November 22, 2017
Did I miss the Laura Dern balloon?
— Matt Jacobs (@tarantallegra) November 23, 2017
Finally, this isn't true is it?
did you know that if you see a bad opinion on twitter you can just ignore it
— Sam Adams (@SamuelAAdams) November 23, 2017
...I mean. If we can ignore bad takes what can't we do???
Reader Comments (10)
Baby Bergman fans? What?
Dan - lol. that was this one
"Overheard an obviously divorced couple divvy up which Ingmar Bergman blu-rays each was going to give their teenage son for Christmas & felt a deep kinship with a boy I've never met."
I feel so vindicated. When I was in graduate school, everyone ridiculed my interest in Bergman and maintained that nobody under 50 liked his work (but me) and that I was hopelessly out of date for still liking him. The fact that Bergman is back in the conversation Is so gratifying.
I don't think the Jelly Huston/Liza Minnelli pic is real... She for sure would have mentioned in her memoirs.
all this time and no-one suspected susan was playing anjelica and geena liza
well played, callie khouri, well played
I.. don't get that Big Lebowski tweet. Is there something "straight" about the film moreso than other films? Because i don't see it.. can someone enlighten me?
I saw a tweet suggested that Anjelica & Liza road trip movie is a perfect vehicle for Emily Blunt & Anne Hathaway reunion. It couldn’t been more perfect.
i think Lady Bird deserves to be the star of her own sequel.
Yes, Sam Lansky, yes. Saw it years ago as a teen and did not get all the love for it. Maybe if I saw it again now I'd have a better appreciation for it.
GeorgeT - do you know a lot of gay people who worship that film? I'm sure there are, but it is HIGHLY worshipped amongst many straight men. Constantly quoted, referred to, ranted about as an (underrated) masterpiece, etc.
Dan O -- i am under 50 and also love him and have since my 20s so...:)