Would you rather...?

Mondays can be such a drag so let's fantasize that we're hanging with celebrities rather than returning to the day jobs, shall we?
Would you rather
...eat oatmeal raisin cookies with Jessica Biel?
... get a quick drink with Wolverine and Professor Xavier?
... visit the ancient pyramids with Hilary Swank?
...hit the recording studio with Ben Platt?
...doing drag with Kristin Scott Thomas?
...can fruit with Dolly Parton?
...go to yoga with Lea Michele & Jonathan Groff?
...see the last Jedi with TV genius Bryan Fuller?
...welcome the snow with Lena Headey?
...or have a spontaneous dance party with Miguel Angel Silvestre?
[Pictures are after the jump to help you decide]
It's your choice. Just make one.
Reader Comments (9)
Jonathan Groff. The answer is always Jonathaon Groff.
I'm with John T.
i'll take the cockiest bullfighter
Drag with KST
I really wan to see "Star Wars", of course, but I don't know if I can give up drinking with Hugh or dancing with Miguel. I mean, just look at them?!?!?!?!?
Pickling with Dolly.
That'll sort out the gaps in Christmas shopping.
I'd love to visit Egypt, but basically with anyone except Hilary Swank.
Please, Wolverine, Professor, drinks are on me. Have another?
Have a drink w/ Professor X and Wolverine (non-alcoholic for me) and hang out w/ Kristin Scott Thomas in drag.
She looks good as a dude. If Cate Blanchett can get away playing a dude. Why not her as well?