Matthias of Linkland

In Contention Lion is using T****'s unconstitutional travel ban its advertisements
Boy Culture 70s star and Battlestar Galactica hunk Richard Hatch has died
Awards Daily Jazz talks to Joel Harlow about the Oscar nominated Hair and Makeup of Star Trek: Beyond
Towleroad a close-up of Glenn Close returning to Sunset Boulevard
Cottages & Gardens the Grey Gardens estate is up for sale
Variety Stanley Tucci has directed a movie about Alberto Giacometti starring Geoffrey Rush and Armie Hammer
Tracking Board the Coen brothers are polishing the remake script for Scarface (which was made twice already in the 30s and 80s)
Towleroad Finland is the first country to release their own national emojis and one of them is for the gay artist Tom of Finland
MNPP "Smile like Trevante Rhodes"
New Yorker Oscar Spotlight: The Actresses
World of Reel a synopsis of Nicolas Winding Refn's new Amazon series
AV Club "Johnny Depp close to completing his transformation into mole person"
Interview Jay Baruchel talks Man Seeking Woman and his first time as director on the sequel to Goon
Comics Alliance weirdest Aquaman moments in comics
MNPP How hot is Matthias Schoenaerts? So hot he's steaming.
빛나는 special Korean posters for Moonlight - Chiron drawn at all ages
Theater Mania Meryl Streep to present Stephen Sondheim with the PEN Award in April in NYC
/Film Mary Poppins Returns has officially startedc production with Ben Whishaw, Emily Mortimer, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Julie Walters, Colin Firth, Dick Van Dyke, Emily Blunt as "Mary Poppins" and Meryl Streep as Mary's eccentric cousin "Topsy"
Reader Comments (11)
One paragraph into the New Yorker piece and all I can think is: "so clearly Michael Schulman reads TFE...."
Harvey Weinstein is *shameless*. I saw a TV ad yesterday hailing LION has a Valentine's Day movie about Patel and Mara's romance sub-sub-plot. People are gonna be so confused as to why there's 50 minutes of a subtitled boy on the streets of India. Like when they did commercials for CAROL that made it look like a thriller about a gun-toting Cate Blanchett careening across the countryside.
Harvey Weinstein is shameless and admirable in his commitment. He will do anything to get his movies seen and awarded to varying success. Looking forward to his tell all about Hollywood.
Glad to see Glenn Close again in these pages even if it was for a non-cinematic event. Speaking of cinematic, maybe someone can manage to produce and direct a Sunset Boulevard film adaptation. I heard Close's characterisation is even more layered and nuanced and more fragile than the original 1994 show.
i had the immense luck and privilege to see Glenn Close in Sunset Boulevard in London last spring.... I was so afraid of being desapointed but it was a phenomenal experience. It felt so incredibly weird to see her performance for real after spending ten years of my life watching clips of the show on YouTube. I felt so extatic leaving the theater i can only recommend everyone to get this new chance to see her in such an iconic part.
Seeing the 'new' ad for Lion really reminded me of the sickening manuevers from the Harvey W. Oscar campaign strategy book. Lion isn't going to win anything this year, so stop your manipulating tactics.
TOM: The truth is, Lion might be The Weinstein Company's last Oscar-nominated movie. A24 seems to be quickly replacing their role in the marketplace. The Weinstein Company has eight films on the docket. Of those, three are un-releaseable (Suite Francaise, About Ray and HHhH) and two are commercial plays (Artemis Fowl promisingly and Furby...not so much) that could get ripped from them easily if they go under.
God! Didnt' know Scarface reboot was happening! With the Coens around the script, things kinda look promising to say the least. Diego Luna is attached to portray Tony Montana, but who would you cast as:
- Manny Ribera?
- Elvira Hancock?
Personally, I would go for Edgar Ramírez as Manny Ribera - just obvious to me, he would be a great Manny for sure, specially after proving himself in Carlos TV movie.
As for Elvira Hancock, the choice is tricky... Some claim Lawrence would be great, but she just doesn't exude that calm aura (she's too strong and it shows on screen). If I would play risky, I would go for Sophie Turner, but I'm afraid she's too tall to star opposite Diego Luna, but I'm sure she would be perfect. If I would play it safer, I would go for Scarlett Johansson, who's both sexy, famous and able to express a lot while silent.
Your picks?
I think adapting Mary Poppins may not be as easy as it appears.
I was shocked when I looked at the books. Mary Poppins is mean, and the stories are boring. It took the genius of the Sherman brothers to add cheer and tunefulness and likability to it.
However, when I saw "Bedknobs and Broomsticks" where the Shermans didn't have the acid of Travers reeling them in, the story is bloated and the dance numbers interminable and unmemorable, although the original book is fun.
Although the Emma Thompson movie portrayed Travers as a carping, never satisfied critic, I think the parties involved actually made each other better.
For this remake, who is going to write a script that is quick, clever, and funny, and avoids the mean-spiritedness of the original books?
Oh, sorry. Should have read further, it's David Magee.
It would be fantastic if Glenn Glose would get another oscar nom so I kind of want that film remade for her even thought I am usually against that sort of thing and dolt know if it would work.
That Tom of Finland thing is ridiculous here, it is in postmarks and even coffee bags and everything else possible just because it had some fame outside of Finland and people here are so needy for any mentions of us from elsewhere.