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Big Little Lies MVPs: Episode 5 "Once Bitten"

Previously: episode 1 and 2, episode 3 and episode 4. Here's Nathaniel's take on Episode 5

In the fifth episode, we've reached what has to be a boiling point as Jane, Madeline, Celeste and Renata all seem to be coming absolutely unhinged simultaneously. Spoiler alert for the rest of this post: this show is just superb and it's giving us more actressing than we even know what to do with. *tosses roses at television*

Top Ten MVPs of Big Little Lies. Episode 5 "Once Bitten"

10. Madeline's Dream
Bonus points to the show for having a sense of humor about its hardcore annoying refusal to let us know who was murdered. Also any Avenue Q reference is golden.  

09 "Bully Free Zone"
That damn bright yellow & red sign. 

Don't you feel like it's constantly just taunting everyone in the school? At least half of the adults in this show are bullies themselves and everyone seems so helplessly ill equipped to deal with bullying in school on top of their other issues... 

08 "She is going to kill you"
Bonnie's casual funny truth-telling on the couch when her husband hangs up on Madeline

07 This shot
Not everyone will agree but I think this show is truly brave to pair this storyline with these sexually charged actors. It complicates audience response in a really (good) uncomfortable way -- and also keys you in to how messy the collusion of consent issues, physical abuse, emotional abuse, and marriage can be.


06 Ed & Madeline's sexless sex scene
Sad and funny in equal measure with its staccato rhythm and mood killing interruptions, some external and some internal.

Can you take a breath for one second?"

05 Renata performing a deep breath
Laura Dern's full throttle fury/indignation is wondrous. She can even weaponize body language

04 Nicole Kidman staring out the coffee shop window
You may recall that I was hesitant about this performance at the start given its opacity. But the opacity was by design. The punctuation of this reverie, with Tom unwittingly startling her, was a nice touch and reminder of how fragile Celeste's purposeful opacity (even with herself) is becoming. 

03. Editing
Editing is usually used to shape performance, pacing, forward rhythm and draw connections. In episode five it's practically its own noisy character, and going for baroque. 

Maybe I should get a gun. There's more than one person I'd like to shoot in this town.

02 Reese Witherspoon
I'm absolutely convinced after five episodes that this is the performance of her career. (And she wasn't hurting for stellar work previously: Election, Legally Blonde, Man on the Moon, Wild). She has every inch of this woman's soul down, including the way she lies (too specific) and the way she tells the truth when she's also lying (her distraction at the refrigerator when she tells Ed one of her secrets, but probably not the one she's thinking about most at that moment. She's so perfect that you're even relieved to realize Madeline doesn't like guns (because she'd be way too dangerous with one - she's already doggedly ready to attack without one)

01 Therapy Session
Zoinks! A master class in scripting and acting and humanity. Though I have not experienced abuse in my life and have no idea how close this hews to reality, it feels voyeuristically true. Robin Weigert is just brilliant in this therapist role managing just the right tricky tone of minimalist reaction, measured inquiry, lawyer like evasions "my apologies, I misread" and scalpel precise blows right past Nicole Kidman's Woman Who Lies To Herself™ armor. A-ma-zing. I think I'll watch it again right now. 

On second thought, way too painful. Especially given Celeste spontaneous decision post therapy, throwing herself back over the metaphorical cliff. She's just as married to her own guilt as she is to Perry. 

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Reader Comments (35)

Nathaniel, have you read the book? I just finished it, and it's fascinating fun. Can't wait to see the whole series! I bet I'm going to relish the performances. (But what is up with Nicole's wig? It's a big little catastrophe. It tops even the one she wore in "Lion.")

March 22, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterMatt

Did you miss #6?

March 22, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterPJ

I have heard from many people that they couldn't stomach the therapy session - that it felt too real. Kudos to everyone involved in it. Really amazing.

And I'll say it again and again, there is no English speaking actress who portrays problematic sexuality quite like Nicole Kidman.

March 22, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterTony T

Easily the best episode so far. The entire cast is delivery some exceptional work. I still feel Perry's character is somewhat underwritten, but these female characters are just wonderful.

I agree that this is some of Reese's, if not, her best work. Loved that you mention the fridge moment! I actually gasped; just brilliant. Also her moments at the hospital were great, even in physical trauma she holds it together.

And yes, Nicole. Always bringing the goods. Those therapy scenes are masterclasses. If I hear another person say she cannot act, I'm not sure what I'll do.

March 22, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterAndrew

P.J. -oops. I was bullied in math class. missed some lessons.

March 22, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterNATHANIEL R

I see the missing one was Zoe Kravitz's. Somehow I was hoping the one got left out would be something Shailene Woodley, though I do think her character is a bit under-developed that she got almost nothing else to display beyond the keep-to-herself, emotional and at times frustrating single parent who is worried about her son. Even my initial feeling about Nicole Kidman having nothing else to do on the show beyond having hot sex with Alexander Skarsgård has changed now that her character has got more to show. I was hoping Shailene got more to do in the principal office scene but then Laura Dern totally owned it however brief it was. "I don't want refreshments. I want you to make your son stop abusing my girl."

On the other hand, I really do think Robin Weigert is sensational in that limited role. And Reese should get that Emmy, not any of the Feud's ladies.

March 22, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterPJ

Great write-up. Could not agree more. The husband and I cannot stop talking about this show because it is so awesome, despite its flaws.

The whole teacher/classroom issue is a stretch. She is clearly the worst teacher ever ... so bad that it is implausible that these supposedly smart moms would never call her on her BS.

But Kidman and Witherspoon are just awesome. The visible, annoyed rage of Witherspoon plays so well against the outward calm, but inner conflicted rage of Kidman. They both are just class act actresses. It just doesn't get much better than this. I cannot wait for the rest of the series.

March 22, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterCharlieG

I just love Reese, but I am rather shocked that I think that Nicole is the standout in this series. Her therapy scenes are amazing.

Laura Dern has the best wardrobe though. I love her fringed sweater. And everyone at that school should be fired.

March 22, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterSuzanne

I am thrilled that Celeste *may* finally be realizing that her husband is abusive.

March 22, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterFaye

Does Adam Scott's character know that Reese/Madeline cheats on him? He seems deliberately obtuse? The car crash scene scared me

March 22, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterMarie

I hope Nicole goes supporting at the Emmys and Reese goes lead so they can both win. It's also not a tremendous stretch to call her supporting.

March 22, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterHayden

So glad you mentioned the editing. I've read that some aren't fans of Vallee's style but I just loooove how frantic and blunt it has. The way it utilizes memory is so great and fascinating. Those quick cuts during Celeste's therapy session thrown in with Kidman's reaction to that memory were heartbreaking. I wonder if Vallee and Kidman talked about how he was going to edit that scene because it was so perfectly synched.

March 22, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterJesse

I thought that one of Vallee's gifts in Wild was using editing and cinematography to show how the mind works and remembers. The flashes of memory and fantasy that coexist and screech around in our brains. This show is using that to impressive ends.

And Nicole. We were breathless during her therapy scenes. Gut-wrenching perfection.

March 22, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterTom M

MVPs: 1. Reece

2. Dern

3. Shaliene

4. Nicole

March 22, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterK

Can we say that this is finally the return we were hoping to happen Nicole?? Im exited to see her doing her craft sooo well.

March 22, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterEwan23

Loved the jarring editing this week, and the reveal of what Perry did with the toys. And all the actresses are just killing it.

I'm not sure Kidman would be believable in Supporting, but Dern definitely is and I'd love to see her win.

March 22, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterDJDeeJay

Reese was far and away the MVP of the first couple of episodes for me but I can comfortably say Nicole has quietly sailed past everyone, which is quite a feat because I don't think there is a weak link in this cast, the men included (well, maybe the guy who play's Reese's ex-husband). I'm paraphrasing a Vulture article, but it stated Nicole has been the beating heart of this show with each passing week and the way her performance has built and revealed more episode by episode is really impressive to me. That therapy scene should be shown in acting classes (due not only to Kidman, but to Weigert as well). Weigert asking if she's ever feared for her life, then the shot of Perry holding her down, where she's just fighting to breath paired with Nicole's reaction to that moment broke me. I was in tears by the end. She's doing something very difficult and walking a very fine line with this carefully modulated performance and I hope she wins *something* for it.

March 22, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterIan

Reese is still my MVP. She was made for that role, and I like that her character is a mess but still thoughtful and constantly surprising. I totally get her anguish that her life may fall apart.

Nicole is doing great work but her character really is going from A to B (denial about being a DV victim, to awareness that she actually is a DV victim).

Laura Dern makes me laugh. Her Renata is crazy but she reminds me of several professional women that I know in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Jane and Ziggy ... very great duo.

March 22, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterJono

Hmm, I don't think it's quite fair to say that Celeste's journey is exactly going from point A to point B. There was a reason she's so reserved and in the background in the first episode, for instance. Like Nathaniel stated, there was a purposeful opacity to her, which tells me that she was always quite aware of her dangerous situation, that it wasn't okay, but she didn't *want* to face it and just hadn't been confronted by another person about it. The fact that it's now unavoidable in terms of her therapist catching on means that it's a sort of breakthrough in her denial, perhaps, but to say that she's all of a sudden aware that she's being abused and wasn't before doesn't make a ton of sense to me.

March 22, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterIan

Also, my only performance gripe is that Shailene seems to be losing control of her character a bit as the drama escalates. Imagine this miniseries happening 25 years ago with different actresses in place:

Madeline: Sally Field
Celeste: Sigourney Weaver
Renata: Candice Bergen
Jane: Laura Dern

Thank you for indulging me.

March 22, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterHayden

Hayden, I like this cast but if we could go back in time via a time machine I would cast:

Madeline: Meryl Streep
Celeste: Jessica Lange
Renata: Sigourney Weaver
Jane: Debra Winger

All of the above in one production would make me very happy (!), but as noted, I have no complaints about the current cast. They are all doing a great job.

March 22, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterMinerva

@ Hayden

Yes, but 35 years ago (1982). And have Sigourney and Candice switch roles. Only problem: Laura Dern would have only been 15, so replace her with Glenne Headly.

March 22, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterPaul Outlaw

I guess Shailene is playing a typical "Laura Dern character" from her early career—a mysterious, aimless, unmoored young woman with traumatic baggage. It's one of the things that makes Laura Dern antagonizing that character so fascinating to watch. It's like she's judging and berating a younger version of herself (as we know her onscreen).

March 22, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterHayden

Marie -

Does Adam Scott's character know that Reese/Madeline cheats on him? He seems deliberately obtuse?

I think he's where Celeste is. He knows it but doesn't want to know it. That shot of him staring at the floor when Madeline lies to him about why she was in the car was so sad.

March 22, 2017 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R

I don't think Celeste is truly in denial about the abuse, except to other people. Things she has said to Perry and the way she is when she's alone make that clear to me. I think she's in denial about the catastrophic effect that the abuse is having on her marriage, family and self-esteem.

Nathaniel is spot-on about the casting of Satine/Grace Mulligan und Eric Northman/Tarzan in these roles.

March 22, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterPaul Outlaw

Are you shading Walk the Line?

March 22, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterBD

I am blown away by this miniseries. I also feel Shailene is every bit the equal of Nicole and Reese in this. She is breaking my heart every week.

March 22, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterMichael R

Yes to your #1. That was just heartbreaking to watch.

And we knew Nicole was bringing it, but holy hell, Robin Weigert was AMAZEBALLS. How have I never noticed her before? And is it just me, or does she look a bit like Annette Bening in this role?

March 23, 2017 | Unregistered Commenterlylee

Also, this episode really strongly suggests that it's one or both of Celeste and Perry's kids who are hurting Renata Klein's daughter. That whole denial by Celeste that the violence was at all impacting them is just ripe for undermining...

(And no, I haven't read the book, so I'm just speculating here.)

March 23, 2017 | Unregistered Commenterlylee

This show makes me gasp for reason I didn't expect to be gasping at. When Celeste tells Perry to pick up the toys himself I recoiled in horror. That they showed the after effects of it intercut throughout that brilliant therapy sequence was so the right choice. Far out, Nicole is excellent in this role. So is Reese (who is doing best ever work, but Nicole is right there with her she just has higher peaks than Reese).

I was right on board with Shailene, but I must admit this episode sort of bummed me out for her. It gave her little to do and how much of her time on set was her running along the cliff and then running into her house with her headphones blasting music? Happens so many times in each episode.

Laura Dern's big scene at the start was great, but I loved her arriving "early" for the meeting and just barging her way through. So perfect.

Episode MVPs:
Reese: 2
Nicole: 2
Laura: 1

March 23, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterGlenn Dunks

Glenn - OH MY GOD yes! When Perry was picking up the toys I was holding my pillow really really hard to my chest. Some people are complaining the weekly sex and violence is too much but I like that Vallee is not afraid of testing his audience in that way. That Is not steamy sex. Nicole's bruises are fully on display and it's usually met with horror. He breaks the intensity of these scenes with some levity in Madeline's world.

I do disagree that this is Reese's best work though. Both Kidman and Witherspoon have had higher heights. I mean these are women responsible for some of the most famous heroines in modern cinema: Satine, Tracy Flick, Elle Woods.... They are not strangers to iconic performances. I just think this medium allows them to really delve into a character and flesh it out. Kudos for them for having found perfect material.

March 23, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterTony T

This is a very original site. I want to be here more and more.

March 23, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterAnastasiia

I can't believe there's only two episodes left, it seems like that's not enough time to wrap it all up!

March 25, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterKirby

I got to this series late, but I watched all five episodes in a row. It's goddamn amazing.

I agree with Nathaniel that this is the performance of Reese Witherspoon's career. And that is no small feat considering her impressive list of inhabiting indelible, smart modern women: Tracy Flick, Elle Woods, June Carter, Cheryl Strayed.

And I agree with someone who said earlier that Nicole Kidman's and Robin Weigert's therapy session should be studied in acting classes. That was a perfect amalgamation of acting, direction, and writing.

And from someone who was ice cold on Shailene Woodley, I have to admit she is giving an amazing performance.

Cannot wait for episode 6.

March 25, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterAaron

Robin Weigert - had me diving for IMDB to see what the hell else she's been in. Brilliant, subtle work.

March 26, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterJKD
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