would you rather...?

Some mellow choices this time on 'would you rather' because it's August, the grossest month of the year. Everyone stay air-conditioned.
...sip some drink with Marisa Tomei?
...drive to work w/ Grant Gustin and puppies?
...see Greece with Paul Bettany?
...curse your diet with Josh Brolin?
...convalesce with Cindy Sherman and a camera at the hospital?
..."share a moment" with Sam Claflin?
... teach Sharon Stone's dog new tricks?
... take a contemplative trip with Juliette Binoche?
... learn your place in the star food chain with Tom Holland?
Pictures are after the jump to help you decide.
Reader Comments (19)
I wish Sharon's dog would teach her some old tricks about her massive star charisma and THAT Casino performance.
But of course I'll do ANYTHING with Marissa Tomeï
I guess Greece with Bettany but also laugh with Tom about his status.
Binoche always wins, specially in Sils Maria train mode.
Sharon Stone. We can discuss the nineties and the eighties.
I have loved her since King Solomon's Mines.Rupert Everett's book has some real dishy stuff on here and makes me like her even more and Diabolique is gr8 camp fun.
I want to lie on the beach under the sunset with my head on Sam's chest.
Greece with Paul Bettany, definitely.
Go on a trip with Juliette Binoche and drink with Marisa Tomei.
Miss Stone of course...
Tomei ftw!
take top billing over tom holland
I would say Greece with Bettany, but then I saw that view with Claflin, and must agree with MarkGordonUK. Nice sunset on that chest.
I will always choose grant. We both have anxiety ridden dogs who hate cars. Respect
MARISA, cause she keeps reminding haters that She IS worthy that Oscar win in 1993 ( although I`ve never doubt it ) and what are her thoughts about Happy Accidents (2000) not getting the attention it deserved ( the film is delightful) , SHARON, cause she`s still awesome and I `d love spending time with royalty , even if she still owes us another great performance after Lovelace ( where was her Oscar nod by the way....) and let her know that I am a huge fan of her performances in Diabolique, When a man falls in the Forest and Broken Flowers, & JULIETTE, cause I have been in love with Marion Cotillard since La Vie en Rose, but Binoche had me at Wuthering Heights and I think Certified Copy is one of the best films ever. ( Plus, I`d love to know how was it helping Kristen Stewart get her "I sorta can act" certificate in Clouds of Sils Maria)
Eder Arcas
Judy Davis gave BY FAR the best performance in that category and deserved to win. Tomei was the usual ingenue that Academy suckers l o v e
to vote for. And of course if you also see it from the better actress point of view, Judy Davis wins by a landslide.
Grant Gustin. I love a man who loves his dogs.
Love Judy Davis , but let`s face it- Tomei proved everyone wrong by giving amazing performances in Untamed Heart, Before the Devil Knows you are dead, In the Bedroom , The Wrestler, The Ides of March, etc- while Davis have always been (deservedly) celebrated, (thought she was the best thing in Feud) and she has three Emmys on her shelf to make it crystal clear.