"Ant-Man and the Wasp" Peek and Digestif?

by Nathaniel R
Yes yes we already talked about Michelle Pfeiffer once today but where is the perfect goddess in the first, thankfully non-plot driven, teaser for Ant-Man and the Wasp? The trailer only really focuses on the second titular character, and will surely be just one of many trailers if recent history is indication with would be blockbusters.
The trailer and a few Marvel-centric notes after the jump...
So basically that's a "previously on..." teaser to remind you of what went down with Ant-Man himself during Captain America: Civil War. After the "previously on" we get a few cool visual effects shots of the shrinking and growing action and one blade run (not to be confused with blade running) by the Wasp herself. But there's no shot of Michelle Pfeiffer. *sniffle*
If you aren't going to go with Pfeiffer and if you're all about the rehash THIS would have been a brilliant way to go...
An Ant-Man and the Wasp teaser that's just Michael Peña telling us what he heard the movie was about.
— Will Goss (@williambgoss) January 30, 2018
The film is due five months from now (July 6th). We figure it's planned as a kind of a digestif after the massive hugely populated feasts of Black Panther (February 16th) and Avengers: Infinity War (May 4th).
Black Panther , which just enjoyed a gloriously colorful world premiere and the usual normal social media "greatest movie ever" response -- but more on that later as I'm due to seen the film next week -- is expected to be huge. Advance ticketing is in a frenzy at the moment but how huge? Marvel's biggest global successes to date are the team-up films. The first three Avengers films made 1.5 (2012), 1.4 (2015) and 1.1 billion (2016 Captain America Civil War... which was an Avengers film in all but name) respectively. The only solo hero Marvel film to have crossed the billion dollar mark is Iron Man 3 (2013). Can Black Panther exceed the normal solo range of success? Marvel's solo efforts generally fall somewhere between the 500-700 million range globally though that number has been creeping up over the years with Spider-Man Homecoming the biggest to date (outside of Iron Man 3) with an $880 million global gross.
And how big (no pun intended) can Ant-Man grow? Surely not as big. The original was on the low end of Marvel successes grossing $519 globally in 2015.
Reader Comments (11)
I appreciate the entire theme of the trailer pointing to a true partnership and not Ant-Man (and the Wasp). Lilly seemed to be sleepwalking through the first movie just waiting for this one to come around.
OH HELL YEAH!!!!! It's good to be a fan of the MCU. And I'm shocked over how hyped the praise for Black Panther is after its premiere. I guess it will exceed its hype. "James Bond meets the Lion King".
... I have to say, that I still haven't seen a single MCU movie I did not enjoy. The closest to disappointment have been Avengers: Age of Ultron, which I hated on a first viewing, and then Thor: The Dark World, Iron Man 2 and The Incredible Hulk which I thought were just entertaining films.But everyone else... either good, great or awesome. My fave, so far, Thor Ragnarok, but I love Taika Waititi, so I am biased.
Yeah Incredible Hulk is the only one I'm not a fan of. I think even Iron Man 2 is underrated.
Agree. Agree. They've all been pretty fun so far. No reason to see why this one won't be.
I think Black Panther will hit the billion mark.
I don't think movie studios will learn anything from it.
Also worth noting that Disney could have two monster-hit blockbusters helmed by black filmmakers this year: BLACK PANTHER and A WRINKLE IN TIME.
Tr: Yeah, Incredible Hulk is definitely my least favourite. Lot of problems with it, not least of which how it completely screws up The Leader. The promise of a "Supervillain Flowers for Algernon" squandered on setting up yet another stock mad scientist bad guy? No thanks.
Steve: Agreed. Black Panther looks SWEET.
Iron Man and Captain America 2 are their best. Thor 2 was awful.Everything else kinda ranges from half decent to pretty good imo. I hope Evangeline gets good sceen time as The Wasp.
We have the new trailer for Ant-Man And The Wasp, due in theatres this summer, starring Paul Rudd, Evangeline Lilly and Hannah John-Kamen. Check out here at FANdemonium Network.
Hell yaa.!! great movie it is but Ironman and Thor Ragnarok were best.
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