This Summer Has "The Incredibles", Too

Chris here. Before Avengers fever takes over in the coming weeks with Infinity War (which we're still hoping is more Black Panther 1.5), it's worth remembering that the Marvel crew isn't the only superhero assemblage happening at the multiplex this summer. Namely, Pixar is finally delivering their long promised sequel to The Incredibles.
And we just got a big reminder with a full trailer that finally gives us some details about what the Incredible family is going to be facing this go around. So why not take a look and do your own Yes No Maybe So'ing in the comments.
YES. This time, Holly Hunter's Elastigirl takes the heroic center stage while hubbie Mr. Incredible struggles with fading into the background. You're married to the voice of Holly Hunter, kindly know your place, sir.
NO Pixar's previous non-Toy Story sequels give us pause about getting too excited for this one...
but none of those had Edna Mode. (And we're back up to the "Yes" column)
MAYBE SO. While this family-friendly look at issues of gender parity gives some reservations (is this all going to be Mr. Incredible's "but ME!" perspective?), we'll keep goodwill hope that the final product has some lessons in store for dad.
Are you excited for more Incredibles?
Reader Comments (8)
One item for each possibility. That was lazy
I'm totally going to see that.
This feels like a movie that would have been good in 2006 but not 2018. I don't think we need a film about the struggles of the nuclear white American family and the basic af debates over gender roles in parenting. Don't even get me started on Frozone's character basically being the modern day neoliberal evolution of the Sambo.
Lordy, when did every commenter on this site manage to make every post about colour, diversity and representation? They’ve sapped the fun from this site which is about goddamned movies of all kinds and actresses! Turn the comments off Nat - I used to live for reading people’s opinions here after the article but now it’s a dark place full of negativity which makes me so mad because this was my happy place!
This movie looks a fuck load of fun - sometimes that’s all you want from the movies and I’m here for it.
Possibly my favorite PIXAR film. Beyond crazy they haven’t made a sequel yet.
So excited. These characters are to die for.
My favorite PIXAR film. Total "YES YES YES!!!" Totally!!!
The first "Incredibles" is my favorite Pixar film by far (not 'best', mind you...just the one that I enjoyed the most). If necessary, I will sit on a street corner with a tin cup and a sign to collect enough money to see it.
Morgan -- the times we are living in have everyone on edge. We will find ways to bring more fun back.