
• Towleroad - I am so not an Andy Cohen fan but this game 'uncomfortably close' that gets Andrew Rannells and Matt Bomer nose-to-nose is... well, I'm here for it. It's also nice to learn that they both made excellent choices in their favorite movie ever.
• i09 fun illustrated poster of 80s movies. I'd ask you to see how many you recognize but if you know the 80s you'll know them all because the films represented (save arguably one) are fairly pop culture famous
• IndieWire -the new super in Incredibles 2 is very Kristen Stewart-esque
• AV Club -apparently ABC is really trying to come up with a way to continue Roseanne without Roseanne!
• Deadline report on the filming of Avatar 2 and Avatar 3. Zoe Saldana has already wrapped her part and James Cameron brags that Kate Winslet can hold her breath underwater for seven minutes. Hmmm. Is that even possible for humans? Really?
• Mirror - very odd report on Catherine Zeta-Jones bragging about her fortune and beauty. File under 'if you got it, flaunt it' I guess?
all Supers all the time
• FSR Captain Marvel will use female Turkish composer Pinar Toprak for the score. That's quite a surprise since her filmography to date is quite obscure with mostly low profile documentaries and TV movies but congratulations! I've never seen the series Krypton, her highest profile gig. If you do, how do you like the music?
• Coming Soon - Wonder Woman's sequel is called Wonder Woman 1984 and there are a few new photos. Love the brighter costume. Annoyed that Steve Trevor is back. No one ever stays dead in comic book films!
• - Kevin Smith got Marvel screenwriters to say how they'd fix the DC Extended Universe of movies. Sound simple advice but I can't imagine DC is happy about the conversation.
• /Film a bit of info on Patrick Wilson's villain in Aquaman and why he was cast
• Damian Alexander - insightful cartoon about the way boys are trained to devalue female protagonists. I relate so much because I loved heroines from the start but knew instinctively that that was 'weird'.
Reader Comments (18)
Has anyone seen the Boys in the Band revival? I've read it's better than what is was expected to be.
Nat: The world record for holding one's breath underwater, unassisted, is 22 minutes. 7 minutes is still impressive for someone who's not obsessed with doing that.
that catherine zeta-jones quote is some megalomaniacal diva shit and i am HERE for it
that better be sime sort of wierd fantasy sequence or something. if that is Chris Pine ressurected then ill throw a fit; way to shot all over your first film guys.
Okay so not only am I confused that Steve Trevor is apparently alive (although this being a comic book movie I know I shouldn't be) but if it takes place in 1984 and the first one was WWI then wouldn't Steve be like really old? Cause he doesn't look that old in the pic they shared. What's up with that?
I don't have the love for a lot of 1980s films that many others do. Looking at the i09 poster of 80s movies, I finally grasp the obvious. There's maybe 7 female characters in that poster?
And a lot of the male characters are just dumb, and not in a sweet way like Bill and Ted.
Why don't you like Andy Cohen? Just curious.
Sarah: Its probably his grandson, Steve Trevor III. Identical Grandson thing, because they (surprisingly rightly) decided they don't want to lose Chris Pine.
There are more robots/creatures than there are women or people of color on that '80s poster! Times have changed.
When I was a burgeoning cineast, I would run home from school to catch arthouse, foreign, and independent films on Bravo. It was because of that channel that I got to watch movies like Maurice, Mon Oncle Antoine, and Violette Noziere. Then Andy Cohen took over and turned it into a shell of its former self. Whenever I see his face, I just want to smack him haha, because Bravo's decline felt (and feels) like such a huge loss.
I've never really thought much of CZJ other than that she was a beautiful girl but I now think less. Talk about your delusional insensitive privileged white girl.
Her beauty isn't something she's responsible for, that genetics-and probably cosmetic surgery from the look of that early photo-all she has to do is maintain it.
Although she probably pulled down good coin when she was a leading name the wealth she's so proud of comes mostly from being the trophy wife of a rich and powerful man.
And after her rotten performance as Olivia de Havilland in Feud she's shouldn't be squawking about her talent. I'll warrant she's been good in the past but she's an inconsistent performer at best.
Chris Pine as Steve Trevor yes!
"I can't imagine DC is happy about the conversation."
DC has spent the last fifty years of their existence desperately trying to be Marvel, from poaching the competition's former writers and editors (including Jack Kirby) to constantly "rebooting" their own continuity to be more like their rival's. Heck, the only reason we even have a "DC Extended Universe" in the first place is because they're just following what the Marvel Cinematic Universe succeeded at earlier.
So if they're unhappy seeing Marvel writers offering advice to "fix" their moribund film franchise, tough. Maybe if they were driven by something other than a decades-long inferiority complex they wouldn't be in this position.
On the CZJ quote: first, it’s from “The Mirror” so that should be an asterisk at least. Next, it wouldn’t surprise me if this was in response to a question about women in Hollywood or even “Me Too.” Something along the lines of how (rich/famous/successful) women are always asked to apologize for their success/luck/fortune in ways that men aren’t. In that context, the quote wouldn’t seem so tone-deaf. The problem is that there is no context around it—just The Mirror’s editorializing. So I say: shrug, incomplete.
Andy Cohen is a predator but because he is gay, we let him get away with coming onto his male guests, making them take their shirts off, and now making them kiss (straight or gay). It's really gross and so 1950's. If he treated a female guest the way he does a male guest, his show would be cancelled and he'd be thrown into the #metoo career trash heap. But because it's BRAVO and people think gays are shallow, we call it entertainment. Oh, and his shows are nicotine for the soul.
Sincerely, a gay man
MM -- nobody made Andrew & Matt kiss. They're flirting of their own accord.
No one likes Andy Cohen.
Robert: I think Marvel's advice is basically trite. I'd offer three suggestions:
1. Actual extensions. They're calling it the DC Extended Universe, but you're only adapting DC Comics characters. Mandy from The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy as the villain of that heavily rumoured Flashpoint movie? Shut up and take my money! Dick Grayson's origin changed from the creaky and dated "Cheery Circus Orphan" thing to an ex-agent of a version of the KND? Same. A new Teen Titans team for the movies that actually incorporates the Cartoon Network side? (A six member Titans team of Dick Grayson, Steven Universe, Beast Boy, Dexter('s Lab), Raven and Nergal Junior (from Billy and Mandy) might be an interesting roster.) That could be really awesome.
2. Speaking of incorporating Cartoon Network stuff: Go weirder. I get that the weirdest DC and especially Cartoon Network stuff is about 4-5x weirder than anything Marvel has put to the page, and MAYBE don't do the fullest of full strength strange, but they're so obsessively worried about people thinking they're silly, even for this genre, that they kind of cripple themselves.
3. If you have to do more Batman, maybe...don't...go hardcore into the hardcore masculine jackass version that has prevailed for far too long. If you're comfortable with going full light (like Batman '66 or Batman: The Brave and the Bold), go there, but at least more empathetic than what we've seen for almost three decades of cinematic portrayals.