Box Office: RBG, Book Club, Saoirse x 2 and More...

by Nathaniel R
Weekend Box Office Estimates (June 1-3) |
W I D E 800+ screens |
L I M I T E D excluding prev. wide |
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1. Solo $29.2 (cum. $148.8) REVIEW, BEHIND THE SCENES |
1. 🔺 RBG $1.1 on 432 screens (cum. $7.8) REVIEW |
2. Deadpool 2 $23.3 (cum. $254.6) | 2. 🔺 First Reformed $455k on 91 screens (cum. $1) REVIEW |
3.🔺Adrift $11.5 *NEW* REVIEW |
3. 🔺 The Rider $243k on 224 screens (cum. $1.7) REVIEW |
4. Avengers: Infinity War $10.3 (cum. $642.8) REVIEW |
4. Disobedience $211k on 158 screens (cum. $3k) REVIEW |
5. Book Club $6.8 (cum. $47.3) REVIEW |
5. How Long Will I Love U $170k on 32 screens (cum. $501k) |
More bad news for Solo as it fell a terrible 65% in its second week and its also underperforming overseas where would be blockbuster "disappointments" often make up for their tepid reception at home. None of the new pictures got audiences revved up though Adrift did decent business and might eventually be profitable. But the studios were clearly scared of Solo's second weekend when they did their original summer scheduling. Little did they know!
The best hold in the top ten is Book Club which will hit $50 million domestic with ease...
That's the power of "Legends only!" casting and counterprogramming in that there's otherwise a dearth of movies aimed at older audiences in the summers.
The big news in limited release is still the documentary RBG which has now become the distributor Magnolia's highest grossing release ever, leap-frogging their former biggest hit, also a documentary, I Am Not Your Negro. The Ethan Hawke drama First Reformed is another noteworthy story, adding a few dozen screens in its third weekend and passing the million dollar mark. After a successful arthouse run the Rachels are finally running out of steam in their steamy Disobedience, though.
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6. Upgrade $4.4 *NEW* | 6. Pope Francis A Man of His Word $150k on 273 screens (cum. $1.5) |
7. Life of the Party $3.4 (cum. $46.3) | 7. 🔺 On Chesil Beach $142k on 89 screens (cum. $345k) |
8. Breaking In $2.8 (cum. $41.3) REVIEW |
8. 🔺 American Animals $140k on 4 screens *NEW* |
9. Action Point $2.3 *NEW* | 9. 🔺 The Seagull $130k on 52 screens (cum. $526k) REVIEW |
10. Overboard $1.9 (cum. $45.5) | 10. Beast $87k on 92 screens (cum. $629k) |
🔺 = new or expanding its theater count numbers (in millions unless otherwise noted) from box office mojo |
Saoirse Ronan has had two quietly received releases in the wake of Lady Bird and both are in the top ten in limited release though neither are doing that much business.
A Quiet Place finally leaves the top ten in its ninth week with a $183 million gross to date but what a run. It's the fourth biggest hit of the year (thus far) and the only one of the top five that didn't have a pre-built audience waiting for it and didn't cost $100 million plus to make. On a $17 million budget it's grossed over $300 million globally. That's a lot of profit.
WHAT DID YOU SEE THIS WEEK? I finally got around to Tully and Deadpool 2. Loved the first, hated the latter and that isn't at all surprising so why did I wait so long with the former and why didn't I just skip the latter? The mysteries of moviegoing.

Reader Comments (19)
Just a couple of re-watches such as Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (w/ a hilarious Emma Stone) and Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (awful film except for Chris Evans and Michael Chiklis. I really hope Marvel fixes the Fantastic Four and get it right this time) and just now, I Fidanzati by the late, great Ermanno Olmi.
Saw Book Club. The audience was mostly middle aged women and they were laughing their butts off.
thevoid99: The three big problems with pulling off a live action Fantastic Four movie are: 1. Power Problems. Pulling off "stretching" in any sort of live-action movie (uncanny valley) and pulling off "dude on fire" in a live-action movie that's supposed to be light and fun. The visual of Ghost Rider works in live-action, but Ghost Rider's "world" is supposed to be the dark, action-horror, corner of the Marvel Universe, so that visual doesn't clash with the tone. 2. Reed Richards, as a character. There's a reason that, in terms of personality, The Incredibles doesn't really have a Reed analogue. 3. Not really having a juicy villain choice. I know Doom is perceived as "the big one", but he's also a dated Cold War relic.
I too got around to TULLY. What a magnificent film! I am dying to discuss it with friends.
Also saw ISLE OF DOGS (good), RAMPAGE (as good as could be expected) and STEP (good).
We saw The Greasy Strangler and my b/f will never be the same again.
Solo was "fine", but needed a grittier director than "that nice young man" Ron Howard to direct a movie about a Bad Boy. Enjoyable but just "fine".
I saw Tully this week too, and really loved it. I'm amazed that its able to pull off its ending so well.
Loved Tully--great return to form for Jason Reitman, though admittedly the only film of his I don't really like is Labor Day. Men Women and Children gets a bad rap I feel, because most people didn't want to deal with the film's message about social media because people don't want to deal with their addiction to it! Not to say every story in that film works, but it's not as bad as its critical reception suggests.
The two Saoirse Ronan movies are great. The Seagull is a great adaptation with an excellent cast, including Annette Bening in top form. The romantic in me, perhaps, but I really felt that one. On Chesil Beach, as well, surprised me. I thought it was a very honest film about relationships and regret. Not Atonement level but somewhere close.
Finally, rewatched Wonder Wheel now that it's on Amazon Prime. If it weren't for the miscasting of Justin Timberlake who I don't believe and the uneven performance of JIm Belushi, this could be top Woody if it weren't for the personal baggage critics brought to the screening. Kate is fantastic and Juno is lovely and the cinematography is to die for. Some parts of the film I could do without, but I love that Woody really went for it. And he's still trying new things, which is nice for an artist of his age.
Tried to watch The Tale. I'm not ready for it just yet
This time last year I was convinced Winslet was winning her 2nd but things happen.
So agreed on Men, Women and Children. Not a perfect film but definitely a worthwhile addition to Reitman's oeuvre. Think it was ahead of its time.
The top ten commercial is frighteningly unappealing.
I saw "Solo" and enjoyed it- a throwback to the original "Star Wars" movie - Ron Howard did a fine job and directs some sequences with a real sense of wonder. Alden Ehreneich is pretty but you really can't imagine he grows up to be Harrison Ford. There was nothing pansexual about Donald Glover's Lando Calrissian- but he was very charming and had stylish costumes. It was better than the last dreadful "Star Wars" movie.
I saw The Rider for the 2nd time. I kind of "binge warched" it when I had access to it as an Indie Spirit voter. Even under those less-than-ideal conditions I recognized its brilliance but seeing it a second time, well, it is so much better! I cried and cried all through it and loved every minute of it. Hearing the sniffles an nose blowing going on all around me was at least somewhat reassuring that it wasn't just me.
I also saw Beast, which was kind of unpleasant, partly on purpose, partly more than intended. It's so badly paced and keeps going on and on and on and I just wanted it to end long before it actually ended. Good acting, but so what.
Let the Sunshine In isn't a movie so much as someone's gossamer notion of a movie. If Gerard Depardieu's extended scene is some kind of a joke, it stops being funny minutes before it ends. Juliette Binoche is radiant as ever. But that's just not enough.
Wow, people are still defending Tully. Some bad reviews in comments. Oceans 8 is terrible. Sad for all those ladies.
Saw Deadpool 2 which I liked fine, but didn't work nearly as well as the first for me (but DAMN the opening credits sequence to that Celine Dion song was hard to top).
And I also (FINALLY) saw Klute on the big screen at Metrograph. I still have some of her major films left to see, but I'd be shocked if Jane Fonda was ever better than she was here. WOW.
Nathaniel, I am so glad you loved Tully. Theron deserves an Oscar nomination.
Watched Like Crazy -- Drake Doremus' dreamy paean to a precarious love affair between two people obviously in love but whose eventual paths have happier endings without each other. Key to the persuasiveness of the story was Felicity Jones and the late Anton Yelchin's undeniable chemistry that when the film reached its dénouement, you root for both of them to find lasting happiness. Or maybe it was just me. Jennifer Lawrence has a short but effective supporting part -- it reminded me of the time when she turns in truly lived-in performances without grandstanding, without showboating. Most of all, the music score of Dustin O'Halloran is poignant without being too sweet and manipulative.
I saw You Were Never Really Here. It's only playing at one cinema in Manhattan, two showings a day--I had been wanting to see this in the theater and figured it was probably my last chance.
I'm glad I did. Definitely not an easy watch, but it's haunting and unnerving. I like that Ramsay just kind of plants us in the middle of the story and puts us in Joe's head instead of explaining him to us. It's disorienting, but it works and makes a lot of emotional sense.
Joaquin Phoenix is fantastic in this and I'm glad he was recognized with a Cannes win. I'm thinking a Best Actor nod at the Oscars is out of the question--this movie came and went, and it was released too early in the year. Also, I looked at his IMBD page and had forgotten that he was not nominated for Her! That is, in a word, insane.
Kate Winslet's performance in "Wonder Wheel" is better than all of the nominated ones in Best Actress this year and it would have been a great win .