Tweetweek: Bowing Down to Extra Divas

Tweet of the week... no, year.
Sadly Marvel didn’t take my suggestion of a 30 min sequence in #AntManAndWasp where everyone shrinks down slightly smaller than Michelle Pfeiffer and bows their heads, refusing to look her in the eye because they’re not worthy.
— mat whitehead (@matwhi) July 4, 2018
After the jump the poor man's Johnny Depp, Mamma Mia Fallen Kingdom, Disney Princesses, actress kerfuffles, and a bit of politics because who can avoid it now...File the next two tweets under 'You learn new things every day!'...
anne hathaway is being talked about for her beauty but what about the fact that her husband looks very similar to william shakespeare and william shakespeare's wife's name was literally ANNE HATHAWAY......
— 🧚🏾♀️ (@PEACHYBLACKG0RL) July 1, 2018
After the jump the poor man's Johnny Depp, Mamma Mia Fallen Kingdom, Disney Princesses, actress kerfuffles, and a bit of politics because who can avoid it now... And check out this actual credit...
Aspire to this level of Extra.
— Kevin Daly (@kevinddaly) June 25, 2018
Yes, it's true. Babs does everything. The credits to A Star is Born make sure to tell us that Barbra's clothes are from HER OWN CLOSET.
Don’t you dare promise me a Mamma Mia sequel with dinosaurs and then not deliver a Mamma Mia sequel with dinosaurs
— Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff) June 27, 2018
best disney princesses ranked
— gabi (@harleivy) June 25, 2018
10. u can't
9. rank
8. them
7. because
6. they
5. all
4. are
3. individually
2. amazing
1. mulan, the great warrior who took it upon herself to save all of china with her tactics and cleverness when she was only 16
This website is free
— Rob (@r0bwatson) June 28, 2018
— Won't You Be My Claybor? (@schmvngpctrs) June 28, 2018
Oh, Twitter.
— Guy Lodge (@GuyLodge) June 25, 2018
— Nolene Dougan #TrustAllWomen #NowForNI (@NoleneDougan) June 17, 2018
Idea: Midnight in Paris, but Owen Wilson encounters Fassbinder and Pasolini at the urinals of a Hamburg leather bar circa 1973.
— Eric Allen Hatch (@ericallenhatch) July 1, 2018
If you are friends with a writer, stay on their good side to ensure you don't become a character that meets an untimely demise/gets tortured/becomes a villain/gets shot into space on a rocket with no oxygen, etc.
— lauren warren (@iamlaurenp) July 5, 2018
— Darren Hayes (@darrenhayes) July 3, 2018
Man. The good ‘ol days were only like 19 months ago.
— Ken Olin (@kenolin1) June 28, 2018
"Please be civil" is what aggressors say when their prey turns on them and they're about to be punched in the face.
— TheProxyGuy™ (@TheProxyGuy) June 26, 2018
Today's mood.
— Farran Nehme (@selfstyledsiren) June 27, 2018
Jaws is the most American 4th of July movie because it's the one in which an elected official acting on behalf of business interests allows several of his constituents to be literally eaten alive by a problem he was warned about
— jason lee (@speaks2ya) July 4, 2018

Reader Comments (13)
Kathy Griffin and Debra Messing have to be two of the most insufferable women out there. I hate them (okay, i dont hate, but i really dislike them 99% of the time)
Yes, that A STAR IS BORN costumes credit for Babs' wardrobe is EVERYTHING.
Top that, Lady Gaga!
Oh man.... that diss towards Depp and that is now becoming true. The fact that Skeet Ulrich had been known for looking a lot like Johnny Depp for much of his career. Now, Ulrich is going to have more money than Depp. Wow....
@huh - Exactly. I don't agree with Sarandon's stance on Clinton, but that woman has done more than Tamblyn and Messing (and countless others) will ever do. She has always been outspoken and an advocate for vital causes, even when those views could have upended her career. One controversial opinion doesn't change that. Sarandon cares deeply about the world she lives in, is hugely talented, and should be celebrated as such. The fact that she's being brought down by the likes of Debra Messing is ridiculous.
Johnny Depp has never been in a movie as good as Scream. I mean it.
Messing seems to have an unhealthy fixation with Sarandon. That particular “feud” is totally one-sided, and I doubt Sarandon loses a wink of sleep over it. Move on, ladies (which includes miss persecution complex herself, K.G.).
After the election, Tina Fey gave a withering and hilarious speech:
"I hate to be that person, but I just more funny rap or a Hamilton parody, a little more hustle from Liz Banks and we could have tipped Michigan."
Our fixation on how celebrities perform politics is an embarrassment.
I'm with Susan Sarandon,she stuck to he guns and I admire her for not going with the status quo and being bullied,she went with her gut,good on her.
Eh. No. Susan Sarandon is a fallen hero. She said too much dumb shit.
I'm here for Susan,she sticks to her beliefs and wont cow tow.
cal roth: Dude! Even just counting Lead roles, Edward Scissorhands is an A+ and Ed Wood is an A. Throw in supporting and you've got the original Nightmare on Elm Street, which is another A. Scream is an A-. If you meant the last movie he was in as good as Scream or better was decades ago? Absolutely.
Have not watched Sarandon in anything since the election. Has not been that difficult lately with her choice of projects...
Sarandon can fuck off with her hypocrisy.