August. It's a Wrap

Fall Film Season is here, guys and gals! It's finally here. So we'll start saying goodbye to summer, since Telluride, Venice, and TIFF are kicking off to make those newly updated Oscar charts potentially irrelevant. Here's a quick review of highlights from the dog days of summer.
Ten Highlights
• BlacKkKlansman - Review
• West Side Story - a tag team retrospective
• Suspiria - are you excited for the remake?
• Blueprints: The Marvelous Mrs Maisel - were you hooked with the pilot?
• Crazy Rich Asians Podcast plus Glenn Close
• The Wife - Nathaniel's poster blurb
• We the Animals - director interview
• Sharp Objects - the shocking series finale
• Cabaret - a tag team retrospective
• Beauty Break: John Cho - will Searching convince Hollywood?
Six Most Discussed Articles
• New Academy Category = Catastrophe - ARGH
• Oscar's Ten All Time Fav Supporting Actresses - from Amy to Thelma
• Oscar's Ten All Time Fav Supporting Actors - from Tommy Lee to Jack
• Oscar Myth-Busting - The Academy Doesn't... no they DO like popular films
• The Devil Wears Prada -Months of Meryl hits a reinvention peak
• 60 Reasons to Love Madonna - for Cinephiles
Joaquin and John are gunning for Jake and Riz in The Sisters Brothers, Emma Thompson returns in The Children Act, Blake Lively asks for A Simple Favor. On DVD and Blu-Ray we'll have a chance to check (back) in with Oceans 8, Hereditary, Hot Summer Nights, and Won't You Be My Neighbor? Nathaniel and Chris will be hitting Toronto for daily reports on that wonderful jam-packed film festival of foreign pleasures and Oscar hopefuls. And the month will end with the 1972 Supporting Actress Smackdown (sorry for the delay but now you have more time to watch all five movies).

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