Happy 25th anniversary (again) to Michelle & David

by Nathaniel R
We celebrated Michelle Pfeiffer & David E Kelley's 25th wedding anniversary on its proper day back in November but it's worth pointing out that the notoriously private actress has suddenly joined Instagram! On the day she joined I must have received 100 private messages about it. Y'all know me so well. So far she's posted three things: a Catwoman clip, a video of her cat licking her face (the cuteness!), and this photo of her 25th anniversary dinner. Go take a look and follow our pforever pfavourite.
P.S. Honestly, we thought she was the least likely of all iconic actresses to ever join social media. Care to conjecture who convinced her to do this? Kids? Management? Maleficent 2's PR team? Superstar peers?
Reader Comments (18)
She is coming for that Oscar.
Need for attention ?
Her cat of course.
AR -- hmmm. she's never had it before so i doubt that's why ;)
She has nothing to lose participating on social media with Instagram.
My New Years resolution to go against all my instincts and follow Michelle on Instagram.
I like that your like for Michelle is so strong.. she is beautiful and talented ( although her last efforts were not for me ) . I cannot see how you love her so much and then also Kidman!??? For me Kidman is bland and not beautiful in a natural way!
I am guessing her peers convinced her. Of course, it would be nice if she had arriwed 2 years earlier so she could promo some of her movies, especially 'Kyra', which really needed some promotion, but not looking a gift cat in the mouth.
Michelle still looks gorgeous, and Mr. Pfeiffer is the luckiest man in the world !
I wish she would do more indies. Where Is Kyra? was such a great, oddball choice with a really fascinating and different performance for her. I loved it.
I sometimes have the extraordinarily selfish thought that if she had married a less sucessful man than David Kelley, she wouldn't have taken so much time off and done more movies or TV.
But then I squash that very selfish thought - it's very good that she has a happy married life, raised 2 kids (neither seems to have gone into showbiz) -- in contrast to how some past actresses ended up -- Elizabeth Taylor going through multiple marriages and substance abuse problems, Marilyn Monroe dead of drug overdose, Audrey Hepburn married to terrible men.
I'm just grateful that she shared (and still shares) her incredible talent and beauty with us in occasional movies.
I'm utterly surprised that she took to Instagram to post something. It's really unlike her. She has hardly even promoted her movies! But it's a good move since I believe she'll be making more films in the near future. I wonder which other famous actresses are not on Instagram...can't think of any...almost everyone is on the bandwagon.
Kyra was a good movie and I think she did well although I don't consider that her best performance as cited by some critics...she had a few iconic roles in the past so anything new will be hard to measure up against those fabulous performances!
Glenn Close enter Instagram two weeks ago, before her crowing walk at the Golden Globes.
Probably Michelle text Glenn to congratulate her and Glenn answered:
"My dear (insert Michelle's character in DANGEROUS LIAISONS),
I started my Oscar crowning campaign doing an Instagram account, and what was my surprise the lack of REAL actresses in that medium. I saw lgbtqia community bagging love and likes for people like The Kardashians, Pop singers, celebrities actresses, reality show stars. I ask myself: where are the guides of this generation? Where are the Meryl's, the Sigourney's, the Maggie's Smith, Vanessa's Redgrave and Judi's Dench? Even people like Julie Andrews don't post to much. I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!
Take your necessary time, but not to long: they are hungry for real stars in real life and real skin.
Let's work on your Oscar too, my dear. Time has come! We will take what is out for right!
Don't answer me with yes. Answer me with "war"!
I love u, my dear! Miss u very much!
As they say in the comic books...
2019 Oscar Winner Glenn Close"
Not on Instagram and they should joint this "Avengers group of actresses":
Kate Winslet
Cate Blanchett
Carey Mulligan
Meryl Streep
Sigourney Weaver
Maggie Smith
Judi Dench
Vanessa Redgrave
Julie Christie
Gong Li
Annette Bening
Anjelica Huston
Sissy Spacek
Liv Ullmann
Eddie Falco
Christina Hendricks
Rachel Weisz
Emma Stone
Shirley MacLaine
Frances McDormand
Amy Adams
Emily Blunt
@Soshua: your Glenn Close post left me in stitches:)
Oh my, I wasn't aware that those actresses are not on Instagram...maybe the older ones like Judi and Maggie I would expect so but Mulligan, Stone and Weisz? That's a surprise.....
Tilda is not too 😭😭😭
Michelle joined to promote an upcoming business project she has she will be on INSTYLE cover in April to announce the news
@Heyya, that's a little disappointing for us pfilm pfans if she's doing a pure business project and going the Jessica Alba or Gwyneth Paltrow route.
My recollection is that she's not a great businessperson -- her production companies in the 90s didn't do too well (IIRC, Dangerous Minds was the only hit it had, and I don't even remember if that came from her production company). Sh'e's not a great marketer and her shyness would seem to make it hard to be an effective businessperson.
Well, I'm glad to see she's excited enough to push something she's doing, even if it's not movies :(
@Jans, the reason 'Kyra' stands out for me is that it's her first solo movie since Dangerous Minds (I wouldn't count Cheri as solo), and she seemed miscast in that movie -- she looked like the beauty queen she was, not like an ex-marine.
'Kyra' is raw, unfiltered -- you can't say the glamour of the role, or the fancy constumes or even a solid storyline is winning you over, because the movie has none of those. I much prefer seeing her in Baker Boys or Married to the Mob but cant say if that's because her looks are overwhelming my judgement :)