Can we give Patrick Wilson the Oscar for *his* Freddie Mercury instead?

We love this man.
And this queen doesn't need to lipsynch. Where is his movie musical star vehicle? The film version of Phantom of the Opera was 14 years ago and he was much less famous then. We've seen him in both of his Tony-nominated roles (The Full Monty and Oklahoma!) and he was marvelous both times and that voice is just pure melodic pleasure, transporting really. Perfect for a big sweeping romantic musical. He hasn't been on Broadway in 10 years but he's co-starred in several box office hits in that time so why aren't movie musical producers snatching him up?
WHAT IS WRONG WITH HOLLYWOOD? (A perennial question when it comes to the movie musical genre). If you were somehow unaware of his musical gifts, there are more videos after the jump because we're in a... mood.

Reader Comments (26)
I will never ever understand why this gorgeous creature wasn’t a Hollywood leading man!?
Always will be Prom King in “Little Children” to me 😍
Let me see.... OH HELL YEAH!!!! Fucker can sing!
Kelli O’Hara in the first 40 seconds of that video is all of us astonished by his talents.
Ha.. I didn’t know he was a singer. He’s also a dead ringer for Chris Pratt in the baseball clip.
The musical adaption he needs to be in Next to Normal. Cast him and Toni Collette as the parents.
I agree he needs to be in a musical something
Maybe he needs to go back to broadway and make a successful new musical. Is only a matter of time before Evan Hansen and The Band become movies. Maybe he could transfer from stage to screen success.
He was born in the wrong era, he would have been a perfect matinee idol. Such a shame Hollywood has wasted him.
Where was his oscar nomination for Little Children?
That is such a strange and excellent little movie I sometimes can't believe exists. I know 3 noms isn't exactly ignored, but should have had at least 2 more (actor and cinematography - for the way it frames Patrick's unreal beauty alone)
And let's not forget, his ass in that movie is literally sculpted by the Gods.
Oh wow, just seen that suggestion of Patrick Wilson and Toni Collette as the parents in Next To Normal... please please please please someone make this happen!!!!
I think we can all agree that Patrick Wilson should be a much bigger star than he is, and that is he really talented and super sexy.
Can we pair Gaga and Patrick in a film adaptation of She Loves Me?
That white pants! 🔥
Man... He should be a EGOT winner of this world has justice!
Oscar - Little Children
Emmy - Fargo
Tony - Anything already done
Grammy - Any record available of his work
Can believe that even Disney didn't hire him as a prince in any fairy tale till now! 😱
I know is not the point, but he deserved the same success as his only equal actor able of everything: Hugh Jackman
Patrick has social media? Instagram?
Lord, I miss his scenes in Little Children. The naked scenes!
Reminder that Anne Hathaway covered "Somebody to Love" in Ella Enchanted quite nicely. Where's her second Oscar? (it's coming i know)
I know it is unrelated, but what does everyone want Gaga's follow up to ASIB to be? I thought she would have been great as Donatella Versace in American Crime Story. Also, I feel Scorsese could really do something interesting with her. And brooksboy I love the idea of her and Wilson doing She Loves Me. Thoughts?
Where would we rank Wilson among the Best Actor Lineup for the year of Little Children y'all?
Such a fine man. It's boggling how he isn't a bigger star.
That suggestion by Eoin Daly is heavenly!
Still feel for Malek, but like with Foxx in Ray, he lip-syncs. I don't mind (Foxx had no reason to tho), but it's badly done.
Wilson does well tho. Funny how he moves, given he's clearly big on the gym.
When is Adele going to write a Movie Musical? Then Patrick can sing "When We Were Young" on the Big Screen.
Must agree with everyone re: "Little Children". What strange movie and what a perfect ass? He strangely has never really had Awards heat for anything.
It's really frustrating that there actors working in film who have musical theater chops yet they keep casting inexperienced people in these big screen musicals. The new West Side Story at least cast trained Broadway actors in the supporting roles which require more dancing skills than the lead roles of Tony and Maria. Even Ansel Elgort supposedly had musical theater experience from his high school days.
H looked gr8 wet in Aquaman with his Legolas hair.He should just wear a white vest all the time!
@onree that was a weak year, he should have cruised in. I'd happily drop WIll Smith or Leonardo DiCaprio from that line-up and replace with Patrick Wilson.
Whitaker > Gosling > WIlson > Smith > DiCaprio (haven't seen O'Toole)
Patrick Wilson needs a better agent
Jaragon -- inclined to agree.
Michael R.— maybe Chazelle can get an original musical going with her. They both have a young, genius sensibility and could come up with something genre-bending!
Sometimes though when I wonder "Why hasn't Patrick Wilson done another movie musical?" I remember that he was in the disastrous 'The Phantom of the Opera', so maybe it's a conscious choice on his part.