Links: Madonna, Ghostbusters, James Bond, Emmy Campaigns, etc...

• EW six different cover stars for Entertainment Weekly's "50 Years of Gay Pride" issue: Wilson Cruz, Anderson Cooper, Melissa Etheridge, Janet Mock, Neil Patrick Harris, and Ruby Rose
• Coming Soon Sigourney Weaver confirms that the original cast will return for a Ghostbusters 3
• Travel + Leisure a movie theater in Switzerland has beds instead of seats now for movies. Want
More after the jump including Emmy campaigning, Madonna's "Dark Ballet" and Brad Pitt's honorable cease & desist...
• AV Club We've always loved Brad Pitt but here's another reason. He was pissed that the organizers of the upcoming "Straight Pride Parade" in Boston were using him as a visual mascot for their nonsense and sent a cease and desist
• Playbill rumors abound that perfect magical two-time Tony winning great, Sutton Foster, will have a musical number in season 6 of Younger. It's crazy that they've benched that particular talent of hers for this long on that show.
• Vanity Fair on Late Night's sudden switch from a wide opening to one week limited and whether or not that had anything to do with Booksmart
• Film School Rejects good piece on the original Godzilla (1954) and the context in which it was born
• Indie Wire on how Emmy campaigning hit the road this year, in an attempt to reach voters outside of NY and LA
• The Guardian "Actors playing nightmarish versions of themselves in cinema - ranked!" (inspired by Keanu Reeves in Always Be My Maybe). The #1 choice is inarguable.
• Deadline Awesome news -Spike Lee's classic Do the Right Thing is getting a 30th anniversary one week re-release at the end of this month in select cities
• Variety Inside the AFI Lifetime Achievement party for Denzel Washington
• The Wrap Marc Anthony has joined the cast of Lin-Manuel Miranda's In the Heights adaptation
• Deadline Kevin Hart eyeing a remake of Christmas sorta classic Scrooged (1988)
• Boy Culture on Madonna's new video "Dark Ballet" starring Mykki Blanco
• The Guardian what's going on with the new Bond film? Rewrites, an explosion on set, and more...
• IndieWire WarnerMedia will be throwing its hat into the ring in 2020 as yet another streaming service
This weekend's must read
"Madonna at Sixty" is the exceptional long read cover story for NY Times Magazine this week. Beautifully written by Vanessa Griggoriadis (who grew up a Madonna fan) and the photos by JR are smashing as well.
Love so many bits from this. Here's one:
It was depressing that the younger generation didn’t seem to have an understanding of the way Madonna had used her iron will to forge a particular type of highly autobiographical, uber-empowered, hypersexualized female pop star who became the dominant model of femininity across the nation. Without Madonna, we don’t have Britney Spears, Lady Gaga and maybe even Janelle Monae. The doubles she played with during each of her transformations — not only the religious Madonna but the virgin, boy-toy, material girl, dominatrix, dancing queen, mom, yoga mom, adopting mom and, now, sexagenarian claiming her space among artists two generations younger — were fun-house representations of conventional femininity. They refracted and reflected a future most of us didn’t know was coming before she showed it to us.
P.S. Unfortunately we soon learned that Madonna hates the article.
Reader Comments (18)
Straight Pride... ugh?
Kevin Hart wanting to do a remake of Scrooged...? AW HELL NAW!!!!
Madonna should've retired a decade ago.
Retired from what? The creation of art has no expiration date.
For what it's worth, and the Playbill article does mention this, Sutton Foster's character on Younger performed "The Lonely Goatherd" last season.
No chance of this video getting taken down. It was posted from the Rodgers & Hammerstein YouTube channel!
The accident on the Bond set is a pity and it's great that no one was seriously hurt. But the news of the rewrites is surely...not news? There's no direct correlation between the number of rewrites a script has and the quality of the eventual film. It makes sense to course-correct a story as you go. Let's just let them get on with it and we can assess the finished film when it comes out. (Not critiquing Nathaniel's decision to link to the story, just critiquing the story itself!)
thevoid -- what Mareko said. As long as people are alive they should be living. Some people live to be 100. should they just sit on a couch for half a century once they turn 50? Ridiculous. We all age. Ageism is self-hatred.
Edward -- well, "scrutiny" as the articlesays. The Bond pics get a lot of that. Sometimes frequent rewrites spell trouble (like the neews that Dark Phoenix was being rewritten constantly during filming. It definitely shows in the finished product.) and sometimes lots of passes and lots of writers = perfection. we shall see.
Rebel Heart was sooo so good and Madame X is... what is it?
I’m sorry Madonna herself didn’t love “Madonna at sixty”
It's her Lemonade, Peggy
I agree she should stick to creating infectious pop songs like she did in Rebel Heart
thevoid99 - you just posted "give me new Woody Allen movies!!!" a day or so ago. If Woody is permitted to make films into his mid 80s, certainly Madonna should be permitted to make music after 50.
Well, Madonna has stated that she felt raped from that article.
@Suzanne & Mareko-Madonna hasn't made anything interesting in more than a decade as she has become nothing more than an aging dinosaur trying to latch on to anything that is hot and trendy while all that stuff she said about the article about herself has made more of a salty aging bitch who really has nothing new or relevant to say.
thevoid99: Why the hate? "aging dinosaur"? "salty aging bitch"? Come on - that's not good.
Suzanne: I don't think Madonna should stop being public or tour or whatever, but as far as new music? Unfortunately, basically EVERY musician, male or female gets tapped out at some point. There's no shame in backing down for however long it takes if you feel tapped out. I like Weird Al more than Madonna (or most "pop" anything), but I'm not going to demand or expect he release new material if he just feels tired at 59. I'd love it, but if the recording part of his career is over? He's left a handsome legacy, and is, easily, one of the top 5 lyricists of twentieth and twenty-first century music.
I loved Rebel Heart - Madonna's last album - so I am more than happy for her new album.
And the 'Straight Pride Parade' is an under-cover Nazi rally, which is why Dickhead Milo is part of it.
Indonesian movie theaters have had beds as some of the seats for quite a while now.
"Scrooged" is a terrible movie ! The original Gozdilla remains a terrifying nuclear bomb nightmare
Madonna's new record is actually earning some very strong reviews so far. I'm sure as more trickle in we'll see some less flattering ones, but she's an icon and has a pretty sterling discography. I see no reason why she should stop releasing music, if in fact she wants to continue doing so (and it seems like she does). She's definitely in a bind--if she tries new things, she's portrayed as desperate and vampiric and trend-chasing, and people assume that she doesn't genuinely care about the new things she's trying. If she just, say, did a greatest-hits show or released Confessions Part II, she'd officially be deemed a nostalgia act or giving in to fan demand or whatever.
Anyway, like the song or not, "Medellin" is very different from her previous singles--she's continued to try new things and expand her sound over the years, mostly successfully, which I think is admirable. I think her last few albums have their flaws, but they are WAY better than they are given credit for.
Here's part of what I don't get: if someone is not a fan, why would you care enough to want someone to retire? There's plenty of musicians I dislike or feel neutral about, but I believe in their right to continue to work!
JJM -- here, here! on that first paragraph. well said.