Cláudio gives thanks, 2020

2020 has been a rollercoaster of a year, as full of dismay as of jubilation. I started it sick, feverish, and bone-tired, a fitting first chapter to an annus horribilis fated to forever be remembered for worldwide disease. As the months unfurled, much happened, including cinematic triumphs whose wonder I couldn't believe, universal despairs I hoped would always be enclosed in my nightmares, loss, and life.
Thanksgiving isn't a holiday we have in Portugal, but I admire the idea of celebrating gratitude, of giving thanks to what makes our existence happy or at least tolerable. With that in mind, I'd like to express my gratitude for some wonders of cinema, TV, and pop culture, that made living through 2020 just a tiny bit easier…
- Jane Fonda's pause before announcing Parasite as the first-ever non-English speaking Best Picture winner was sublime. History was made that night, she knew it, and savored the moment. It's the first time since I started following the Oscars when the night's big champion was, in fact, my favorite picture of the year. I was euphoric and in tears, clapping along to Bong Joon-Ho's much-deserved consecration.
- In a year with no Eurovision, the Netflix movie was a delightful antidote to despair with a killer soundtrack to boot. "Husavik" should win the Oscar.
- Crystal Methyd's clowning her way through RuPaul's Drag Race and Jaida Essence Hall's marvelous victory. Look over there!
- Spending my birthday watching over 60 short films by Alice Guy-Blaché. It was the first time since I can remember when I didn't go to a cinema on this date, but the great pioneer of early filmmaking made the occasion a happy one nonetheless.
- For over a decade I've been a fan and faithful reader of The Film Experience. Writing for it and being part of the team has been a dream come true. Furthermore, the opportunity to participate in the Supporting Actress Smackdown of 1938 was like a gift from the heavens. Sorry if I sound like a fanboy, but, as a dear friend of mine and fellow TFE reader told me, it felt like being part of the Beatles for a day.
- While I loved participating in the smackdown, I was terrified and beyond nervous when it came time to record the podcast. I'd never done that sort of thing before but it wouldn't be the last time I'd do it in 2020. The wonderful Juan Carlos Ojano also invited me to talk about the 2001 Best Foreign Language Film race in his podcast, The One-Inch Barrier. We talked for longer than the length of Lagaan and it was amazing.
- Mark Cousins' Women Make Film, which sees film history and cinematic craft through a prism of female artistry. I could have listened to Tilda Swinton read the phone book, so soothing is her voice.
- Succession's main theme (three cheers for Nicholas Britell!) and the Shakespearean wrongness of the show's family dynamics. I know I'm late to the party, but binging the series before its Emmy victories was great fun.
- The transporting power of Ghost Tropic, a perfect film that warmed my soul like a loving kiss in a winter night.
- The melancholic hug of First Cow, the revelatory writings of Roads to Nowhere. Basically, I'm thankful for Kelly Reichardt.
- Getting to share my favorite achievements of the cinematic year over on Twitter as a distraction from the stress of American elections. The response to this thread has been lovely and people's recommendations have been eye-opening too. Even in these dark times, the shared love of cinema can be a blissful respite from a chaotic world.
- The bright colors of Inherent Vice, which I revisited at home earlier this month. It was one of the first features I ever watched alongside my nephew (born this year) and the adorable fellow was entranced by Paul Thomas Anderson's trippy mystery. It was probably the cinematography that did it, though he might also be a fan of the soundtrack. In case you're interested in his garbled opinions, Tomás also seems to enjoy Anna Magnani but he has little patience for Carl T. Dreyer.
Reader Comments (21)
Claudio, I am thankful for your writing and contributions to The Film Experience. Thanks to you, I'm going to have to get a dictionary for Christmas.
PS I'm glad to know someone else enjoyed the nuttiness of the Eurovision movie. Maybe the Golden Globes will category fraud Dan Stevens into a Best Actor nom?
Cláudio, I'm thankful for your contributions to The Film Experience this year. I especially love the fact that you take the time to write about films featured on the Criterion Channel even though you do not have access to the Channel. I hope for your sake it comes to Portugal soon.
That twitter thread is incredible. I was thinking Best Supporting Actor was a little dull this year, but after you reminded me of their great performances, I'm all in for Matthew Macfadyen and Brian Dennehy.
Thankful for your prolificness! xo
Claudio Thankyou for the great posts this year they certainly have generated lots of interest and goodwill towards you.
And I also wanna thank Claudio for his writings (and his Twitter). Hoping to keep reading it
Thank you Claudio for being one of the best writers around! We will always enjoy your posts
A big thank you, Cláudio, your articles are some of the very best in a page where the quality of the writing is already tops.
Dave in Hollywood -- I'm a big Eurovision fan (the song contest) and watch it every year with my family. This year, it was canceled, so the movie came in a grand time, filling a void with silly joy.
jules -- Glad you enjoyed the Twitter thread. I plan on adding more mini FYCs as I watch more movies. Regarding Criterion Channel, I even tried accessing it through a VPN but the geoblocking is too good. I'd love it if they came to Portugal and I'd immediately subscribe. At least they now sell Blu-Rays playable in Europe and I just got my first four Criterion Collection editions.
NATHANIEL R -- Thanks for putting up with my constant e-mails and those gigantic lists of pitches at the start of each month. It's amazing to be part of Team Experience too, and I'll be forever grateful that you let me join along.
Thank you all for the kind words. I've written online about cinema since 2014 but only since starting writing for TFE have I got comments and this amount of feedback. I'm always happy to read your replies to my pieces and know that you enjoy them. I think it's making me a better writer and it's always nice to share the love for movies.
If there's one thing I'm thankful for in 2020 (apart from that adorable fellow named Tomás) is the Film Experience folk, both writers and readers. Thank you so much!
Obrigado, Claudio!
Thanks for all of your contributions, Claudio! You are fabulous and I'm thankful for each of your posts.
Killing it Cláudio!
You are so endearing and talented and insightful! I love reading your work!
That is an adorable kid. Yet, he's not as cool as my nephew. 19 months old and already wild.
Um grande obrigado a você, Cláudio! Fazia tempo que eu não me entusiasmava tanto com alguém escrevendo sobre cinema. É simplesmente uma delícia te ler e compartilhar do seu amor por filmes (e figurinos e diretores de fotografia). Vida longa, meu querido!
Thank you, Claudio, for all your contributions to TFE. The breadth and depth of your knowledge & love of film are positively awe-inspiring, as is your ability to write so well in a *second* language.
Hey Cláudio. Thanks for yours posts. I am really proud of you and it's always a pleasure and an exciting time to read your contributions to filmexperience :)
Claudio, I always get so excited when I start to read one of your articles. Your breath of knowledge about film is truly incredible. We - your readers - are so lucky to have you on this site. Thank you sir.
Thank you for representing all the Portuguese movie-lovers!
Thank you for having your own opinion and not just going with the (internet) flow.
Thank you for being so prolific.
Obrigado, Cláudio. Continua esse bom trabalho que tens feito.
Bradley -- I'm glad you enjoy my work. I always see faults in it, mostly that I'm too verbose and long-winded, but it's nice to know others appreciate my ramblings on cinema.
thevoid99 -- Tomás thanks you for the compliment. I'm sure your nephew is amazing too :)
Antônio -- Vida longa para ti também. Adoro sempre ler os teus comentários nos meus artigos.
Lynn Lee -- That really means a lot, especially coming from such a wonderful writer as yourself. I was a bit insecure, at first, about writing in English since I hadn't done it extensively since 2017. I'm glad that the fact this is my second language didn't hurt the content or the message. I just love to share my love of cinema with all of you.
Mário -- Obrigado, meu querido. Aquele comentário dos Beatles veio de uma das nossas conversas em Montemor. Obrigado por leres estas minhas coisas e de seres um grande amigo. Abraço.
Michael R. -- I'm lucky to have all of you reading my stuff.
Ed -- Muito obrigado pelas palavras e por leres os meus artigos. Fico feliz que possam entreter aqueles que os leem.
Thank you all so much for the kind words. You actually made me cry. When feeling down it's always amazing to read such kindness from others and I'm glad you all enjoy my writing. I'm eternally thankful for all of you. Happy Thanksgiving.
Add me to the legion of Claudio appreciators. Keep up the great work, my friend!
A major revelation!
Huzzah, Cláudio!
TFE is better for having you!
I wish you the best!
Keep on rocking!