I Dream of... Ruby?

by Nathaniel R
"Ask her about Cold Mountain! Or who her favourite actors were as a child!" I pleaded with a certain Australian goddess. But this REM version of Nicole Kidmanwasn't cooperating. (We know it's considered dull to discuss dreams unsolicited but you'll forgive us when it involves subconscious actressexuality, won't you?)
You see, in my dream last night, Kidman had been asked to moderate a Renée Zellwegger tribute where very long clips were shown...
Curiously the clips played with no breaks, the sound dropping out periodically suggesting that that's when Nic and Zeéeeee were meant to start jabbering, as if recording an ol' DVD commentary. Nicole had gone as blank as fragile lovelorn Ada Monroe in 19th century North Carolinian couteur and I had rushed in to rescue her. 'Nicole, it's Nathaniel!' Audience members were restless and the walkouts had begun. Meanwhile the tributee waited tetchily pretending not to care, recalling that exact moment in Chicago where Roxy responds to CZJ's desperate showboating.
"Or ask her about the time you met on Jerry Maguire? I'm guessing you did right, given the timing? Audiences love stars sharing personal anecdotes!" This was my last idea and I was as desperate as Velma Kelly. But something stirred on both their faces. Was this the key to jumpstart the conversation? Had I saved the event like some actressexual superhero?
And then I woke up.
Reader Comments (26)
Damn, I think you need therapy. Maybe begin your April Fools predictions right now to help your sanity? Or (though it always drips with disdain to read) your sani"Zee".
Oh wow.
I don't put much stock in the Oscars anymore. Hell, Kim Kardashian could win one and I probably wouldn't care.
Unpopular opinion: Kidman is charming and effective in Cold Mountain and I like her chemistry with Jude Law
Mirko, I actually think Law is legitimately very good in the movie and actually deserved his Oscar nomination.
OK this post is ... different. Totally oniric.
But i have to admit that i love the edition work of the first image.
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who dreams about movie stars. (Sometimes I think it means they're too much on my subconscious.)
I’m always intrigued by which stars rub people the wrong way. Zellweger doesn’t strike me as the type to inspire vitriol, but I can understand her not being someone’s “thing.”
All this Zellweger thing these days... Maybe I need therapy to deal with the fact Patricia Clarkson (PIECES OF APRIL) should have won that Oscar for Best Supporting Actress and that Scarlett Johansson (MARRIAGE STORY) should have won her Oscar for Best Actress...! Oh well...!
For some reason if i have a famous person dream it's always Jamie Lee Curtis I meet.
I appreciate the Mullholand Dr. quality of this post.
i dream often of Meryl Streep, but it's never about movies. Thanks, Nathaniel for sharing your dream. is there a hatred/strong dislike here for Nicole Kidman? I'm a huge fan. for example, she was so good in The Hours. but my gay friend circle hates her and won't even discuss it anymore.
rrrich7 -- Nicole Kidman is beloved round these parts. Just click on her "tag" and see how often we write about her :)
rrrich7 - Think of the Renée hate, invert that to love and you have Kidman’s treatment on this site.
The two Botox babes in the first pic look appalled at your natural aging. They look ready to kick your old withered ass out of frame!
After the dismissal of the extraordinary Pan’s Labyrinth and The Lives Of Others in the other thread and this post, maybe a change in recreational drugs or a nice vacay is needed. Let the great team experience, Claudio mainly as others have rightfully pointed out, take the lead for a bit. Hope you feel better soon. Xo
I never thought I would recommend this, but maybe insomnia is for you?
I swear y'all are no fun. Even a silly post of sharing a dream and you use it to insult. Why y'all so toxic? Who hurt you? Practice kindness. it's fun.
laquanda -- i dont do drugs.
mark -- that's so random and cool. I mean Jamie Lee Curtis? Why the hell not!
jules -- i use to dream about them more often. but lately not so much.
Peter -- i also love Jude Law in COLD MOUNTAIN. but the movie is... a mess.
Was kidding, i swear you're no fun outside of one or two commenters. And fine not drugs, medications.
Love this post Nathaniel :)
This post is a great litmus test. If you (a commenter) read it without a smile, maybe YOU shouldn't read this blog/change instead of expecting the materials to change? It is weird...there are so many blogs in this world...why does any one of them needs to fit your taste 24/7. I, for example, generally disliked Nathaniel's preference for Angelina Jolie > Jennifer Aniston, but that hasn't stopped me from reading this blog for so many many years now...
Silly me. I read the post thinking that wasn't actually a dream but just random thoughts. If we can share dreams with actors i would like to share one that i haved two days ago.
One person were organizing a choreography for a party but no one man wanted to be part of it so, i decided to include myself in the crew and for some reason i choose to wear a skirt instead of pants.
That action makes that more men wanted to join and one of them was: JOAQUIN PHOENIX. He also take off his pants and puts a skirt on himself and then we all together started to dance while people was celebrating to him.
In the next "scene" i was dancing alone wearing a blue tuxedo and is all what i remember.
Cesar -- i love it. dreams are fun in short doses.
Cold Mountain star's are 4 Oscars winners and 1 Oscar nominee. Kidman, Zee, Hoffman, and Portman plus Law.
Well, I want to say on this topic that drams when becoming a reality when we work for this. so doing hard work always and get success in life. https://justpva.com/