Have you ever heard Cynthia Erivo sing 'The Last Five Years'?

by Nathaniel R
Twas very depressed last night scrolling through social media (rarely a good idea) when I chanced upon this reshare of a video from 2015 that I'd never seen. At some point just before The Color Purple' started its previews on Broadway a pre-fame (at last in regards to the US) Cynthia Erivo showed up at Marie's Crisis (for non New Yorkers, that's a very famous basement piano bar near Stonewall). She sang "I Can Do Better" in full (eagle eyes will spot her co-star Danielle Brooks right behind her). As a fan of Erivo and a crazy-obsessive Last Five Years stan (I went to the original Off Broadway run and listened to the cast recording on loop for a full year) this was pure heaven for five minutes...
...and five minutes of joy is nothing to underappreciate.
So if you also love Cynthia Erivo and/or The Last Five Years and/or Marie's Crisis, give this a watch. If you've never seen it (like myself) it's brand new to you!
P.S. The video is extra fun if you've ever been to Marie's Crisis because if you have you'll know that practically any of the strangers surrounding Erivo could totally pick it up and finish the song if Erivo were to quit mid-song; they wouldn't sound as good but the song is memorized!
P.P.S. In related news, am hardcore rooting for Cynthia Erivo to get Emmy-nominated for The Outsider. I didn't even love the show but she was phenomenal, totally specific and fascinating. (It's true I wasn't rooting for her Oscar nomination last season, but have loved her in everything else!)
P.P.P.S. Okay, now I'm depressed again because can't imagine when everyone will be singing their hearts out at a crowded piano bar again in our post COVID-19 world.
Reader Comments (17)
YAAAAS. She elevates everything and manages to find new shades that are unexpected/eye opening. Would love to see her in a production of this. Let's not talk about the film version....
In case you didn't know, Cynthia Erivo was in a one-day-only concert of The Last Five Years! If I recall correctly, there's a professional recording of her Still Hurting out there, and a (non-professional) audio only recording of the whole show from the audience. Hope that can bring a bit more joy into your days!
@RS I remember this happening. I think she did it with Joshua Henry and from listening it sounded great.
I love L5Y and between watching this and the Ariana Still Hurting from earier in the week U'd welcome a gender blind production of the show with a woman playing Jamie.
Honestly Cynthia's voice is a once in a generation and similar to how Beyonce sang the original song nominees that one year I'd welcome Cynthia singing the nominees (if appropriate) every year. I just love her voice so much.
Cynthia's rendition of "A Piece of Sky" (from YENTL) is earth-shattering. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKeQkTYWOnw
Whenever I think of Cynthia Erivo it will always be from her electrifying number of 'I'm Here' from The Color Purple. I think everyone in the audience gave her a standing ovation that night (I saw the production when Shug Avery was played by Jennifer Holliday).
She does a rendition of "You Will Be Found" with Pasek & Paul and I watched it over and over and over on YouTube.
Cynthia Erivo is a great singer as I often have her singing "This Old Heart of Mine" from Bad Times at the El Royale in my head as it is one of the best renditions of that song that I've ever heard in my life. Eat your heart Rod Stewart you aging old fuck.
I'm only familiar with the movie version/soundtrack of The Last Five Years. Which cast recording would you recommend: Original Cast (2002) or Off-Broadway (2013)?
She is truly so so gifted. I don't Harriet was a great vehicle for her by any means, but I hope she has an illustrious career and gets the movie musical she so richly deserves. I'm sure she'll get that Oscar very soon.
Original over revival FOR SURE. Norbert Leo Butz and Sherrie Renee Scott were divine.
She’s amazing. I can’t tell you how much time I’ve spent watching clips of her singing on YouTube. Both “You will be Found” and “Rewrite the Stars” are great when I need a pick me up.
@thefilmjunkie -- i concur with Arkaan. Sherie Rene Scott and Norbert Leo Butz ARE kathy & jamie so go with them.
"I went to the original Off Broadway run and listened to the cast recording on loop for a full year) this was pure heaven for five minutes..."
Wait, are you from New York? We'd never have guessed...
i love how enraptured the audience is. those lucky queens will be telling this story for years
Brita -- you got me. haha. good diss
Par -- right?
Raul & Biggs -- i will seek those out!
She is the REAL DEAL. Been spending a LOT of time on YouTube watching some wonderful musical performances like this one at Marie's Crisis and 54 Below. Even watched the whole of I'd Do Anything (a singing competition from 2008, where Andrew Lloyd Webber casts a new Nancy in Oliver!) with babies Samantha Barks and Jessie Buckley.
That voice!!! Goosebumps. Also she is so good at singing in a US accent while sounding totally natural. Thanks for sharing Nathaniel