Bring Your Own "Yes No Maybe So"

So many new trailers. Nightmare Alley, Pam & Tommy, She-Hulk, Spider-Man No Way Home, Dog, Marry Me, Turning Red, Moonfall. Let's watch them all after the jump...
Yes - This is much much better than the first trailer which we discussed at length. It also looks more promising as a fresh adaptation of the novel as opposed to trying to outdo the already excellent 1947 noir. Also bonus points for Bradley Cooper taking his shirt off this time around. The lie detector 'are you really psychic?' framing device is clearer and more fun than the last trailer's messy heavily edited carnie shouting. ("Under the right circumstances" while looking at a stack of money is a great edit, as is the smear of blood when talking about dealing with snake charmers.
No - Still could be more Crimson Tide than Shape of Water as Guillermo del Toro projects go.
Maybe So - Not enough Toni Collette! Never enough Toni Collette.
Yes - Surprise. This has the potential to be an absolute blast and the hair and makeup work is already in overachievement mode. That's Lily James? The cast which also includes Sebastian Stan (underrated), Taylor Schilling, Nick Offerman (beloved but weirdly under-Emmyed), and Seth Rogen looks really into it which is a good sign. The trailer construction is stellar.
Maybe So - Good trash or bad trash? It's a fine line.
No - Don't really have one but one can't help but wonder how this next TV season of miniseries can possibly live up to expectations for the form after the last TV season's high water mark.
Yes - Sam Raimi & Alfred Molina's take on Doctor Octopus is a better villain than the MCU ever come up with thereafter. Should be great fun to see him again. Tom Holland is still a joy as Spidey and if the rumors are true it might provide a temporary thrill to see Andrew Garfield and Tobey Macguire and Holland sharing the screen like a superhero cosplay convention.
Maybe So - Though, knowing today's 'always in close-up, shot-reverse-shot mandatory conversational filmmaking standards the thrill might be spoiled by them never actually sharing the same frame.
No - This is the first time we can ever recall watching a trailer that makes zero sense if you haven't seen the previous trailer for the same movie. It's a sequel in and of itself. This is not a good sign. The multi-verse and superhero cinema at large is already giving off major Oroborus vibes, as it begins the potentially lengthy but hopefully merciful process of devouring itself.
Yes - Nothing to go on here but Tatiana Maslany (extremely talented). It's cute that it references the original "Incredible Hulk" TV series from the 1970s, though.
No - Marvel oversaturation was delayed a bit by COVID-19 but it's definitely upon us in 2021/2022
Maybe So - the comic tone and legal sitcom genre might be hard to pull off while also not feeling too slight or too outside the larger MCU
Yes - Here for Patrick Wilson's 'i'm scared' face. Well, Patrick Wilson's face-face to be honest. Any emotion face.
No - If you've seen one Roland Emmerich CGI disaster movie...
Maybe So - Halle Berry surely needs a new agent. She's top billed but barely present in this trailer.
Yes - Have to admire JLo's commitment to the currently still-born Romantic Comedy genre. Owen Wilson is (sometimes) great fun to watch.
No - This high-concept premise looks utterly stupid...
Maybe So - ...on the other hand extra ridiculous premises can totally work in this genre. But will it be silly enough and really embrace screwballisms? It looks like it's trying to also be serious (uh oh) and make you feel. That has ruined the rewatchability and fun quotient of many modern romcoms.
Yes - Pixar originals are an automatic watch.
No - Trying wayyy too hard to be current while also appealing to 1990s boyband parental nostalgia enthusiasms?
Maybe So - Could be fun metaphor for puberty and root of much good slapstick... which the animated genre excels at.
Yes - The return of Channing Tatum. And Channing Tatum in comedic mode. Yes plz. Bonus points: Jane Adams in a supporting role.
No - Could have trouble balancing schmaltzy drama and nimble comedy.
Maybe So - This is doubling as Tatum's directorial debut and, you know, props to him for doing something small and light instead of trying to win an Oscar (which is more common with stars turned directors)
Reader Comments (8)
You mean Crimson Peak, of course, and for some of us that's in the Yes column.
Crimson Peak is a masterpiece and certainly one of del Toro's greatest achievements as it's just Gothic horror at its finest. I just saw Nightmare Alley last month and I loved it as I hope del Toro creates a damn good remake.
Pam & Tommy... I hope it's insanely fun and I want to see what those fake hooters look like. Spider-Man: No Way Home looks interesting but... I hope it doesn't become another Spider-Man 3 or worse... The Amazing Spider-Man 2. That one fucking SUCKED.
Yes on She-Hulk and Turning Red but... FUCK NO on Moonfall. Fuck Roland Emmerich! He should be banned from making movies 4 life after the horror that was Stonewall.
Not going to see the rest of the trailers as I kinda know what to expect.
PAM & TOMMY: Yes, although.....if it doesn't show SebStan driving the boat with his dick, I'm calling it a flop for the rest of my days.
NO WAY HOME: Maybe So. Holland's a constellation and Molina and Defoe look/sound amazing. The jokes (like why is Doc Ock's name that ridiculous? And that obnoxious Scooby Doo one...*GROAN*!) are awful. Not every MCU trailer needs 50 jokes! Also, I agree on the whole "trailer is a sequel to the first trailer" point.
SHE-HULK: YES. Love the character and am thrilled Maslany is taking it on. But I wanted at least a full frontal shot of her...
NIGHTMARE ALLY: Yes. In fact make that a YAS. The shot of what looks like a Carol reunion between Cate and Rooney has me gagged.
SEEING RED: Maybe So. Looks ADORABLE, but also seems like it'll be more mid- to lower-tier Pixar. Sandra Oh is a gift tho #CristinaYang4eva
MARRY ME: Maybe So. The premise sounds ridiculous, but also fun? I like JLo as an actress, and am always down for a good romcom. But this also sounds like it'll just be a "fun concept, bland execution" sitch.
MOONFALL: Oddly enough, I'm a Maybe So. I don't know why but I am.
DOG: No. Channing Tatum may be hotter then a fresh out of the oven pizza, but not even he can make this look anything other then cloying and trying to tug on my heartstrings.
I'm finding it hard to be interested in Marvel movies now. They are getting more and more like a TV series of cookie-cutter quality.
Maybe so on Spiderman then.
Yes on Lily James' transformation. I really doubted her at the beginning but this looks promising.
Definitely YES on Nightmare Alley.
Yes, yes, yes on NIGHTMARE ALLEY. The original went from underrated noir (most people I knew never even heard of it before GdT announced the remake, followed by the Criterion release) to overrated noir pretty fast. It's no OUT OF THE PAST or DOUBLE INDEMNITY and this remake may solve the sluggish middle act problems in the 40s film.
Also, count me as on team CRIMSON PEAK. I loved it on opening night and I'm here for the inevitable reevaluation. SPEED RACER and THE COUNSELOR are now legit, thanks, in part to Scott Tobias's column. NIGHTMARE ALLEY is next. I'd say it's a top five del Toro film, easily. Maybe top three.
Given all the TV trailers, I'm surprised the Gilded Age isn't here! That one looks like there will be a lot of actressing.
The Nightmare Alley trailer looks solid, but there might be a bit too much green screen for my taste. Things look a bit artificial. However, Cate looks great here and I usually find her a bit ho-hum in genre fare. This trailer does make her look like a leading lady (but that might be more about selling the film).
Dog looks...underwhelming to say the least. But Tatum is a great comedic movie star, so I hope audiences who enjoy that type of film flock to it.
Pam and Tommy looks really trashy. Like, Ryan Murphy trashy. But, I suspect there's more there and I'd be shocked if it isn't a major emmy player. Shows about the early internet and celebrity pre-instagram have been doing quite well.
Lily James is going for that Emmy.
Miss last season when they were all indie flicks