Glenda Jackson (1936-2023)

WOMEN IN LOVE (1969) Ken Russell
Some people feel like they'll never die, their presence bound to eternity, shackled to forever. Deep down, we know it's not true, that no one lives forever. Self-delusion is easier than questioning those innocent untruths that, like laws of the universe, make life seem less chaotic. For me, Glenda Jackson was one of those impossible constancies, someone who wouldn't, couldn't die. And yet, here we are. This past Thursday, June 15th, news broke that the two-time Oscar winner turned politician, turned back to actress, was gone. She died peacefully at her London home, leaving behind a legacy whose majesty is hard to overstate.
On this sad occasion, let's look back to that inheritance, remember the glorious Glenda Jackson and what made her so uniquely great…