Review: Bill & Ted Face the Music

by Lynn Lee
Until a couple of weeks ago I had never seen any of the Bill & Ted movies, despite being a late Gen-Xer and longstanding fan of Keanu Reeves. Now, having watched all three in a row, I can confirm most triumphantly that if you enjoyed the first two, you will have a bodacious time watching the third. If you’re a Bill & Ted-curious newcomer, I recommend giving Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure a whirl first and seeing if you dig its vibe. If not, the latest installment, Bill & Ted Face the Music, probably won’t do anything for you.
For me, getting a crash course in Bill & Ted three decades after their debut was a pleasantly surreal experience. Not that they were total strangers to me; any adolescent with any exposure to pop culture in the ’90s had at least some familiarity with the amiably vacuous duo, their iconic SoCal-inflected catchphrases, and their penchant for spontaneous air guitar in response to anything that pleased them. But seeing them in their original context felt like jumping into their rickety phone booth and traveling back to a more innocent time – for both me and them...