TV Review: Inventing Anna (Netflix)

By: Christopher James
Julia Garner brings to life viral sensation Anna Delvey in Shonda Rhimes' latest show "Inventing Anna."We have a long history of idolizing iconoclast grifters. From Robin Hood to Jesse James, there’s something alluring about an outlaw getting one over on the hoity-toity establishment. Perhaps this is why Jessica Pressler’s article about Anna Delvey in The Cut went viral when it came out in 2018. Delvey pretended to be a German heiress and conned her way to the top of New York society. She lived large in swanky hotels and on lavish Marrikesh vacations all without paying for a dime of it herself. This was never destined to last, and Delvey wound up in jail for her crimes.
Netflix’s Inventing Anna dramatizes Delvey’s exploits, with Emmy winner Julia Garner bringing her to life...