Thankful for... Cláudio Alves!

This year for our "thankful for" column we're mixing it up a bit. Instead of asking our contributors to share a brief list of favourite things, I'm interviewing them so you can get to know them a bit better. We love them all, here, at TFE HQ and hope you do too. On Thanksgiving's Eve let's talk to our most frequent contributor, CLÁUDIO ALVES.
Cláudio first joined us two and a half years ago and it makes all kind of sense that his first piece was on the potential of Oscar's costume design race of 2019. He blesses us with his expressive writing so often it's hard to choose favourites or even know where to point you but if you're just joining us but our most popular series, currently, is his "Almost There" column on performances that didn't quite win Oscar favor so start there! Other passions of his include film festivals and International Cinema and Hollywood History. Any links in this interview go to related beautiful pieces of his, too.
Here's our short interview...
When did you first fall in love with the movies?