Review: 'Ticket to Paradise'

By: Christopher James
It's an Ocean's Eleven reunion, as George Clooney and Julia Roberts headline "Ticket to Paradise"They don’t make them like they used to.
I’m talking about movie stars, not movies. From frame one of Ticket to Paradise, Universal’s new romantic comedy, George Clooney and Julia Roberts have not just expertly defined their “love to hate” relationship. They’ve also reminded the audience that movie stars like them don’t exist anymore, and it’s a damn shame. Clooney’s twinkly eye and Roberts’ infectiously wide grin both make them instantly recognizable. However, both actors are shrewd enough to know how to use their movie star gifts for maximum effort. Ticket to Paradise hardly reinvents the wheel, but it is a breezy enough excuse to reunite the Ocean’s Eleven co-stars for an incredibly fun and funny trip to Bali.
The stage is set pretty quickly.