How Had I Never Seen..."Planes, Trains and Automobiles"

By Ben Miller
There isn't a long list of well-regarded Thanksgiving films, but John Hughes' 1987 comedy Planes, Trains and Automobiles is defintely near the top of it. It took me 30 years to catch up, but I finally have!. Featuring two pitch-perfect performances from stars Steve Martin and John Candy, the film continues to elicit laughter after all these years.
Neil Page (Martin) is an advertising executive on a business trip to New York City. Eager to return to his family in Chicago for Thanksgiving, he attempts to hail a cab to the airport. After losing a cab to Jake Briggs (Kevin Bacon from Hughes' She's Having a Baby) and getting extorted by a lawyer, his cab is inadvertently stolen by Del Griffith (Candy)...